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AWS Hack Day Experience - AWS Washington DC Meetup

The presentation is an experience report at the AWS Public Sector Summit - Hack for Good, to outline how the capabilities offered by the AWS Platform along with a right mindset can help a team build and outline a solution for a Real Business Problem even in a short duration of 8 hours. Our proposed solution was to provide donors with them stories, that they can relate to and encourage them to make an actionable donation By extending this gift of empathy, one can help greatly improve someone's life. Our solution was build using the AWS Services namely Comprehend Custom Entity Model and Serverless Stack comprising of AWS API Gateway and Lambda.

Team Objectives / Problem Selection Metrics

As a team, we wanted to collaborate on a Problem that would help us develop solution which could address the following objectives:

Techincal Objectives

  1. AI / Machine Learning Challenge
  2. Serverless Solution

Business Objectives

  1. Be Actionable
  2. Be a relatively short term solution.



  1. Rejected Problems which tend to focus on Voice Bots.
  2. Rejected Problems which only wanted a Technical Upgrade.

UNHCR wanted to the Teams to evaluate News and Media articles and present them capabilities to:

  1. Engages Americans in support of the world’s 68.5 million displaced people.
  2. Help enhance website with the ability for two-way communications that inspires interest, engenders empathy and allows Americans to more easily engage on refugee issues.

Idea Phase

"Found the Tech Stack / Lets do it Phase"


  1. Process the news articles through an Entity Detection Model - AWS Comprehend and categorize the news appropriately say by Country
  2. Distribute the News based upon Country or Nationality identified in the Entity Detection Module.


  1. Did not resonate with the Problem Statement.
  2. Did not align with "Actionable Business Objective"
  3. Client already had done that.

Back to the Drawing Board

Agile Practices at its best. Only when you manage your own budget / Blank Check

  1. "Engages Americans in support" - What stories are important to people?
  2. Categorize Donors or Individuals into Personas
    • Family
    • Empathy for Violence
    • Religion
    • Health and Well Being

Challenges / Decisions

Challenge Decision
Custom Model Development Custom Comprehend Model
Actionable Donation Gifts for Refugees

Sprint Planning

Phase Objective Fallback
Model Development Categorize a news Article based upon the Custom Comprehend Model None
Integration Endpoint React Frontend API
Proposal Powerpoint Deck None


Model - Comprehend Custom Entity Modeling

Detailed steps about the Custom Entity Modeling are availabe here

  1. Prepared a document with a list of values which we were looking for.
  2. Setup a Custom Classifier Job on the AWS Comprehend Console
  3. Start the Detection Job using start-entities-detection-job CLI
aws comprehend start-entities-detection-job \
            --entity-recognizer-arn "arn:aws:comprehend:us-east-1:013730889080:entity-recognizer/PersonaRecognizerFamily6" \ 
            --job-name IndiaFloodsDataFamily --data-access-role-arn "arn:aws:iam::013730889080:role/service-role/AmazonComprehendServiceRole-aws-hack-day-s3role" \ --language-code en \
            --input-data-config "S3Uri=s3://aws-devday-hack-team7/IndiaFloods.txt" \
            --output-data-config "S3Uri=s3://aws-devday-hack-team7/indiafloodresults" --region us-east-1
  1. Review the results
    "Entities": [
            "BeginOffset": 520,
            "EndOffset": 524,
            "Score": 0.7068798542022705,
            "Text": "huts",
            "Type": "FAMILY"
            "BeginOffset": 551,
            "EndOffset": 559,
            "Score": 0.7578069567680359,
            "Text": "orchards",
            "Type": "FAMILY"
            "BeginOffset": 1065,
            "EndOffset": 1071,
            "Score": 0.5238461494445801,
            "Text": "places",
            "Type": "FAMILY"
            "BeginOffset": 1098,
            "EndOffset": 1102,
            "Score": 0.5044220089912415,
            "Text": "navy",
            "Type": "FAMILY"
            "BeginOffset": 1615,
            "EndOffset": 1620,
            "Score": 0.514423668384552,
            "Text": "towns",
            "Type": "FAMILY"
    "File": "IndiaFloods.txt",
    "Line": 0

Integration Endpoint - Serverless Application Model

Time Crunch!!! Be Agile. FALLBACK!!! Decided to build an AWS API Gateway/ Lambda Serverless Solution to simulate the front end.


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Host:' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{"persona": "VIOLENCE"}'


    "newsArticle": "",
    "donateLink": "",
    "story": "The 11 deaths that took place from July 26, 2018, to March 13, 2019, included fatal drive-by shootings, the UN rights office said in a report."


The presentation we did for the judges and client is here. Also we proposed a Data Pipeline that would help integrate the news feed end to end. DataPipeline

Featured AWS Services

AWS Comprehend - Custom Entity Modeling

  1. Enables extending the Out of the Box Model Provided by AWS.
  2. Faciliates Business or Domain Specific Recategorization of the Data. Amazon offers a Comprehend Medical Service.
  3. Bold Statement - Eliminates Bias from a Service Provider.

Serverless Application Model

  1. Benefits of SAM - Unit Testable Lambda Function Starter Kit
 npm test 
  1. Works with CloudFormation to Simplify Deployment Pipelines. #DevOps
sam package \
    --template-file template.yaml \
    --output-template-file packaged.yaml \
    --s3-bucket aws-devday-hack-team7

sam deploy \
    --template-file packaged.yaml \
    --stack-name persona-donator-node \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  1. My Advice - Stop Writing Lambda functions in AWS Console.
sam init --help


Hack Day developing solutions for non profits






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