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Installation and Usage

Bohr Shaw edited this page May 20, 2013 · 2 revisions


  • NodeJS >= 0.6.16
  • NPM >= 1.1.16
  • libxml2-dev


# Be sure you have sourcemint installed:
npm install -g sm

# Then:
sm clone --dev cloud9

# or
git clone cloud9
cd cloud9
sm install

The above install steps create a cloud9 directory in your current directory. Just cd into it and run bin/ to start:

cd cloud9

Optionally, you may specify the directory you'd like to edit:

bin/ -w ~/git/myproject

Cloud9 will be started as a web server on port -p 3131, you can access it by pointing your browser to: http://localhost:3131

By default Cloud9 will only listen to localhost. To listen to a different IP or hostname, use the -l HOSTNAME flag. If you want to listen to all IP's:

bin/ -l

If you are listening to all IPs it is adviced to add authentication to the IDE. You can either do this by adding a reverse proxy in front of Cloud9, or use the built in basic authentication through the --username and --password flags.

bin/ --username leuser --password c9isawesome

Cloud9 is compatible with all connect authentication layers, to implement your own, please see the plugins-server/cloud9.connect.basic-auth plugin on how we added basic authentication.