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Trading Systems Simulator

Investment automation is a challenge since the beginning of stock markets. With the evolution of computational power, this dream is getting closer to reality.

In this context, this repository develops and apply some computational techniques to automate investments. The proposed tool for backtesting multicriteria decision making investment strategies signal based, has some simple outputs such as buy, wait and sell. This approach is made in a way that removes some psychological aspects of human’s traders, that have significant impact on the decision making process under uncertainty conditions.

Similar to others approaches it uses technical indicators, however it is different from usual approaches, this method focuses on usage for day trade operation of mini future contracts of index Bovespa, with candles of $5$ minutes frequency. Even though, the proposed tool seems to be relevant (i) to improve the data acquisition process, that can be challenging depending of the equity and frequency; (ii) for data analysis, with customs metrics and visualizations; (iii) and for optimization and validation of custom and complex strategies, using python, that could be more challenging to implement using MQL5 on metatrader.

This project used backtrader, that is a python framework, used to backtesting and trading, allowing you to focus on writing reusable trading strategies, indicators and analyzers instead of spending time building infrastructure. This framework is great for custom-made strategies, with a open source code, and plenty of documentation and some quick examples. When all that is not enough, you can enjoy the community, extremely relevant from my point of view.


    data/                   # store output and source files
        analysis/           # source files used to analise data
           # source file used to structure, clean and orgnize source time series data
            data_analysis.ipynb #file used for data analysis
      #source file with functions used on
        analyzers_opt/      # store output of optimization steps
        samples/            # source files used to extract data from metatrader
            coletar_mini_xp_dates - Shortcut.lnk
            samples.rar     #mql5 files necessary to downlaod data from metatrader
    docs/                   # store output images and used for eventual  web documentation
        output/             # store output images from data analises
        pictures/           # store output images from time series analises   
    src/                    # main source files
        helpers/            # main source files
           # auxiliy function, parse_args(), to parse args commands, used on &
       # auxiliary function, pandasdatafeed(), to read source files, used on &
           # sample file used to validate functions integration, and initial setup            # main source files for optimizing strategies/signals params and analyzing it.     # main source files for testing strategies         # setting files with optimaztion params, source file paths, outputs and others          # signals, based on tecnical indicators, used on       # strategies used on &
    testes/                 # tests
        samples/          # context files used on test to import libraries nad insert filepaths from src        # test file for data/analysis/ # test file for data/analysis/        # test file for src/helpers/    # test file for src/

How to get data source file

  • To generate the timeseries dataset is necessary to compile the script coletar_mini_xp.mql5 on Metatrader in order to generate the ".ex5" file and then run it. the files and scripts necessary are under data\samples\samples.rar

  • To access the MetaQuotes, the script editor in Metatrader, press F4 on the main window

  • In order to change the security collected you need to change the variable nome_ativo, for example: string nome_ativo= "WIN$N". You can find some other examples commented on the mentioned file.

How to use data\analysis

  • you can find in this folder, the source file that can be used to structure data source: data\analysis\

  • you can find as well, the jupiter notebook file to make the data analysis on the source data: data\analysis\data_analysis.ipynb

    • all the functions used to structure and aggregate the data can be found in: data\analysis\
  • there is another file, very useful to generate outputs from the optimized params and outputs: data\analysis\

How to use

obs: if you get the message ImportError: cannot import name 'warnings' from 'matplotlib.dates' while running the program, remove the warning import on backtrader/plot/

obs: if you get the message ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'src' while running the program, try using: python -m src.main or any other file you are trying to use.

How to use for initial uses/samples

Run on the terminal from main repository directory: python ./src/helpers/

This file is just used to get familiar with the project structure and classes used.

How to use training/optimization

On the src directory, the is the module for optimization, using the settings.json file as input parameters.

How to use after getting optimized params

On the src directory, the is the module for optimization, using the settings.json and data\analyzers_opt\* files as input parameters.

How to configure

  1. Create a Strategy. More info can be found here strategy

    • Decide on potential adjustable parameters.
    • Instantiate the Indicators you need in the Strategy
    • Write down the logic for entering/exiting the market
    • Or alternatively:
      • Prepare some indicators to work as long/short signals

    A Cerebro instance is the pumping heart and controlling brain of backtrader. A Strategy is the same for the platform user.

  2. Create a Cerebro Engine. More info here cerebro

    • First: Inject the Strategy (or signal-based strategy)
      And then:
    • Load and Inject a Data Feed (once created use cerebro.adddata)
    • And execute
    • For visual feedback use: cerebro.plot()

    This class is the cornerstone of backtrader because it serves as a central point for

    1. Gathering all inputs (Data Feeds), actors (Stratgegies), spectators (Observers), critics (Analyzers) and documenters (Writers) ensuring the show still goes on at any moment.
    2. Execute the backtesting/or live data feeding/trading
    3. Returning the results
    4. Giving access to the plotting facilities
  3. Some other concepts are relevant to understand as well, such as:

    • datafeed, relevant to load data from different sources. Data feeds are added to Cerebro instances and end up being part of the input of strategies
    • analyzers, to analyze the performance of the trading system.
    • observers, Due to observers, all backtrader sample charts have so far had 3 things plotted: Cash and Value (what’s happening with the money in the broker); Trades (aka Operations); Buy/Sell Orders
    • Indicators, Over 122 indicators with the usual suspects on board, with ta-lib integration
    • order, translate the decisions made by the logic in a Strategy into a message suitable for the Broker to execute an action.
    • broker, supports different order types, checking a submitted order cash requirements against current cash, keeping track of cash and value for each iteration of cerebro and keeping the current position on different datas. Here you can understand some other params such as slippage, cheat-on-open, position and how the trade is made.
    • Commissions: Stocks vs Futures, as different commission schemes can be applied to the same data set.

The platform is highly configurable

Let’s hope you, the user, find the platform useful and fun to work with

For some quick start examples please refer to Backtrader quickstart


The file is responsible to store the default arguments use on main file Along the parameters there is the ones relates with:

  • Data Feed
    • --data Specific data to be loaded
    • --fromdate Starting date in YYYY-MM-DD format
    • --todate Ending date in YYYY-MM-DD format
    • --noheaders If on the source data file, should not use header rows
    • --noprint Print the dataframe
  • Strategy
    • --cash Cash to start with
    • --exitsignal Signal type to use for the exit signal
    • --exitperiod Period for the exit control ATR
  • Cerebro
    • --cerebro kwargs in key=value format
    • --broker kwargs in key=value format
    • --sizer kwargs in key=value format
    • --strat kwargs in key=value format
  • Plot
    • --plot Plot the read data applying any kwargs passed
      • --plot style="candle" to plot candles

How to Install/ Setup enviroment


where python
which python3
python --version
python -V


python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install virtualenv
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools

python -m venv ./venv
# or 
"C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe" -m venv ./venv
# or 
virtualenv -p ./venv venv

conda deactivate

source ./venv/Scripts/activate
# or

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
rm -r venv # remove directory


backtrader is self-contained with no external dependencies (except if you want to plot)

pip install backtrader
# or
pip install backtrader[plotting]

For more infromations please refer to Backtrader installation

Useful Commands


git status
git rm -rf --cached .    #Clear Entire Git Cache

create alias on bash

echo alias ll=\'ls -l\' >> .bashrc
echo alias act=\'source ./venv/Scripts/activate\' >> .bashrc



Backtrader Github

Metatrader Docs.

Backtrader for Backtesting (Python) – A Complete Guide

What is a Walk-Forward Optimization and How to Run It?

What is Overfitting in Trading?


trading system







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