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This is a Python (>=3.5) package to deal with beam synchronous data. It is based on the streaming library mflow and provides the required message handlers to it.

The bsread command line tools are based on this package. These commands are described in

You can also use this package from within Matlab. How to do this is described in

The format of the bsread stream is specified here.

Warning / Attention: Please ensure that you don't connect to a production IOC nor that you connect twice to a single IOC unless you are knowing what you are doing! Due to the current data delivery scheme (PUSH/PULL) data might be lost otherwise! If you are in doubt please ask for assistance from the Controls HA group.


Note: The bsread module, by default, accesses the SwissFEL Dispatching Layer. As this infrastructure is only accessible within the SwissFEL network the code needs to run on a machine that has direct access to this network. Also be aware that there are actually 2 dispatchers, one for the DataBuffer sources, one for the ImageBuffer sources! By default this code connects to the DataBuffer dispatcher, if you need to connect to the imagebuffer dispatcher you have to use the option dispatcher_url="") when creating the source. If you need a combined stream from both dispatchers, you have to request a stream from each and take care of the synchronization of the data in your own code !

You can get a customized, synchronized stream from any combination of beam synchronous channels by using this piece of code:

from bsread import source
with source(channels=['YOUR_CHANNEL', 'YOUR_SECOND_CHANNEL']) as stream:
    while True:
        message = stream.receive()

To get the stream from the ImageBuffer dispatcher use:

from bsread import source
with source(channels=['YOUR_CHANNEL', 'YOUR_SECOND_CHANNEL'], dispatcher_url="")) as stream:
    while True:
        message = stream.receive()

If you want to request non 100Hz data for particular channels you can simply configure this as follows:

from bsread import source
with source(channels=['YOUR_CHANNEL', {'name': 'YOUR_SECOND_CHANNEL', 'modulo': '10', 'offset': 0}]) as stream:
    while True:
        message = stream.receive()

As you can see you can mix simple channel names with specific channel configurations.

To receive beam synchronous data from a specific source without using the SwissFEL Dispatching Layer use:

from bsread import source

with source(host='ioc', port=9999) as stream:
    # source.request(['TOCK-BSREAD:SIM-PULSE'])  # configure IOC
    while True:
        message = stream.receive()
        # Terminate loop at some time

In any case, the returned message object contains all information for one pulse. Following data is available.

pulse_id =
global_timestamp =
global_timestamp_offset =
channel_value =['channel_name']

# A channel value contains following information:
value = channel_value.value
timestamp = channel_value.timestamp
timestamp_offset = channel_value.timestamp_offset

The dictionary is an OrderedDict. Entries will always be sorted by the sequence they are added, i.e. the order will be the same as the order the channels are configured on the IOC.

Beside the actual data the message also includes statistics information. This information can be accessed by:


By default the receive function of bsread is blocking. Due to the nature of the underlying protocol, a desired receive timeout needs to be specified while creating the source.

from bsread import source

with source(host='ioc', port=9999, receive_timeout=100) as stream:

receive_timeout is specified in milliseconds, -1 is used for infinite.

Filter Messages

The receive function offers an easy way to define conditions data desired to receive has to match.

A very simple filter can be defined like this:

message = stream.receive(filter=lambda m:['CHANNEL_NAME'].value == 4)

For implementing more complex filters, define a filter method and pass the method as filter:

def filter_method(m):
    return['CHANNEL_NAME'].value <= 4
message = stream.receive(filter=filter_method)

Check For Available Channels

from bsread import dispatcher

channels = dispatcher.get_current_channels()
# channels is a list of dictionaries of the form
# [
#  {'backend': 'sf-databuffer',
#   'modulo': 10,
#   'name': 'S10CB04-RWVG400-DCP10:FOR-AMPLT-AVG',
#   'offset': 0,
#   'shape': [1],
#   'source': 'tcp://S10CB04-CVME-LLRF1:20000',
#   'type': 'float32'},
#  ...
# ]

# To simply get the channel names use
[x['name'] for x in channels] 

Generating Streams

For various purposes (e.g. testing) beam synchronous streams can be easily created as follows:

import numpy
from bsread.sender import sender

with sender(queue_size=10) as stream:
    test_array = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], dtype=numpy.uint16).reshape((2, 3))
    # Send Data
    stream.send(one=1, two=2,
    stream.send(pulse_id=0, one=3, two=4,

An other way is to send data as follows:

from bsread.sender import Sender
generator = Sender()

# generator.set_pre_function(pre)
generator.add_channel('ABC', lambda x: x, metadata={'type': 'int32'})
generator.add_channel('ABCD', lambda x: x*10.0)
generator.add_channel('XYZW', lambda x: 'hello', metadata={'type': 'string'})
generator.add_channel('WWW', lambda x: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], metadata={'type': 'float64', 'shape': [4]})
# generator.set_post_function(pre)

The add_channel function is used to register functions to generate values for pulses. The registered functions need to accept one input parameter which will be filled with the pulse_id. The optional parameter for the add_channel function is metadata. As soon as the function does not return an float/double or the shape is not [1] the metadata needs to be set.

The constructor of Generator() accepts a parameter block, while specifying block=False the generator will drop messages incase the client is not able to keep up consuming the messages.

The generator also accepts a pre and a post function that will be called before sending the data (and before calling the lambdas) as well as after the sending. This can be used, for example, to update an object that the registered lambdas are accessing.

To have the active loop in your code (instead of the Generator) you can

from bsread.sender import Sender
import time

generator = Sender()
# generator.set_pre_function(pre)
generator.add_channel('ABC', lambda x: x, metadata={'type': 'int32'})
while True:


A more complete example can be fount in examples/

Besides using lambdas for generating data you can also explicitly pass the data to send to the Generator. However, keep in mind that the then the active loop is in your domain. This can be done like this:

from bsread.sender import Sender
generator = Sender()
generator.send(1.0, 1.1)
generator.send(2.0, 2.1)

Note: The types and order of the data needs to correspond to the sequence the channels are registered. Also if a lambda was registered with a channel this lambda will be ignored.



The bsread package is available on and can be installed as follows:

conda install -c paulscherrerinstitute bsread


To build the Anaconda package for this library

  1. Update the version numbers in conda-recipe/meta.yaml
  2. Create package: conda build conda-recipe
  3. Upload package: anaconda upload <path_to.tar.bz2_file>