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This is the Wica-JS git repository, one component of PSI's WICA software suite.

WICA stands for Web Interface for Controls Applications. The basic idea is to support the streaming of live data from a distributed control system to update a user's web pages in real-time.

Wica comprises two main components:

  • Wica-HTTP - this is a backend HTTP server which receives incoming requests from the web and which generates live data streams containing information for the control system points of interest.

  • Wica-JS - this is a frontend Javascript library which scans a user's web page for HTML5 tags defining points of interest in the control system. The library then generates requests to the backend server to obtain the necessary data and to update the user's web pages in real-time.

Further details about how these components interoperate is provided in the how it works documentation.

Main Features

  • Collaborates with Wica-HTTP backend server to stream control system data to update user web pages.
  • Supports configuration of streaming options including backend data acquisition modes (poll or monitor) and channel filtering (eg noise or rate limiting).
  • Supports all modern web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.
  • Supports all current web platforms including desktop, tablet and mobile.
  • Supports HTML element text rendering (including visualisation of alarm and connection status).
  • Supports JS event generation to enable custom calculations or rendering.
  • Implemented as Javascript ES6-module with few external dependencies.
  • Tooling and dependency management handled by Node.Js/NPM.


The Wica-JS library release consists of the following files:

File Description
wica.js Provides an ES6 module for loading directly into wica-aware HTML web pages.
wica.css Provides CSS definitions for styling wica-aware HTML elements. Loaded automatically.
about.html Provides release information.
client-api.js Provides a standalone API for leveraging the library's functionality directly from JS applications.

These files are downloaded from the GitHub release area and bundled automatically into each build of the Wica-HTTP server.

Note: in standalone Wica deployment configurations there is no need to obtain the Wica-JS library separately since the release files may be obtained from the Wica-HTTP server's '/wica' endpoint. See the Wica-HTTP Server Endpoints documentation for further information.

Runtime Requirements

  • Requires web browser that supports Javascript ES6. See here for latest browser compatibility information.
  • Requires web browser which support Server-Sent-Events (SSE), also known as EventSource support. See here for latest browser compatibility information.
  • Has an internal dependence on the JSON 5 library (which comes bundled with the library).

A Simple Wica Webpage Example

The simplest Wica web page looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
   <title>My Awesome Epics Channel Viewer</title>
   <script src="/wica/wica.js" type="module"></script>

   <div data-wica-channel-name="abc:def"></div>


In this example a single channel named "abc:def" is being monitored. When the page is loaded the div element's text content will be dynamically updated with the latest values obtained from the wica server. The div element's style will be dynamically updated to reflect the state of the connection to the channel's data source and/or the channel's alarm state.

How it Works

The Wica-JS library code is executed immediately after the rest of the web page has been loaded.

It communicates with the Wica-HTTP server to set up one or more data streams containing the evolving values of points of interest in the backend control system. Using the received data the library updates the user's web page in real-time.

The communication sequence is as shown below:


The main steps are as follows:

  1. The Wica-JS Library scans the document from which it was loaded for the presence of HTML elements whose 'data-wica-stream-name' attribute is specified. This attribute determines the names of the streams to be created in collaboration with the Wica HTTP Server. If no such elements are discovered a single stream - named 'default' - will be created and associated with the document's root element.

  2. For each 'data-wica-stream-name' element, the library checks for the presence of a corresponding 'data-wica-stream-props' attribute. This attribute can be used to configure the properties of the stream. When not specified the values from the WicaStreamPropertyDefaults are used.

  3. For each 'data-wica-stream-name' element, the library scans the descendant document tree for any contained elements whose 'data-wica-channel-name' attribute is specified. This attribute is used to indicate that an element is wica-aware, that's to say that it provides information about a channel to be included in the parent stream. For each discovered element the library checks for the presence of a corresponding 'data-wica-channel-props' attribute. This is used to specify the properties of the channel. When not provided the values from the WicaChannelPropertyDefaults are used.

  4. The Wica-JS Library sends one or more create stream requests to the Wica-HTTP Server using the information captured in the previous steps. Each request specifies the names and properties of the wica channels to be included.

  5. The Wica-HTTP Server processes each create stream request, using the supplied wica channels names and their associated properties to initiate communication with control points of interest in the backend control system. For each request the server returns to the caller an associated stream-id.

  6. The Wica-JS Library sends subscribe stream requests to the Wica-HTTP Server using the received stream-ids.

  7. The Wica-HTTP Server processes each request and sends back a response indicating that it will hold open the HTTP connection and return a stream of Server-Sent-Event (SSE) messages. Thereafter, it sends back SSE messages of various types at configurable periodic intervals. These include messages which contain:

    • the channel metadata (these are the properties that rarely change),
    • the channel received values (including both the monitored and polled channels).
    • the stream's heartbeat (a timestamp which indicates that the stream is still alive).
  8. The Wica JS Library uses the information received from the SSE message streams to update the wica-aware HTML elements as follows:

    • it adds/updates the elements' custom data attributes.
    • it updates the elements' text content. The rendering can be controlled by the 'data-wica-rendering-props' attribute.
    • it generates events which can be hooked by the user's web page to perform custom javascript processing.

Wica-specific HTML Element Attributes

The HTML specification supports the concept of customisable data-* attributes which provides a standard extension mechanism for associating user-defined information with standard HTML elements. The Wica-JS library leverages of this functionality to support the wica-specific attributes described further in this section.

Attributes Set by the Wica Webpage Developer

Wica Stream Configuration Attributes

This feature is supported since Wica-JS release 1.3.0.

The following optional attributes provide the information needed to configure the wica streams that will be created to obtain the information for the webpage.

Note: 'data-wica-stream-props' attribute is only evaluated on HTML elements that have the 'data-wica-stream-name' attribute explicitly configured.

Attribute Description Default Possible Values
'data-wica-stream-name' The name of the stream that will be created to obtain the information for all nested wica channel elements. "default" Must be non-blank. Must be unique. Examples: "stream1", "stream2"
'data-wica-stream-props' The properties of the stream that will be created for all nested wica channel elements. See WicaStreamPropertyDefaults See WicaStreamProperties

Wica Channel Configuration Attributes

The following attributes provide the information needed to configure the channels within each wica stream.

Attribute Description Default Possible Values
'data-wica-channel-name' The name of the control system data source. N/A - must be specified Depends on the underlying control system. Example: MMAC3:STR:2, ca://abc:def
'data-wica-channel-props' The properties to be used when accessing the HTML element's data source. See WicaChannelPropertyDefaults See WicaChannelProperties
'data-wica-rendering-props' The properties to be used when rendering the HTML element's textual content. See WicaTextRenderingPropertyDefaults See WicaTextRenderingProperties
'data-wica-tooltip' The tooltip to be displayed when the browser's cursor hovers over the element. When not specified the 'data-wica-channel-name' content will be used. Example "some useful message."

Attributes Set by the Wica-JS Library

These attributes are continuously updated by the Wica-JS library to reflect the evolving state of the channels in the wica stream.

The attributes are used internally to support the CSS styling (for example the background and forerground colors) of wica elements.

The attributes are available to the user's web page who may use it to perform custom javascript processing.

Attribute Description Possible Values
'data-wica-stream-state' Reflects the state of the connection to the Wica server's data stream. "connect-", "opened-", "closed-"
'data-wica-channel-connection-state' Reflects the state of the connection to the control system data source. "connected", "disconnected"
'data-wica-channel-metadata' Reflects the metadata obtained most recently from the wica channel. Format depends on data-source (control system).
'data-wica-channel-value-array' Reflects the most recently obtained values from the wica channel. Format depends on data-source (control system).
'data-wica-channel-value-latest' Reflects the latest value obtained from the wica channel. Format depends on data-source (ciontrol system).
'data-wica-channel-alarm-state' Reflects the alarm status most recently obtained from the wica channel. "0", "1", "2", "3"

See the WicaElementConnectionAttributes for further information.

Wica-specific HTML Event Support

The most performant, lowest-latency technique for receiving programmatic notification of the arrival of new data from the wica stream is to attach a MutationObserver to directly watch the attributes of interest described in the section above.

An alternative approach is to take advantage of the Wica-JS library's inbuilt event generation facility described in this section.

The Wica-JS library periodically scans the current document for wica-aware elements with attached event handlers and/or event listeners, firing events to reflect the latest information obtained from the underlying control system.

The default scan rate is specified in the Jsdoc documentation.

The following events are generated:

HTML 'onchange' Standard Event Support

Note: this feature is under review and in the future may be deprecated.

Whilst nowadays the web community somewhat discourages this practise the Wica-JS library supports the HTML onchange event attribute which allows the user's script to be directly embedded in the HTML tags inside a web page.

In addition to the fields generally defined in the Event specification (eg, the dispatched event object includes the following wica-specific information:

Attribute Type Description
ev.channelName JS Object Reflects the name of the wica channel associated with the event.
ev.channelMetadata JS Object Reflects the metadata obtained most recently from the wica channel.
ev.channelValueArray JS Array Reflects the most recently obtained values from the wica channel.
ev.channelValueLatest JS Object Reflects the latest value obtained from the wica channel.


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
    <!-- Load the Wica library from the local machine -->
    <script src="http://localhost:8080/wica/wica.js" type="module"></script>

    <h1>Wica Event Handling Demo Page</h1>
    <div data-wica-channel-name="wica:test:counter01" onchange="logLatestValue( event )"></div>

        function logLatestValue( event )  {
            const widget =;
            const value = event.channelValueLatest.val;
            console.log( "Received latest value: " + value );


HTML 'wica' Custom Event Support

Note: This feature is the newer, recommended way of doing things.

The Wica-JS library supports the HTML CustomEvent feature which allows a user's script to programmatically hook on to user-defined events generated on the HTML elements in a user's web page.

The name of the custom event is 'wica'. The wica-specific information is included in the 'detail' field of the message.

See the OnWicaEvent documentation for further details.

Library Versioning

The release names for this project follow the semantic versioning naming convention proposed on the GitHub site.

Examples: wica-js-1.0.0, wica-js-1.1.0, wica-js-1.2.3-rc1, wica-js-1.2.3-rc2, wica-js-7.1.5-rc19

Wica-JS API Documentation

The API documentation for the latest development release is always available here.

The API documentation for previous releases can be found as follows:<rel>

(See the GitHub Release Area to find which releases are available).

Project Changes and Tagged Releases


See the Developer document.


If you have questions please contact: ''.