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Docs: Add examples, and more information about syntax and syntax exte…
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Partially addresses issue #34; need to add some stuff to the prelude so
that more of the examples work out-of-the-box.
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paulstansifer committed Jan 20, 2020
1 parent 825663b commit 2c5ca02
Showing 1 changed file with 132 additions and 13 deletions.
145 changes: 132 additions & 13 deletions
Expand Up @@ -11,42 +11,109 @@ You'll tend to see constructs like `.[ ].`, `'[ ]'`, and `hi[ ]hi`.

## Expressions
* `(expr expr ⋯)` is function application.
(plus one eight) # 9

* `.[ x: Type ⋯ . expr ].` is lambda.
.[lhs: Int rhs: Int . (equal? (plus lhs one) rhs)].
# function that determines if `lhs` is one less than `rhs`

* `match expr { pat => expr ⋯ }` is a pattern match.
match (lookup x some_table) {
+[Some result]+ => result
+[None]+ => zero # not found, return default

* `+[Choice expr ⋯]+ : Type` constructs an enumerated value.
The type annotation is weird, but it helps keep the typechecker simple.

+[Some eight]+ : enum { Some(Int) None() }
# Equivalent to `Some(8)` in a normal language
* `*[component: expr ⋯]*` constructs a structure value.

*[x: two y: seven]* # coordinates
* `forall X ⋯ . expr` abstracts over a type. It is typically used around lambdas.
forall T . .[ opt: Option<T> .
match opt {
+[Some thing]+ => true
+[Nil]+ => false
]. # Does this option contain a value?

* `unfold expr` pulls one layer of `mu` off a recursively-typed value.
It is almost exclusively used for the scrutinee in `match`.
# `List` is recursive, so we need to peel off the `mu` to examine it:
forall T . .[ list: List<T> .
match unfold list {
+[Cons car cdr]+ => true
+[Nil]+ => false
]. # Does this list contain anything?

* `fold expr: Type` adds one layer of `mu` to recursively-typed value.
It is almost exclusively used right after constructing an enum or struct.
`Type` is the type you want after adding the `mu`.
fold +[Cons eight my_list]+ : List<Int>
# Normal languages make `fold` and `unfold` implicit.

* `[Nonterminal<Type> | whatever_that_nonterminal_represents ]` is syntax quotation.
For example, `[Expr | (plus one one) ]`.
`[Expr | (plus one one) ]` # syntax for adding 1 to 1
(The `<Type>` annotation is usually optional†).

* Inside a quotation, `,[Nonterminal<Type> | expr ],` is an unquotation.
For example `[Expr | (plus ,[syn_for_number], one)]` is the syntax for
adding one to whatever `syn_for_number` represents.
`[Expr | (plus ,[syn_for_number], one)]`
# Syntax for adding 1 to whatever `syn_for_number` represents.
(The whole `Nt<Type> |` annotation is usually optional†).
* Inside a quotation `...[,x, ⋯ >> whatever_that_nonterminal_represents ]...`
is an abstract repetition;
it's only valid at parts of the grammar that accept an arbitrary number of something.
`x` must have been parsed under some kind of repetition; this expands `x` to its components,
duplicating everything else.
It will usually contain an unquotation immediately inside it.
* `extend_syntax expr in extended_expr` is syntax extension.
`expr` should define a function from the current syntax enviroment to a new syntax environment.
`extended_expr` is an expression in that new environment.
It will often contain an unquotation immediately inside it.
`[Expr | (my_fn ...[,arg_syn, >> ,[arg_syn],]...)]`
# Syntax for invoking `my_fn` on an arbitrary number of arguments
* `extend_syntax nt_ext ⋯ in extended_expr` is syntax extension.
`nt_ext` is `Nt ::= grammar ;` or `Nt ::=also grammar ;`
(`::=` replaces the current definition of that `Nt`, `::=also` extends it).
`grammar` is defined in the section "Syntax" below.
`extended_expr` is an expression in the new language.
Expr ::=also forall T . '{
lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'if'
cond := ( ,{ Expr< Bool > }, )
lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'then'
then_e := ( ,{ Expr< T > }, )
lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'else'
else_e := ( ,{ Expr< T > }, )
}' conditional -> .{
'[Expr | match ,[cond], {
+[True]+ => ,[then_e],
+[False]+ => ,[else_e], } ]' }. ;
if (zero? five) then eight else two

†The rule for when you need a type annotation is a little weird.
Honestly, it's probably best to leave off type annotations unless the typechecker complains.
Expand All @@ -56,15 +123,14 @@ But the rule is this:
The confusing part is that *whether* it's a quotation or unquotation is irrelevant!
(Except that when an unquotation doesn't need an annotation, it needs no `Nonterminal` at all.)

## Pre-defined values
### Pre-defined values
* `zero` through `ten` are integers. (What are these "literals" you speak of?)
* `plus`, `minus`, `times`, and `equal?` are binary functions.
* `zero?` is a unary function.
* `true` and `false` are boolean values.
* `fix` is the fixpoint function. A simple way to run forever, calculating the largest number:
`(fix .[again: [ -> [Int -> Int]] . .[ n: Int . ((again) (plus n one))]. ].)`

## Patterns
* `+[Choice pat ⋯]+` deconstructs an enumerated value.

Expand All @@ -90,15 +156,68 @@ The confusing part is that *whether* it's a quotation or unquotation is irreleva

* `Type<Type ⋯>` applies an abstracted type.
For example, `List<Int>` is a list of integers.
The technical term for this operator is "Fish X-ray".
Currently, you'll want to leave a space between the angle brackets and any punctuation
(the definition of `DefaultToken` needs revision to handle this).

* `:::[, T , >> Type]:::` requires `T` to refer to a tuple type. Suppose `T` is `**[A B Int]**`:
`:::[, T , >> [T -> X]]:::` is `**[[A -> X] [B -> X] [Int -> X]]**`.

## Pre-defined types
### Pre-defined types
* `Int` is a built-in type.
* `Bool` is defined as `enum { True () False () }`.

## Syntax
* `lit ,{ Nt }, = 'arbitrary string'` is a literal, where `Nt` is a lexer
* `/regex/` is a lexer. Be sure to have a capturing group!
* `my_named_subterm := ( ,{Nt<Type>}, ) ` binds `my_named_subterm` to an `Nt` with the type `Type`.
scrutinee := ( ,{Expr<T>}, )
* `[Syntax …]` is a sequence.
[/abc/ skip_a_few := ( ,{ Expr<T>}, ) /xyz/]
* `Syntax *` is a zero-or-more repetition; `Syntax +` is a one-or-more repetition
argument := ( ,{Expr<T>}, ) *
# You'll want to use `...[,argument, >> ]...` to handle the repetition correctly
* `forall T ⋯ . '{ Syntax }' macro_name -> .{ Expr }.` defines a macro
`macro_name` must be unique, but is otherwise ignored (this problem should be fixed)
forall T S . '{ [
lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'let'
pat := ( ,{ Pat<S> }, )
lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = '='
value := ( ,{ Expr<S> }, )
lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = ';'
] *
lit ,{ DefaultToken }, = 'in'
body := ( ,{ Expr<T> }, <-- ...[pat = value]... )
] }' let_macro -> .{
'[Expr |
match **[...[,value, >> ,[value], ]... ]**
{ **[...[,pat, >> ,[pat],]... ]** => ,[body], } ]'
# introduces a `let` macro
TODO: there's more syntax than this

### Pre-defined nonterminals
These are defined in ``, and their definitions are relatively short.
* `DefaultSeparator` defaults to just whitespace; it comes between tokens.
DefaultSeparator ::= /((?s:\s|#[^\n]*)*)/ ;
# Adds Python-style comments to the language
* `DefaultWord` and `DefaultToken` are sequences of a `DefaultSeparator`
and a lexer for a clump of nonwhitespace, or an identifier, respectively.
* `DefaultAtom` is a `DefaultWord`, except it doesn't match reserved words
* `DefaultReference` is a `DefaultAtom`, except that it produces variable references,
rather than atoms (which are binding-introducers).
* `Expr`, `Pat`, and `Type` are expressions, patterns, and types.

## Example unseemly programs
*(in `src/examples/`)*
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