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Import necessary libraries. Load your OpenAI API key from a .env file. Initialize conversation_history to maintain context. get_chatbot_response:

Appends the user's message to the history. Calls the OpenAI API (openai.ChatCompletion.create) with: The chosen GPT model. The full conversation history (for better responses). A temperature parameter controlling randomness (lower is more deterministic). Extracts the chatbot's response from the API result and updates conversation history. Returns the chatbot's response. main:

Provides a simple chat interface: Takes user input. Checks for the 'exit' keyword. Calls get_chatbot_response to get the chatbot's reply. Prints the response. Script Execution:

If run directly (python, the main function starts the chat loop. Key Improvements to Consider:

Knowledge Base: Integrate a knowledge base (FAQ documents, IT manuals) for the chatbot to reference when answering. This can be done using techniques like Langchain or embedding-based search. Custom Prompts: Design prompts to guide the chatbot's behavior (e.g., "You are an IT help desk assistant..."). Error Handling: Handle potential API errors or exceptions gracefully. User Authentication: If needed, implement user authentication for personalized assistance and tracking. Ticket Creation: Allow the chatbot to create IT support tickets if it can't solve an issue. GUI: Build a user-friendly graphical interface using libraries like Tkinter, PyQt, or web frameworks.

Load JSON import json

def load_knowledge_base(file_path="it_knowledge_base.json"): with open(file_path, "r") as file: return json.load(file)

Enhance .py def get_chatbot_response(user_message, knowledge_base): # ... (rest of your existing code)

# Check knowledge base first
for issue in knowledge_base["issues"]:
    if any(keyword in user_message.lower() for keyword in issue["keywords"]):
        return issue["response"]

# If no match in knowledge base, use OpenAI
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    # ... (your existing API call)
return response.choices[0].message.content

` Modify .py if name == "main": knowledge_base = load_knowledge_base() main(knowledge_base) # Pass knowledge_base to main function

def main(knowledge_base): # ... (rest of your main function)

response = get_chatbot_response(user_input, knowledge_base)
# ... (rest of your main function)


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