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Android Saripaar

சரிபார் - sari-paar (Tamil for "to check", "verify" or "validate")

Android Saripaar is a simple, yet powerful rule-based UI validation library for Android. It is the SIMPLEST validation library available for Android.

Why Android Saripaar?

  • Declarative style validation powered by Annotations.
  • Does both Synchronous and Asynchronous validations, you don't have to worry about threading.
  • Works with Stock Android Widgets, no custom view dependencies.
  • Quick to setup, just download the jar and include it in your libs project folder.
  • Takes most of your validation logic out of your code.
  • Compatible with other annotation frameworks such as AndroidAnnotations, RoboGuice, etc.,

Quick Start

Step 1 - Annotate your widgets using Saripaar Annotations

@Required(order = 1)
@Email(order = 2)
private EditText emailEditText;

@Password(order = 3)
@TextRule(order = 4, minLength = 6, message = "Enter at least 6 characters.")
private EditText passwordEditText;

@ConfirmPassword(order = 5)
private EditText confirmPasswordEditText;

@Checked(order = 6, message = "You must agree to the terms.")
private CheckBox iAgreeCheckBox;

The annotations are self-explanatory. The order attribute is mandatory and specifies the order in which the validations will be performed by the library.

Step 2 - Instantiate a new Validator

public void onCreate() {
    // Code…

    validator = new Validator(this);

    // More code…

You will need a Validator for the current Activity and also a ValidationListener for callbacks on validation events.

Step 3 - Implement a ValidationListener

public class RegistrationActivity implements ValidationListener {

    public void onSuccess() {
        // Create a new account…
        Toast.makeText(this, "Yay! we got it right!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onFailure(View failedView, Rule<?> failedRule) {
        String message = failedRule.getFailureMessage();

        if (failedView instanceof EditText) {
        } else {
            Toast.makeText(this, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void preValidation() {
        // Do nothing…

    public void onValidationCancelled() {
        // Do nothing
  • onSuccess() - Called when all your views pass all validations.
  • onFailure(View, Rule<?>) - Called when a Rule fails, you receive the View along with the Rule that failed.
  • preValidation() - Called before the validation starts, useful during asynchronous validations.
  • onValidationCancelled() - Called when an asynchronous validation is cancelled, never called during synchronous validations.

Step 4 - Perform validation

registerButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

The Validator.validate() call runs the validations and returns the result via appropriate callbacks on the ValidationListener. You can run validations on a background AsyncTask by calling the Validator.validateAsync() method. You can call both the methods from any event listener such as the OnClickListener, TextWatcher, OnFocusChangedListener, OnTouchListener, etc.,

Please visit the wiki for a complete guide on Android Saripaar.


UI Validation Library for Android






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