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React App "My Blog"

Wellcome! 🚀

This is my study react-project "blog"

To get started, you need to log in to your account or register a new one

login register

The main page consists of navigation, posts and recent comments. On the wall, the user can write a new post, comment and like other posts


On the profile tab, the user can change the name and password.



Writing/deleting a post

Writing a comment`s for a post

Like/unlike the post, list of those who liked it

User login or registration form

Ability to change the user's name and password

All information is taken from the server using the API. Using react liberies like redux, query, router, hooks, form, axios etc.

1.To install dependencies, run:

# or
npm i

2. To start the project, run:

yarn dev
# or
npm run dev

3. To build the project run:

yarn build
# or
npm run build

4. To run the project in production mode, run:

yarn build && yarn start  
# or
npm run build && npm run start