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The library allows you to create plantuml via Kotlin DSL.

License Maven Central Maven Central

Library support:

  • Sequence diagram
  • Usecase diagram
  • Class diagram
  • Object diagram
  • Activity diagram
  • Component diagram
  • Deployment diagram
  • State diagram
  • Timing diagram



// Only DSL
implementation "io.github.pavelannin:kotlin-plantuml-dsl:1.0.0"

// DSL with generator
implementation "io.github.pavelannin:kotlin-plantuml-generator:1.0.1"


1. Create dsl

val diagram = classDiagram {
  val abstractClass = abstractClass(name = "AbstractType") {
    property(name = "abstractProperty", type = "Int")  { isAbstract = true }
    property(name = "staticProperty", type = "Int")  { isStatic = true }
    property(name = "publicProperty", type = "Int")  { accessControl = AccessControlUml.Type.Public }
    property(name = "privateProperty", type = "Int")  { accessControl = AccessControlUml.Type.Private }
    property(name = "protectedProperty", type = "Int")  { accessControl = AccessControlUml.Type.Protected }
    property(name = "privatePackageProperty", type = "Int")  { accessControl = AccessControlUml.Type.PrivatePackage }

    method(name = "abstractMethod", returnType = "Int")  {
      isAbstract = true
    method(name = "staticMethod", returnType = "Int")  {
      isStatic = true
      argument(name = "param1",  type = "String")
      argument(name = "param2",  type = "String")
    method(name = "publicMethod", returnType = "Int")  {
      accessControl = AccessControlUml.Type.Public
      argument(name = "param1",  type = "String")
    method(name = "privateMethod", returnType = "Int")  {
      accessControl = AccessControlUml.Type.Private
    method(name = "protectedMethod", returnType = "Int")  {
      accessControl = AccessControlUml.Type.Protected
    method(name = "privatePackageMethod", returnType = "Int")  {
      accessControl = AccessControlUml.Type.PrivatePackage
  val annotation = annotation(name = "AnnotationType")
  val circle = circle(name = "CircleType")
  val `class` = `class`(name = "ClassType") {
    property(name = "property1", type = "Int")  {
      notes { left(text = "Left note") }
      notes { right(text = "Right note") }
    property(name = "property2", type = "Int")  {
      notes { left(text = "Left note") }
      notes { right(text = "Right note") }
    method(name = "method1")  {
      notes { left(text = "Left note") }
      notes { right(text = "Right note") }
    method(name = "method2")  {
      notes { left(text = "Left note") }
      notes { right(text = "Right note") }
    notes {
      left(text = "Left note")
      right(text = "Right note")
      top(text = "Top note")
      bottom(text = "Bottom note")
  val diamond = diamond(name = "DiamondType")
  val entity = entity(name = "EntityType")
  val enum = enum(name = "EnumType") {
    case(name = "case1")
    case(name = "case2") {
      argument(name = "param1",  type = "String")
      argument(name = "param2",  type = "String")
  val exception = exception(name = "ExceptionType")
  val `interface` = `interface`(name = "InterfaceType")
  val metaClass = metaClass(name = "MetaclassType")
  val protocol = protocol(name = "ProtocolType")
  val stereotype = stereotype(name = "StereotypeType")
  val struct = struct(name = "StructType")

  `class` extension abstractClass
  `class` aggregation enum
  abstractClass composition `interface`
  circle solidLine diamond
  diamond dashedLine circle
  protocol directedSolidLine struct
  protocol directedDashedLine struct

2. Creating PlantUml

val plantUmlString = diagram.plantUml()
Result generated plantuml

abstract class AbstractType {
{abstract} {field} abstractProperty: Int
{static} {field} staticProperty: Int
+ {field} publicProperty: Int
- {field} privateProperty: Int
# {field} protectedProperty: Int
~ {field} privatePackageProperty: Int
{abstract} {method} abstractMethod(): Int
{static} {method} staticMethod(param1: String, param2: String): Int
+ {method} publicMethod(param1: String): Int
- {method} privateMethod(): Int
# {method} protectedMethod(): Int
~ {method} privatePackageMethod(): Int

annotation AnnotationType

circle CircleType

class ClassType {
{field} property1: Int
{field} property2: Int
{method} method1()
{method} method2()

note left of ClassType
Left note
end note

note right of ClassType
Right note
end note

note top of ClassType
Top note
end note

note bottom of ClassType
Bottom note
end note

note left of ClassType::property1
Left note
end note

note right of ClassType::property1
Right note
end note

note left of ClassType::property2
Left note
end note

note right of ClassType::property2
Right note
end note

note left of ClassType::method1
Left note
end note

note right of ClassType::method1
Right note
end note

note left of ClassType::method2
Left note
end note

note right of ClassType::method2
Right note
end note

diamond DiamondType

entity EntityType

enum EnumType {
{field} case1
{field} case2(param1: String, param2: String)

exception ExceptionType

interface InterfaceType

metaclass MetaclassType

protocol ProtocolType

stereotype StereotypeType

struct StructType

ClassType <|-- AbstractType
ClassType o-- EnumType
AbstractType *-- InterfaceType
CircleType -- DiamondType
DiamondType .. CircleType
ProtocolType --> StructType
ProtocolType ..> StructType

Result plantuml image

alt text


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