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Unofficial library for Oura Ring API, written in Kotlin

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The Oura Ring

Oura Ring is a wearable tech ring that providers 24/7 heart rate monitoring, personalized health insights, sleep analysis, and much more. More information about it is available on their website

The Oura Ring JVM API

Oura Ring has the Oura Cloud API, which makes it easy to access rich sleep, activity and readiness data generated by the Oura ring.
This is an unofficial wrapper library for Oura Cloud API written in Kotlin, which can be used in JVM (Java, Kotlin etc) applications.



  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.pavelgordon:oura-ring-api:v0.0.3'


  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
  1. Add the dependency


Get a Personal Access Token at


How to use

internal class OuraRingApiTest {
    fun test() {
        val api = OuraRingApi("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")
        println(api.getSleep())     //sleep data for last week
        println(api.getActivity())  //activity data for last week
        println(api.getReadiness()) //readiness data for last week

        // The first date is the start date and the second date is the end date (inclusive). 
        // If you omit the start date, it will be set to one week ago. 
        // If you omit the end date, it will be set to the current day.
        println(api.getSleep(dateFrom = "2021-06-18", dateTo = "2021-06-19"))
        // ([Sleep(summaryDate=2021-06-18, periodId=0, isLongest=1, timezone=180, bedtimeStart=2021-06-19T01:21:01+03:00, 
        // bedtimeEnd=2021-06-19T10:17:01+03:00, score=70, scoreTotal=75, scoreDisturbances=63, scoreEfficiency=74, scoreLatency=81, 
        // scoreRem=74, scoreDeep=96, scoreAlignment=22, total=26100, duration=32160, awake=6060, light=13950, rem=5460, 
        // deep=6690, onsetLatency=480, restless=34, efficiency=81, midpointTime=15840, hrLowest=48, hrAverage=55.11, rmssd=52, 
        // breathAverage=13, temperatureDelta=-0.14, hypnogram5Min="554444", hr5Min= [66,65,64])], null)
           //error handling in case the network call to Oura Ring api fails(optional)
       }catch (e: OuraRingApiException){
        //check out the Summary.Sleep class which has an explanation for every field(e.g. sleep score)


All suggestions/contributions are welcome!