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Test task: web-service to CRUD users

Local run

Please make sure you have Docker installed on your system.

docker -v

The best way to start testing of the service locally is to use docker-compose.
Please make sure the port 8080 is not allocated by any other service/daemon/application before running commands listed below.
To start the service and its dependencies you need to run:

make integration-env-up

it will:

  1. create container of the PostgreSQL database and setup fresh schema in it.
  2. create image of the faceit-users service and start it.

The service should be ready for use after a couple of seconds. You can check if it is ready by running:

make integration-env-ready

Once the service is ready you could try to check some basic info about it:

curl localhost:8080/-/version

To create a user please run:

curl -v -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{"first_name": "fn", "last_name":"ln", "nickname":"nn", "email":"", "password": "password", "country":"XX"}' \

To get a user:

curl -v localhost:8080/<Location>

where is the value returned in Location header of the previous operation result without leading slash.

To change a user:

curl -v -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
    -X PUT \
     -d '{"first_name": "fnn", "last_name":"lnn", "nickname":"nnn", "email":"", "country":"XY"}' \

And finally to remove the user:

curl -v -X DELETE localhost:8080/<Location>

TODO: List users based on the filtration request.

The flow described above is also available as an integration test that could be run by the command:

make integration-test

NOTE: it may fail if user is already present in the database.

Not covered:

  • listing of user entities with filtering
  • no notifications send on the user update events
  • no automatic migration of database schema
  • no metrics exported
  • no proper file with listing of configuration settings supported
  • no OpenAPI specification of the endpoints
  • the lack of test for functionality (especially for the storage package)
  • caching of the user information to reduce the load on the database
  • authorization and authentication of incoming requests
  • support of the feature flags
  • dynamic change of the logging level for certain endpoints to get better visibility in usgent cases
  • client lib for the service that could improve integration with it
  • hardcoded configuration values in the code
  • ... etc.


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