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Knative distributed tracing

This is a personal project to explore distributed tracing in knative.

The project shows that knative provides out-of-the-box distributed tracing capabilities (it starts trace and create spans for service/function invocation), but the project also provides instrumentation for Knative eventing client library (Cloudevents) to ensure in-process context propagation (from in-bound to out-bound request/event).

This project implements two services: first and second. The first service exposes HTTP API on port 8090 and it emits CloudEvent when the API is accessed. The second service consumes this event.

How does distributed tracing work in Knative

The Knative data-plane (e.g. activator, controller, queue-proxy) are instrumented with distributed tracing API. These components create tracing data for every transaction (request, event). The trace-context (trace IDs) are not added to the event metadata (e.g. as extension) but are propagated in e.g. in HTTP headers.

The user function/service is however responsible to propagate the headers from in-bound to out-bound event/request. Note that this might not always apply all scenarios (e.g. if events are routed only by control plane). The propagation from in-bound to out-bound request can be done by Cloudevent tracing instrumentation or by using OpenTelemetry (e.g. Java agent - see ./java-second).


Following trace shows end-to-end transaction:

Trace event-receive event-send

  • Spans from service first are created from application tracer
  • Spans from service second are created from application tracer
  • The spans in red column are "application"/"business logic" spans created explicitly in the services.
  • see raw trace JSON

The stdout output from the first service shows that the incoming request already contains tracing headers - B3 and W3C Trace-Context. The B3 protocol is there probably for compatibility reasons, to make sure older applications instrumented with e.g. Zipkin libraries are able to propagate the context:

2022/02/17 12:53:48 Request headers:
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	X-B3-Sampled: [1]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	X-B3-Spanid: [af6c239eb7b39349]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	X-B3-Traceid: [5f2c4775e0e36efc1d554a0b6c456cc1]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	X-Forwarded-For: [,]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Accept-Language: [en,fr;q=0.9,de;q=0.8,sk;q=0.7]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Cookie: [_ga=GA1.2.260863911.1644918876]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Accept: [text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	K-Proxy-Request: [activator]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: [1]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	User-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.80 Safari/537.36]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	X-Request-Id: [ee2797b5-1ee9-408e-b1ff-d5e5431977e6]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Cache-Control: [max-age=0]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	X-Forwarded-Proto: [http]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Traceparent: [00-5f2c4775e0e36efc1d554a0b6c456cc1-af6c239eb7b39349-01]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Accept-Encoding: [gzip, deflate]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Forwarded: [for=;proto=http]
2022/02/17 12:53:48 Response headers:
2022/02/17 12:53:48 	Traceparent: [00-5f2c4775e0e36efc1d554a0b6c456cc1-1cf3f827eba96bf2-01]
2022/02/17 12:53:48

The stdout from the second service shows that the incoming event does not contain trace-context (trace IDs). The trace-context is only in the HTTP headers like we saw in the stdout from the first service.

2022/02/17 13:39:36 Event received: Context Attributes,
  specversion: 1.0
  type: httpbody
  source: github/com/pavolloffay
  id: fad4139c-b3fb-48b2-b0f4-fee44addc5f1
  time: 2022-02-17T13:39:34.426355726Z
  datacontenttype: text/plain
  knativearrivaltime: 2022-02-17T13:39:34.491325425Z
  hello from first, traceid=84da42ff2a26bda453330b23dde1a898


Follow the quickstart to install kn, quickstart plugin and kind with installed knative.

Install Jaeger:

kubectl apply -f deploy/01-jaeger.yaml

Enable distributed tracing in Knative Eventing and Service:

Set the data.sampling-rate to 1 and data.zipkin-endpoint to http://jaeger-collector.jaeger.svc.cluster.local:9411/api/v2/spans

Build and deploy

make docker docker-push deploy

Now open browser

Open Jaeger UI kubectl port-forward service/jaeger-query 16686:16686 -n jaeger
