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FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) library for Scala. At the moment it supports only sending messages without platform customization (support for platform config will be added in the future).

Getting started


You can start using library by adding following dependencies to build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.pawelj-pl" %% "fcm4s-core" % "<libraryVersion>"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pawelj-pl" %% "fcm4s-http4s" % "<libraryVersion>"

Basic usage

package com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.http4s

import cats.effect.{ContextShift, ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.messaging.{DataMessage, Destination, Messaging, NotificationMessage}


object Main extends IOApp {
  private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global)
  val result = Http4sBackend.create[IO](global).use(implicit backend => {
    val m1 = DataMessage(Destination.Topic("abc"), Map("foo" -> "a", "bar" -> "b"))
    val m2 = NotificationMessage(Destination.Token("abc"), title = Some("Some title"), body = Some("Body"), image = None, data = Some(Map("foo" -> "a", "bar" -> "b")))
    val m3 = NotificationMessage(Destination.Condition("'TopicB' in topics || 'TopicC' in topics"))
    for {
      messaging <- Messaging.defaultIoMessaging("/tmp/config.json")
      send1     <- messaging.send(m1)
      send2     <- messaging.sendMany(m1, m2, m3)
      send3     <- messaging.sendMany(List(m1, m2, m3))
    } yield (send1, send2, send3)

  override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = => {

Credentials config

Instance of com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.auth.config.CredentialsConfig is required by authentication and message service. In the simplest scenario it will be loaded from service account credentials file (see documentation, section To generate a private key file for your service account) here:


You can also load config manually:

val credentialsConfig: IO[Either[ConfigError, CredentialsConfig]] = CredentialsConfig.fromFile[IO]("/tmp/config.json")

or use Pureconfig to create config from environment variables (for example for Heroku deployment)

and next pass it directly:

val credentialsConfig: CredentialsConfig = ???

Message types

There are two types of message: Notification message and Data message. For more details see Firebase documentation. Examples:

import com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.messaging.{DataMessage, Destination, NotificationMessage}

val m1 = DataMessage(Destination.Topic("abc"), Map("foo" -> "a", "bar" -> "b")) // Data message with topic destination and key value data
val m2 = NotificationMessage(Destination.Token("abc"), title = Some("Some title"), body = Some("Body"), image = Some(""), data = Some(Map("foo" -> "a", "bar" -> "b"))) //Mixed message with token destination, notification title, body, image and key value data
val m3 = NotificationMessage(Destination.Condition("'TopicB' in topics || 'TopicC' in topics"), title = Some("example title"))  //Notification message with condition destination and title only
Message data

Both Notification message and data message can contain payload passed to message (for MessageData it's required). It can be any type with instance of MessageDataEncoder. There is default instance for type Map[String, String]. For any other type custom instance have to be created. For example:

import com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.messaging.{Destination, MessageDataEncoder, NotificationMessage}

case class Data(foo: String, bar: Int)
implicit val dataEncoder: MessageDataEncoder[Data] = MessageDataEncoder.deriveFrom[Data](data => Map("foo" ->, "bar" ->
val ExampleMessage = NotificationMessage(Destination.Topic("someTopic"))

Http backend

The library require implementation of com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.http.HttpBackend. There are no built-in implementation, but you can use implementation based on Http4s client:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.pawelj-pl" %% "fcm4s-http4s" % "<libraryVersion>"

This backend require http4s client instance. If You already created one, You can create backend in following way:

import cats.effect.IO
import com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.http.HttpBackend
import com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.http4s.Http4sBackend
import org.http4s.client.Client

val client: Client[IO] = ???
val httpBackend: HttpBackend[IO] = Http4sBackend(client)

Otherwise You can create instance inside io.cats.Resource:

import cats.effect.IO
import com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.http4s.Http4sBackend


Http4sBackend.create[IO](global).use(implicit backend => {

Creating instance manually

Instance of com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.messaging.Messaging can be created manually for any type, but You have to provide all implicits. Example instance for cats.effect.IO:

implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global)
val messaging: IO[Messaging[IO]] = BlazeClientBuilder[IO](global).resource.use(client => {
  implicit val backend: Http4sBackend[IO] = Http4sBackend(client)
  implicit val clock: Clock[IO] = Clock.create[IO]
  implicit val time: TimeProvider[IO] = TimeProvider.instance[IO]
  implicit val cacheMode: Mode[IO] = scalacache.CatsEffect.modes.async
  implicit val accessTokenAuth: AccessTokenAuth[IO] = AccessTokenAuth.withCache[IO](cfg)

Complex message

It's also possible to create complex as described in specification. Example:

import java.time.Instant

import com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.messaging.{Destination, FcmOptions, MessageDataEncoder, NotificationMessage}
import com.github.pawelj_pl.fcm4s.messaging.extrafields.{
import io.circe.syntax._

import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

val ExampleAndroidNotification = AndroidNotification(
  title = Some("Android title"),
  body = Some("Android body"),
  icon = Some("Android icon"),
  color = Some("Android color"),
  sound = Some("Android sound"),
  tag = Some("Android tag"),
  clickAction = Some("Android click action"),
  bodyLocKey = Some("Android body loc key"),
  titleLocKey = Some("Android title loc key"),
  titleLocArgs = Some(List("foo", "bar")),
  channelId = Some("Android channel Id"),
  ticker = Some("Android ticker"),
  sticky = Some(true),
  eventTime = Some(Instant.EPOCH.plusNanos(123456)),
  localOnly = Some(true),
  notificationPriority = Some(AndroidNotificationPriority.PriorityMax),
  defaultSound = Some(true),
  defaultVibrateTimings = Some(true),
  defaultLightSettings = Some(true),
  vibrateTimings = Some(List(Duration(3, "seconds"), Duration(120123, "nano"))),
  visibility = Some(AndroidNotificationVisibility.VisibilityUnspecified),
  notificationCount = Some(7),
  lightSettings = Some(LightSettings(Color(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.0), Duration(300, "millisecond"), Duration(10, "second"))),
  image = Some("Android image")

val ExampleAndroidConfig = Android(
  collapseKey = Some("someKey"),
  priority = Some(MessagePriority.High),
  ttl = Some(Duration(2200, "millisecond")),
  restrictedPackageName = Some("some.package"),
  data = Some(Map("bazQux" -> "quux", "aB" -> "C")),
  notification = Some(ExampleAndroidNotification),
  fcmOptions = Some(FcmOptions(analyticsLabel = Some("someLabel")))

val ExampleWebpushNotification = WebpushNotification(
  actions = Some(Map("foo" -> "bar", "baz" -> "qux")),
  badge = Some("someBadge"),
  body = Some("someBody"),
  data = Some(Map("a" -> "b", "c" -> "d")),
  dir = Some(WebpushNotificationDirection.Ltr),
  lang = Some("pl-PL"),
  tag = Some("someTag"),
  icon = Some("someIcon"),
  image = Some("someImage"),
  renotify = Some(true),
  requireInteraction = Some(true),
  silent = Some(true),
  timestamp = Some(1589227678407L),
  title = Some("someTitle"),
  vibrate = Some(List(300, 200, 300))

val ExampleWebpushConfig = Webpush(
  headers = Some(Map("h1" -> "v1", "h2" -> "v2")),
  data = Some(Map("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2")),
  notification = Some(ExampleWebpushNotification),
  fcmOptions = Some(WebpushFcmOptions(link = Some("someLink"), analyticsLabel = Some("someLabel")))

val ExampleApnsPayladAlert = ApnsPayloadAlert.AlertDict(
  title = Some("someTitle"),
  subtitle = Some("someSubtitle"),
  body = Some("someBody"),
  launchImage = Some("someLaunchImage"),
  titleLocKey = Some("someTitleLocKey"),
  titleLocArgs = Some(List("titleLoc1", "titleLoc2")),
  subtitleLocKey = Some("someSubtitleLocKey"),
  subtitleLocArgs = Some(List("subtitleLoc1", "subtitleLoc2")),
  locKey = Some("someLocKey"),
  locArgs = Some(List("loc1", "loc2"))

val ExampleApnsPayload = StandardApnsPayload(
  alert = Some(ExampleApnsPayladAlert),
  badge = Some(3),
  sound = Some(ApnsPayloadSound.SoundDict(critical = 1, name = "someSound", volume = 1.0)),
  threadId = Some("someThread"),
  category = Some("someCategory"),
  contentAvailable = Some(1),
  mutableContent = Some(1),
  targetContentId = Some("someTargetContentId")

val ExampleApnsConfig = Apns.withStandardPayload(
  headers = Some(Map("h1" -> "v1", "h2" -> "v2")),
  payload = ExampleApnsPayload,
  fcmOptions = Some(ApnsFcmOptions(analyticsLabel = Some("someLabel"), image = Some("someImage")))

case class TestMessageData(foo: String, bar: Int)
implicit val dataEncoder: MessageDataEncoder[TestMessageData] =
  MessageDataEncoder.deriveFrom(data => Map("foo" ->, "bar" ->

val message = NotificationMessage(
  destination = Destination.Token("someToken"),
  title = Some("someTitle"),
  body = Some("someBody"),
  image = Some("someImage"),
  data = Some(TestMessageData("baz", 8)),
  name = Some("someMessageName"),
  android = Some(ExampleAndroidConfig),
  webpush = Some(ExampleWebpushConfig),
  apns = Some(ExampleApnsConfig),
  fcmOptions = Some(FcmOptions(analyticsLabel = Some("someLabel")))

will be transformed into following FCM message:

  "message" : {
    "name" : "someMessageName",
    "android" : {
      "collapse_key" : "someKey",
      "priority" : "high",
      "ttl" : "2.2s",
      "restricted_package_name" : "some.package",
      "data" : {
        "bazQux" : "quux",
        "aB" : "C"
      "notification" : {
        "title" : "Android title",
        "body" : "Android body",
        "icon" : "Android icon",
        "color" : "Android color",
        "sound" : "Android sound",
        "tag" : "Android tag",
        "click_action" : "Android click action",
        "body_loc_key" : "Android body loc key",
        "title_loc_key" : "Android title loc key",
        "title_loc_args" : [
        "channel_id" : "Android channel Id",
        "ticker" : "Android ticker",
        "sticky" : true,
        "event_time" : "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000123456Z",
        "local_only" : true,
        "notification_priority" : "PRIORITY_MAX",
        "default_sound" : true,
        "default_vibrate_timings" : true,
        "default_light_settings" : true,
        "vibrate_timings" : [
        "visibility" : "VISIBILITY_UNSPECIFIED",
        "notification_count" : 7,
        "light_settings" : {
          "color" : {
            "red" : 0.3,
            "green" : 0.2,
            "blue" : 0.1,
            "alpha" : 1.0
          "light_on_duration" : "0.3s",
          "light_off_duration" : "10s"
        "image" : "Android image"
      "fcm_options" : {
        "analytics_label" : "someLabel"
    "webpush" : {
      "headers" : {
        "h1" : "v1",
        "h2" : "v2"
      "data" : {
        "key1" : "value1",
        "key2" : "value2"
      "notification" : {
        "actions" : {
          "foo" : "bar",
          "baz" : "qux"
        "badge" : "someBadge",
        "body" : "someBody",
        "data" : {
          "a" : "b",
          "c" : "d"
        "dir" : "ltr",
        "lang" : "pl-PL",
        "tag" : "someTag",
        "icon" : "someIcon",
        "image" : "someImage",
        "renotify" : true,
        "requireInteraction" : true,
        "silent" : true,
        "timestamp" : 1589227678407,
        "title" : "someTitle",
        "vibrate" : [
      "fcm_options" : {
        "link" : "someLink",
        "analytics_label" : "someLabel"
    "apns" : {
      "headers" : {
        "h1" : "v1",
        "h2" : "v2"
      "payload" : {
        "aps" : {
          "alert" : {
            "title" : "someTitle",
            "subtitle" : "someSubtitle",
            "body" : "someBody",
            "launch-image" : "someLaunchImage",
            "title-loc-key" : "someTitleLocKey",
            "title-loc-args" : [
            "subtitle-loc-key" : "someSubtitleLocKey",
            "subtitle-loc-args" : [
            "loc-key" : "someLocKey",
            "loc-args" : [
          "badge" : 3,
          "sound" : {
            "critical" : 1,
            "name" : "someSound",
            "volume" : 1.0
          "thread-id" : "someThread",
          "category" : "someCategory",
          "content-available" : 1,
          "mutable-content" : 1,
          "target-content-id" : "someTargetContentId"
      "fcm_options" : {
        "analytics_label" : "someLabel",
        "image" : "someImage"
    "fcm_options" : {
      "analytics_label" : "someLabel"
    "data" : {
      "foo" : "baz",
      "bar" : "8"
    "notification" : {
      "title" : "someTitle",
      "body" : "someBody",
      "image" : "someImage"
    "token" : "someToken"