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pawelkaczor committed Aug 7, 2023
1 parent 4e713d1 commit 0d3ad42
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Showing 2 changed files with 67 additions and 96 deletions.
159 changes: 63 additions & 96 deletions src/main/scala/br/com/virsox/scalexpr/ExpressionParser.scala
Expand Up @@ -6,29 +6,18 @@ import fastparse._, SingleLineWhitespace._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

/** Companion object. */
object ExpressionParser {

/** *
* Defines a function with a name.
* @param f Function definition.
* @param name Name of the function.
* @tparam T Type of the function parameter.
* @tparam V Type of the function return type.
case class NamedFunction[T, V](f: T => V, name: String) extends (T => V) {
private case class NamedFunction[T, V](f: T => V, name: String) extends (T => V) {
def apply(t: T): V = f(t)
override def toString(): String = name


def apply() = new ExpressionParser()
case class ExpressionParsingException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
private case class ExpressionParsingException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)

/** *
* Parser of expressions.
class ExpressionParser extends DateParser {

import ExpressionParser._
Expand All @@ -37,119 +26,96 @@ class ExpressionParser extends DateParser {
str: String,
verboseFailures: Boolean = false
): Try[RelationalExpression[_ >: Instant with String with BigDecimal]] =
parse(str, relationalExpr(_), verboseFailures) match {
case Parsed.Success(value, _) =>
case f: Parsed.Failure if verboseFailures =>
case f: Parsed.Failure =>
Failure(ExpressionParsingException(s"[${f.index}], ${f.extra.trace()}"))
parseFailSafe(str, relationalExpr(_), verboseFailures)

/** *
* Parse a String as a boolean expression.
* @param str String to be parsed.
* @return Boolean expression if the String can be successfully parsed, a Failure otherwise.
def parseBooleanExpression(str: String, verboseFailures: Boolean = false): Try[Expression[Boolean]] =
parse(str, booleanExpr(_), verboseFailures) match {
case Parsed.Success(value, _) =>
case f: Parsed.Failure if verboseFailures =>
case f: Parsed.Failure =>
Failure(ExpressionParsingException(s"[${f.index}], ${f.extra.trace()}"))
parseFailSafe(str, booleanExpr(_), verboseFailures)

/** *
* Parse a String as a BigDecimal expression.
* @param str String to be parsed.
* @return BigDecimal expression if the String can be successfully parsed, a Failure otherwise.
def parseArithmeticExpression(str: String): Try[Expression[BigDecimal]] =
parse(str, arithmeticExpr(_)) match {
case Parsed.Success(value, _) =>
case f: Parsed.Failure =>
Failure(ExpressionParsingException(s"[${f.index}], ${f.extra.trace()}"))
parseFailSafe(str, arithmeticExpr(_))

private def parseFailSafe[T](input: ParserInputSource, parser: P[_] => P[T], verboseFailures: Boolean = false): Try[T] =
Try(parse(input, parser, verboseFailures))
.recoverWith {
case e: Throwable =>
Failure(ExpressionParsingException(s"Error parsing expression: ${e.getMessage}"))
.flatMap {
case Parsed.Success(value, _) =>
case f: Parsed.Failure if verboseFailures =>
case f: Parsed.Failure =>
Failure(ExpressionParsingException(s"[${f.index}], ${f.extra.trace()}"))

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------- General parsers ----------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
def chars[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(CharIn("a-zA-Z_"))
private def chars[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(CharIn("a-zA-Z_"))
def digits[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(CharIn("0-9"))

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------- Number parsers ----------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// a decimal is 0 or [+-] followed by [1-9] followed by digits
def decimalParser[_: P]: P[Unit] = P("0" | CharIn("+\\-").? ~ CharIn("1-9") ~ digits.rep)
private def decimalParser[_: P]: P[Unit] = P("0" | CharIn("+\\-").? ~ CharIn("1-9") ~ digits.rep)

// an int is a decimal number that does not end with a L
def intParser[_: P]: P[String] = P(decimalParser ~ !CharIn("Ll.")).!
private def intParser[_: P]: P[String] = P(decimalParser ~ !CharIn("Ll.")).!

// a long is a decimal number that ends with a L character
def longParser[_: P]: P[String] = P(decimalParser.! ~ CharIn("Ll").!).map(_._1)
private def longParser[_: P]: P[String] = P(decimalParser.! ~ CharIn("Ll").!).map(_._1)

// a double is a fractional number
def doubleParser[_: P]: P[String] = P(decimalParser ~ "." ~ digits.rep).!
private def doubleParser[_: P]: P[String] = P(decimalParser ~ "." ~ digits.rep).!

// convert the parsed numbers to constant objects
def intLiteral[_: P]: P[NumericExpr[Int]] = => IntConstant(s.toInt))
def longLiteral[_: P]: P[NumericExpr[Long]] = => LongConstant(s.toLong))
def doubleLiteral[_: P]: P[NumericExpr[Double]] = => DoubleConstant(s.toDouble))
def bigDecimalLiteral[_: P]: P[NumericExpr[BigDecimal]] =
private def intLiteral[_: P]: P[NumericExpr[Int]] = => IntConstant(s.toInt))
private def longLiteral[_: P]: P[NumericExpr[Long]] = => LongConstant(s.toLong))
private def doubleLiteral[_: P]: P[NumericExpr[Double]] = => DoubleConstant(s.toDouble))
private def bigDecimalLiteral[_: P]: P[NumericExpr[BigDecimal]] =
(intParser | longParser | doubleParser).map(s => BigDecimalConstant(BigDecimal(s)))

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------- Variable parsers ----------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// a valid identifier is composed of a character, followed by n characters or digits
def identifierParser[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(chars ~ (chars | digits).rep)
private def identifierParser[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(chars ~ (chars | digits).rep)

// a variable is a sequence of identifiers separated by "."
def variableParser[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(identifierParser ~ ("." ~ identifierParser).rep)
private def variableParser[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(identifierParser ~ ("." ~ identifierParser).rep)

def intVariable[_: P]: P[IntVar] = variableParser.!.map(IntVar)
def longVariable[_: P]: P[LongVar] = variableParser.!.map(LongVar)
def doubleVariable[_: P]: P[DoubleVar] = variableParser.!.map(DoubleVar)
def bigDecimalVariable[_: P]: P[BigDecimalVar] = variableParser.!.map(BigDecimalVar)
def dateTimeVariable[_: P]: P[DateTimeVar] = variableParser.!.map(DateTimeVar)
def booleanVariable[_: P]: P[BooleanVar] = variableParser.!.map(BooleanVar)
def stringVariable[_: P]: P[StringVar] = variableParser.!.map(StringVar)
private def intVariable[_: P]: P[IntVar] = variableParser.!.map(IntVar)
private def longVariable[_: P]: P[LongVar] = variableParser.!.map(LongVar)
private def doubleVariable[_: P]: P[DoubleVar] = variableParser.!.map(DoubleVar)
private def bigDecimalVariable[_: P]: P[BigDecimalVar] = variableParser.!.map(BigDecimalVar)
private def dateTimeVariable[_: P]: P[DateTimeVar] = variableParser.!.map(DateTimeVar)
private def booleanVariable[_: P]: P[BooleanVar] = variableParser.!.map(BooleanVar)
private def stringVariable[_: P]: P[StringVar] = variableParser.!.map(StringVar)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------ String parsers ------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
def StringChars[_: P]: NamedFunction[Char, Boolean] = NamedFunction(!"\"\\".contains(_: Char), "StringChars")
def strChars[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(CharsWhile(StringChars))
def stringLiteral[_: P]: P[StringConstant] = P("\"" ~ strChars.! ~ "\"").map(StringConstant)
private def StringChars[_: P]: NamedFunction[Char, Boolean] = NamedFunction(!"\"\\".contains(_: Char), "StringChars")
private def strChars[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(CharsWhile(StringChars))
private def stringLiteral[_: P]: P[StringConstant] = P("\"" ~ strChars.! ~ "\"").map(StringConstant)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------- Numeric expressions ---------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
/** *
* Obtains a numeric variable parser based on the informed type.
* @tparam T Type of the variable returned by the parser.
* @return numeric variable parser.
def numericVariable[_: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] =

private def numericVariable[_: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] =
implicitly[TypeTag[T]].tpe match {
case _ if typeOf[T] =:= typeOf[Int] => intVariable.asInstanceOf[P[NumericExpr[T]]]
case _ if typeOf[T] =:= typeOf[Long] => longVariable.asInstanceOf[P[NumericExpr[T]]]
case _ if typeOf[T] =:= typeOf[Double] => doubleVariable.asInstanceOf[P[NumericExpr[T]]]
case _ if typeOf[T] =:= typeOf[BigDecimal] => bigDecimalVariable.asInstanceOf[P[NumericExpr[T]]]

/** *
* Obtains a numeric literal parser based on the informed type.
* @tparam T Type of the literal returned by the parser.
* @return numeric literal parser.
def numericLiteral[_: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] =
private def numericLiteral[_: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] =
implicitly[TypeTag[T]].tpe match {
case _ if typeOf[T] =:= typeOf[Int] => intLiteral.asInstanceOf[P[NumericExpr[T]]]
case _ if typeOf[T] =:= typeOf[Long] => longLiteral.asInstanceOf[P[NumericExpr[T]]]
Expand All @@ -165,7 +131,7 @@ class ExpressionParser extends DateParser {
* @tparam T Type of the numeric expression.
* @return ArithmeticExpression representing the operations.
def evalNumeric[T: TypeTag](tree: (NumericExpr[T], Seq[(String, NumericExpr[T])])): NumericExpr[T] = {
private def evalNumeric[T: TypeTag](tree: (NumericExpr[T], Seq[(String, NumericExpr[T])])): NumericExpr[T] = {
val (base, ops) = tree
ops.foldLeft(base) {
case (left, (op, right)) =>
Expand All @@ -179,18 +145,18 @@ class ExpressionParser extends DateParser {

/** Parser of a numeric expression with parenthesis. */
def parens[A: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] = P("(" ~ numExpr[A, T] ~ ")")
private def parens[A: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] = P("(" ~ numExpr[A, T] ~ ")")

/** Parser of multiplication / division factors. */
def factor[A: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] = P(numericLiteral[A, T] | numericVariable[A, T] | parens)
private def factor[A: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] = P(numericLiteral[A, T] | numericVariable[A, T] | parens)

/** Parser for division or multiplication expressions. */
def divMul[A: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] = P(factor[A, T] ~ (CharIn("*/").! ~ factor[A, T]).rep).map(evalNumeric[T])
private def divMul[A: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] = P(factor[A, T] ~ (CharIn("*/").! ~ factor[A, T]).rep).map(evalNumeric[T])

/** Parser for arithmetic expressions. */
def arithmeticExpr[A: P]: P[NumericExpr[BigDecimal]] = numExpr[A, BigDecimal]
private def arithmeticExpr[A: P]: P[NumericExpr[BigDecimal]] = numExpr[A, BigDecimal]

def numExpr[A: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] = P(divMul[A, T] ~ (CharIn("+\\-").! ~ divMul[A, T]).rep).map(evalNumeric[T])
private def numExpr[A: P, T: TypeTag]: P[NumericExpr[T]] = P(divMul[A, T] ~ (CharIn("+\\-").! ~ divMul[A, T]).rep).map(evalNumeric[T])

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------- Relational expressions ------------------
Expand All @@ -204,7 +170,7 @@ class ExpressionParser extends DateParser {
* @tparam T Type of the numeric expression.
* @return RelationalExpression representing the operations.
def evalRelational[T: Ordering](tree: (OrderingExpr[T], String, OrderingExpr[T])): RelationalExpression[T] = {
private def evalRelational[T: Ordering](tree: (OrderingExpr[T], String, OrderingExpr[T])): RelationalExpression[T] = {
val (left, op, right) = tree
op match {
case "==" => left == right
Expand All @@ -216,36 +182,37 @@ class ExpressionParser extends DateParser {

def dateTimeTerm[_: P]: P[OrderingExpr[Instant] with SimpleExpression[Instant]] = P(dateTimeVariable | dateTimeLiteral)
//noinspection ScalaUnusedSymbol
private def dateTimeTerm[_: P]: P[OrderingExpr[Instant] with SimpleExpression[Instant]] = P(dateTimeVariable | dateTimeLiteral)

def relationalOperators[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(StringIn("==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<", ">"))
private def relationalOperators[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(StringIn("==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<", ">"))

def strRelationalExpr[A: P]: P[RelationalExpression[String]] =
private def strRelationalExpr[A: P]: P[RelationalExpression[String]] =
P((stringLiteral ~ relationalOperators.! ~ stringVariable) | (stringVariable ~ relationalOperators.! ~ stringLiteral))

def numericRelationalExpr[A: P]: P[RelationalExpression[BigDecimal]] =
private def numericRelationalExpr[A: P]: P[RelationalExpression[BigDecimal]] =
P(numExpr[A, BigDecimal] ~ relationalOperators.! ~ numExpr[A, BigDecimal]).map(evalRelational[BigDecimal])

def dateTimeRelationalExpr[A: P]: P[RelationalExpression[Instant]] =
private def dateTimeRelationalExpr[A: P]: P[RelationalExpression[Instant]] =
P((dateTimeLiteral ~ relationalOperators.! ~ dateTimeVariable) | (dateTimeVariable ~ relationalOperators.! ~ dateTimeLiteral))

def relationalExpr[_: P]: P[RelationalExpression[_ >: Instant with String with BigDecimal]] =
private def relationalExpr[_: P]: P[RelationalExpression[_ >: Instant with String with BigDecimal]] =
P(strRelationalExpr | dateTimeRelationalExpr | numericRelationalExpr)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------ Boolean expressions --------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

def booleanLiteral[_: P]: P[BooleanConstant] = P("true" | "false").!.map(s => BooleanConstant(s.toBoolean))
def booleanParens[_: P]: P[BooleanExpr] = P("(" ~/ booleanExpr ~ ")")
private def booleanLiteral[_: P]: P[BooleanConstant] = P("true" | "false").!.map(s => BooleanConstant(s.toBoolean))
private def booleanParens[_: P]: P[BooleanExpr] = P("(" ~/ booleanExpr ~ ")")

def booleanTerm[_: P]: P[BooleanExpr] = P(relationalExpr | booleanParens | booleanLiteral | booleanVariable)
private def booleanTerm[_: P]: P[BooleanExpr] = P(relationalExpr | booleanParens | booleanLiteral | booleanVariable)

def booleanOperators[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(StringIn("&&", "||"))
private def booleanOperators[_: P]: P[Unit] = P(StringIn("&&", "||"))

def booleanExpr[_: P]: P[BooleanExpr] =
private def booleanExpr[_: P]: P[BooleanExpr] =
P(booleanTerm ~ (booleanOperators.! ~ booleanTerm).rep).map(s => {
val (base, ops) = s
ops.foldLeft(base) {
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ class ExpressionParserTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
verify(parser.parseArithmeticExpression("5 +3"), BigDecimalConstant(5) + BigDecimalConstant(3))

it should "reject invalid expression" in new Fixture {
parser.parseBooleanExpression("3 > - 2") shouldBe a[Failure[_]]

it should "consider operator precedence in an arithmetic expression" in new Fixture {
verify(parser.parseArithmeticExpression("4+1 * 2"), BigDecimalConstant(4) + (BigDecimalConstant(1) * BigDecimalConstant(2)))
Expand Down

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