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Tools for interacting with the ECR Docker registry

This repo provide two utilities:

  • docker-credential-fazz-ecr: Credential helper for Docker client.
  • fazz-ecr-create-repo: Helper to create new repository on the registry.

User permissions to repositories are determined by the membership of Google groups.

How to install

Run go install to install both utilities in your $GOBIN. Put $GOBIN in your $PATH to make it easier to access the programs.


  1. Make sure that docker is installed

    which docker

    If docker is not found, install docker first by following the instructions here

  2. Check for the file in {HOME}/.docker/config.json. If it is not available create the file with {} (empty json object). Or run this command:

    [ ! -f ${HOME}/.docker/config.json ] && mkdir -p ${HOME}/.docker && echo "{}" > ${HOME}/.docker/config.json
  3. To generate fazz-ecr auth config for docker, run the following on terminal:

    docker-credential-fazz-ecr update-config
  4. You can now create a repository based on your account. For example, if your email is, and you want to create a container image repository for service named myservice, run the following command:


    The same rule is applicable to repository with your team's name. For example, if you are a member of, you can create repositories on*.

    You cannot push image with the same tag more than once (Every image:tag is immutable).

How to use in GitHub Actions

Use payfazz/setup-fazz-ecr-action@v1 action in your workflow file. FAZZ_ECR_TOKEN environment variable must be set.


docker-credential-fazz-ecr provides the following sub-commands:

  • update-config
  • login
  • list-access
  • get

docker-credential-fazz-ecr update-config is used to update ~/.docker/config.json to configure authentication for repository.

docker-credential-fazz-ecr login is used to remove old credential and retrieve new credential. This command will open your web browser to authenticate your identity.

docker-credential-fazz-ecr list-access is used to list all repositories which is accessible by your credential.

docker-credential-fazz-ecr get is used internally by docker command line


Both client utilities will do an HTTP call to an AWS Lambda which is proxied by AWS API Gateway. This lambda handles the actual authentication and authorization logic. The lambda code is located on aws-lambda/fazz-ecr directory, and you can deploy the code with the following commands:

# Make sure you are in the aws-lambda/fazz-ecr directory
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build .
zip fazz-ecr
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name fazz-ecr --region ap-southeast-1 --zip-file fileb://
rm fazz-ecr