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kdevjanr edited this page Jul 24, 2023 · 2 revisions

About this Document

This document describes our plugin for WooCommerce platform and includes information on how to use it with your APS Backoffice.

Intended audience

This document was created for users to integrate the Amazon Payment Services WooCommerce plugin with their WooCommerce application.


Admin Panel

  • Login to [Admin Panel] of WordPress website
  • Navigate to Plugins -> Add New
  • Click on “Upload Login” and choose the plugin zip file
  • Click on “Install Now” and activate the plugin
  • Follow the configuration steps mentioned in Step 3


  • Connect via SFTP and navigate to [your site root folder]/wp-content/plugins
  • Copy WooCommerce APS plugin folder under plugins folder
  • Navigate to Admin Panel -> Plugins
  • Find and activate Amazon Payment Services plugin.
  • Follow the configuration steps mentioned in Step 3


Follow the below instruction to access configuration page of APS WooCommerce plugin:

  • Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments
  • On the Payment page find a payment methods names as “Amazon Payment Service – Credit / Debit card”
  • Click on Manage and provide General and Multiple payment options configurations

Amazon Payment Services Account:

If you don't have an APS account click here to sign up for Amazon Payment Services account

Have any questions? Just get in touch -- email the team at

Configurations Fields

Amazon Payment Services Merchant Configuration

You can obtain the value of these fields from the APS account following the navigation via main menu: Integration Settings -> Security Settings

  • Merchant Identifier
  • Access Code
  • Request SHA Phrase
  • Response SHA Phrase

Amazon Payment Services Global Configuration

Configuration Type Configuration Description
Sandbox Mode You can change the behaviour of the plugin to decide whether it will work in Sandbox mode (Used on stage server for testing and dummy payment capture) or in Live mode (Used on Live server for real payment capture)
Command - AUTHORIZATION If the command is set as “AUTHORIZATION” then the order amount will not be deducted from the user card/bank at the time of placing the order. Merchants need to manually capture it from the APS Back Office or from the Order detail page in WordPress admin panel. - PURCHASE: If the command is set as “PURCHASE” then the order amount will be deducted from the user card/bank at the time of placing the order.
SHA Type This is the algorithm that plugin and APS will use to verify the request and response. Keep it the same APS account.
Gateway Currency In the case of a multi-currency WooCommerce, set a default currency for the store and allow the customer to choose any supported currency. In this scenario this field decides while interacting with APS which currency will be used. If it is set as “Front” then interaction will happen in customer chosen currency and if it is set as “Base” then WooCommerce store default currency will be used. If a merchant is not using multicurrency, it means base currency and front currency are the same.
Debug Mode If Debug mode is enabled all transaction logs will be saved.
Log URL Please follow the link to see all transactions logs if Debug Mode is enabled. The link is redirected to the logs detail page. At the top right log file by the date can be selected. All requests and responses are logged in json format. To track a particular order, you can search the order_id in the log file.
Host to Host URL This is used as a Webhook URL. Host to Host URL needs to be set in the APS account for feedback and transaction notifications.
Enable Tokenization This option is to enable customers to have an option to save their card information on APS system securely. Save My Card button will be shown in Debit/Credit Card and Installments payment options. Customers can also access their saved card information on My Account page of the WooCommerce.
Hide delete token button Allows users to delete all saved cards in my account section. If a card is saved for any subscription product purchase, customers won’t be allowed to delete the respective card in My Account -> Payment Methods section.

Credit / Debit Card

Configuration Type Configuration Description
Enabled Yes : To enable this payment option. No : To disable this payment option.
Integration Type Redirection :Users will be redirected to APS website to enter the payment details on APS hosted page.Standard Checkout Users will stay on the merchant checkout page but an APS checkout form will open in Iframe to enter the payment details. The form is hosted by APS. Hosted Checkout: Users will stay on the WooCommerce checkout page, card form will be hosted by the WooCommerce. Communication will happen host to host between WooCommerce and APS.
Show Mada Branding Enable via checking the box if you wish to display the mada logo on the checkout page with all mada branding guidelines.
Show Meeza Branding Enable via checking the box if you wish to display the meeza logo on the checkout page with all meeza branding guidelines.

Apple Pay

Configuration Type Configuration Description
Enabled - Yes : To enable this payment option - No : To disable this payment option
SHA Type This is the algorithm that plugin and APS will use to verify the request and response. Keep it the same APS account.
Apple Pay Button Types The type of Apple pay button can be chosen here.
Access Code You can obtain the value of the field from the APS account.
Request SHA Phrase You can obtain the value of the field from the APS account.
Response SHA Phrase You can obtain the value of the field from the APS account.
Domain Name Domain name on which WooCommerce system is running.
Supported Networks The list of Cards Brands can be chosen to be available in Apple Pay.
Production Key The key used for generating the certificate in your Apple Pay account.
Apple Pay Certificates By clicking on this link you can upload the payment processing certificates that you received from
Apple while setting up Apple pay. There are two types of file one is certificate file and one is certificate key file.


Configuration Type Configuration Description
Enabled Yes : To enable this payment option. No : To disable this payment option


Configuration Type Configuration Description
Enabled Yes : To enable this payment option No : To disable this payment option

Visa Checkout

Configuration Type Configuration Description
Enabled Yes : To enable this payment option. No : To disable this payment option
Integration Type There are two types of integration available and Merchant can select any type as per his requirements. - Redirection Users will be redirected to the service provider website to enter the payment details. - Hosted Checkout Users will stay on the WooCommerce checkout page and on clicking the Visa Checkout button a Visa Checkout popup will open to complete the checkout.
API Key This will be provided by Amazon Payment Services.
Profile ID This will be provided by Amazon Payment Services.


Configuration Type Configuration Description
Enabled Yes : To enable this payment option No : To disable this payment option
Integration Type There are three types of integration available and Merchant can select any type as per his requirements. Redirection: Users will be redirected to APS website to enter the payment details on APS hosted page. Standard Checkout Users will stay on the merchant checkout page but an APS checkout form will open in Iframe to enter the payment details. The form is hosted by APS. Hosted Checkout :Users will stay on the WooCommerce checkout page, card form will be hosted by the WooCommerce. Communication will happen host to host between WooCommerce and APS.
Installment Order Purchase minimum limit (SAR)
Default Value: 1100
The minimum order total amount (including Tax) required in SAR to place the order with installment. It should be the same as the installment plan threshold set in APS back office.
Installment Order Purchase minimum limit (AED)
Default Value: 1100
The minimum order total amount (including Tax) required in AED to place the order with installment. It should be the same as the installment plan threshold set in APS back office.
Installment Order Purchase minimum limit (EGP)
Default Value: 1100
The minimum order total amount (including Tax) required in EGP to place the order with installment. It should be the same as the installment plan threshold set in APS back office. Minimum order limit is only on these three currencies but there may be installment plans available in other currencies also. Have any questions? Just get in touch -- email the team at integration-
Show Issuer Name Use the checkbox if you wish to display the Bank/Issuer Name on the checkout page while showing the installment plans.
Show Issuer Logo Use the checkbox if you wish to display the Bank/Issuer logo on the checkout page while showing the installment plans.

Note: In case of saved cards, the first 6 digit of saved (masked) card will be used to fetch installment plan. Merchants should enable the masking strategy in APS Backoffice accordingly for hosted installments payment options to work with saved cards.

To change card masking in APS Backoffice navigate to **Merchant Management > Technical Settings > Merchant Page: Select Visa, MC or Amex. ** Have any questions? Just get in touch -- email the team at


Configuration Type Configuration Description
Enabled Yes : To enable this payment option No : To disable this payment option
VALU Order Purchase minimum limit in EGP.The minimum order total amount (including Tax) required to place the order with Valu.

Capture, Void & Refund


Full and partial captures are supported.

How to capture full amount from Order Detail page:

  1. Go to the order detail page
  2. Check Capture/Void Authorization section
  3. Select capture action
  4. Enter the order total amount
  5. Click on Submit
  • How to capture partial amount from Order Detail page:
  1. Go to the order detail page
  2. Check Capture/Void Authorization section
  3. Select capture action
  4. Enter the amount you want to capture
  5. Click on Submit


  • How to void an order from Order Detail page
  1. Go to the order detail page
  2. Check Capture/Void Authorization section
  3. Select void action
  4. Click on Submit
  • In case of Capture and Void events triggered from the APS Backoffice, results will be reflected to the WordPress admin panel using webhooks (Check Host to Host URL option in configuration settings).


For refunds, please refer to the default behavior of WooCommerce

  • In case of Refund events triggered from the APS Backoffice, results will be reflected to the WordPress admin panel using webhooks (Check Host to Host URL option in configuration settings).
  • To refund from the WordPress admin panel using APS use the Refund via Amazon Payment Service button instead of Refund Manually button. Refund Manually button won’t trigger the APS API to refund the amount back to the customer. If Manual Refund button is used then the ![ref2] same refund action has to be repeated on APS Backoffice to refund the amount against an order.
  • For the orders that are placed with the Authorization command, Refund will be active after the amounts are captured. Amounts more than captures can’t be refunded


Recurring payments are supported with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.

  • For WooCommerce subscriptions plugin configuration you can check the official plugin documentation.
  • APS Plugin functionality depends on WooCommerce subscriptions plugin configuration. Make sure all configurations for the WooCommerce Subscriptions are correct.

For example: If “Turn off automatic renewal” checkbox under WooCommerce subscriptions plugin configuration is checked then Manual Renewal won’t be possible WooCommerce admin panel as per Subscriptions plugin specifications. In this case customers need to manually renew the payment.