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File metadata and controls

358 lines (279 loc) · 10.9 KB


Getting tasks

You can list tasks by making a GET request to:

  • /api/tasks for a list of all task from all projects
  • /api/tasks?where=project_id=[PROJECT_ID] for a list of task from a project
  • /api/tasks?where=tasklist_id=[TASKLIST_ID] for a list of task from a task list
  • /api/tasks?where=complete=false and project_id=[PROJECT_ID] for a list of incomplete tasks from a project
  • /api/tasks?where=users=[USER_ID] for a list tasks assigned to a user
  • /api/tasks?where=users in ([USER1_ID],[USER2_ID]) for a list tasks assigned to USER1 or USER2
  • /api/tasks?where=users=anyone for a list tasks that have no users assigned
  • /api/tasks?where=users in ("anyone",[USER1_ID]) for a list tasks that have no users assigned or are assigned to USER1
  • /api/tasks?where=users<>anyone for a list tasks that have some user assigned
  • /api/tasks?where=mytasks=true for a list of "My Tasks", those are tasks assigned to the user making the request, or tasks not assigned to any specific user, tasks being limited only to the projects the user is assigned to.

Example of response:

   "tasks": [      
         "id": 2158,
         "name": "Design",
         "code": "PD-16",
         "project_id": 1,
         "tasklist_id": 2,
         "user_id": 1,
         "complete": false,
         "billable": true,
         "seq": 1,
         "description": "",
         "price_per_hour": null,
         "due_date": null,
         "budget_hours": null,
         "users": [
         "created_on": "2014-07-25T11:16:24Z",
         "updated_on": "2014-10-13T14:22:53Z"
         "id": 3320,
         "name": "Testing",
         "code": "PD-17",
         "project_id": 1,
         "tasklist_id": 3,
         "user_id": 2,
         "complete": true,
         "billable": true,
         "seq": 2,
         "description": "",
         "price_per_hour": null,
         "due_date": "2014-10-30",
         "budget_hours": null,
         "users": [],
         "created_on": "2014-07-25T11:18:11Z",
         "updated_on": "2014-08-23T14:22:05Z"

You can also include related content when listing tasks.

Getting a task

To get the task info, make a GET request to:

  • /api/tasks/[TASK_ID]
  • /api/tasks/[TASK_ID]?include=thread.comments for task info with a list of comments to it
  • /api/tasks/[TASK_ID]?include=files for task info with a list of attached files

Example response:

   "tasks": [      
         "id": 2158,
         "name": "Design",
         "code": "PD-12",
         "project_id": 1,
         "tasklist_id": 2,
         "user_id": 1,
         "complete": false,
         "billable": true,
         "seq": 1,
         "description": "",
         "price_per_hour": null,
         "due_date": null,
         "budget_hours": null,
         "users": [
         "created_on": "2014-07-25T11:16:24Z",
         "updated_on": "2014-10-13T14:22:53Z"

You can also include related content when getting a tasks.

Creating a task

To create a task, make a POST request to:

  • /api/tasks

with the request body containing the new task info, as in the example below:

  "name": "Logo Design",
  "description": "Please read the emails",
  "tasklist_id": 546,
  "users": [ 204 ]

If successful, the response will return 201 Created. The response header Location will contain a link for the new task. The response body will contain the new task info as in the Getting a task section.

When project_id is provided and tasklist_id is not, the task will be added to the Default Task List. In case there is no task list named Default Task List, such a task list will be created.

Required fields

When creating a task: name, tasklist_id or project_id

Updating a task

To update an existing task, make a POST or PUT request to:

  • /api/tasks/[TASK_ID]

with the request body containing the updated info. You can send only the changed fields.

Example of request body if you want to change the task name:

    "name": "Changes to logo"

The response will return 200 OK and will contain the updated task info as in the Getting a task section.

Changing the order of tasks

To reorder the tasks in a task list you need to make an update task list request with a body similar to:

    "tasks_order": [ 39, 2, 10, 9, 11, 12, 209 ]

where tasks_order is a list of task ids (from the task list) in the new order.

You can change the order of a subset of tasks by sending only the list of task ids that changed their position.

Adding a file to a task

To add a file to a task, make a POST request to:

  • /api/tasks/[TASK_ID]

The request content-type should be multipart-form-data and the file field name equal to file. Here's an example using curl command line:

curl -u email:password
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -F "file=@screenshot.png"

The file can also be added when creating the task. In that case, all the task fields should be send in multipart-form-data format together with the file.

Changing task workflow status

To change task's status, make an update request with the following request body:

   "status_id": WORKFLOW_STATUS_ID

The list of available task statuses can be obtained from the project workflow.

NOTE When a task is marked as completed, the task workflow status is changed to "Complete" and when it is activated, the task workflow status is changed to "Backlog".

Changing task priority

To change task's priority, make an update request with the following request body:

   "priority": TASK_PRIORITY

Allowed task priorities: 100, 75, 50, 25.

  • 100 - Critical
  • 75 - High
  • 50 - Normal
  • 25 - Low

NOTE All tasks are created with Normal (50) priority if not specified otherwise

Changing the order of subtasks

To reorder the subtasks in a task you need to make an update task request with a body similar to:

    "subtasks_order": [ 39, 2, 10, 9, 11 ]

where subtasks_order is a list of subtask ids in the new order.

Deleting a task

To delete a task, make a DELETE request to:

  • /api/tasks/[TASK_ID]

If successful, the response will have a 200 OK status code.


Deleting a task will also delete all time entries logged for that task!

Task billing

Tasks from billable projects (flat rate projects and time & materials projects) can be:

  • time based
  • flat rate
  • non-billable

Time based tasks

Defining fields for time based tasks:

  • billable will be true
  • flat_billing will be false
  • price_per_hour will be the task hourly rate. See project's hourly_billing_mode for how the actual hourly rate is selected.

Example request to create a time based task:

  • POST /api/tasks with the body:
    "name": "Time based task",
    "billable": true,
    "flat_billing": false,
    "price_per_hour": 50.00,
    "tasklist_id": 1234

Flat rate tasks

Defining fields for time based tasks:

  • billable will be true
  • flat_billing will be true
  • estimated_price will be the task flat rate

Example request to create a flat rate task:

  • POST /api/tasks with the body:
    "name": "Flat rate task",
    "billable": true,
    "flat_billing": true,
    "estimated_price": 100.00,
    "tasklist_id": 1234

See also project billing.

The task object

A task object has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id integer (read-only) Unique task identifier
name text Task name
code text
project_id integer (read-only) Project id
tasklist_id integer Task list id
seq integer Position (order) of the task in the task list
description text Task description and notes
complete boolean If true the task is marked as complete
completed_on integer (read-only) Date and time when the subtask was completed
completed_by integer (read-only) Id of the user that completed the subtask
due_date date Task due date. If task is not completed and due date has passed, the task is overdue.
user_id integer Id of the user who created the task
users list List of user ids that are assigned to the task. If no users are assigned, anyone assigned to the project sees this task in "My Tasks".
billable boolean Only for tasks from billable projects, if true the task is billable. See billing.
flat_billing boolean Only for tasks from time & materials projects, if true the task has a flat rate. See billing.
price_per_hour decimal For billable time based tasks, price per hour when billing the time for this task. Note: actual hourly rate used depends on project's hourly_billing_mode. See project billing.
budget_hours decimal Budget hours for the task
estimated_price decimal For billable tasks, the estimated task price based on tracked time for time based tasks, and the task flat price for flat rate tasks.
invoiced boolean For flat rate tasks, if true, the task was already invoiced.
invoice_item_id integer For flat rate tasks, if set, the ID of the invoice line (part of the invoice for the task).
priority integer Task priority. See priority.
status_id integer Task workflow status. See task status.
created_on datetime (read-only) Date and time when the task was created
updated_on datetime (read-only) Date and time when the task was last updated

Dependent objects

The following object types can be used in includes:

Object type Include key Relationship
Project project parent
Task List tasklist parent
User user parent
Comments Thread thread parent
Time Entry entries child
Subtask subtasks child
Invoice Item invoiceitem parent
Workflow Status workflowstatus parent