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🐘 Mastodon embed timeline

Mastodon timeline widget screenshot

Embed a mastodon feed timeline in your page, only with a CSS and JS file.

Working version running at:

Source code running at:

🗂️ User guide


Just copy both files (mastodon-timeline.css and mastodon-timeline.js from /src folder) in your project folder.

Now call each one in your page using the <link> and <script> tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="mastodon-timeline.css" />
<script src="mastodon-timeline.js"></script>

Then copy the following html structure:

<div class="mt-timeline">
  <div id="mt-body" class="mt-body" role="feed">
    <div class="loading-spinner"></div>

Great, you have a Mastodon timeline running in your page.


Edit the the JS file mastodon-timeline.js and at the beginning find these two lines:

    instance_url:   'Your Mastodon instance',
    timeline_type:  'local',

Enter your Mastodon instance URL (not including the last / symbol) and reload the page. You should see toots from your local instance in your timeline.

If you want to show a profile timeline then change the timeline_type to profile and set the following values:

    user_id:        'Your user ID on Mastodon instance',
    profile_name:   'Your user name on Mastodon instance',

If you prefer to show a timeline with a specific hashtag then change the timeline_type to hashtag and enter the name of the hashtag (not including the # symbol):

    hashtag_name:   'YourHashtag',

Also you have some parameters to customize your embed timeline:

// Preferred color theme: 'light', 'dark' or 'auto'. Default: auto
default_theme: "auto",

// Maximum amount of toots to get. Default: 20
toots_limit: "20",

// Hide unlisted toots. Default: don't hide
hide_unlisted: false,

// Hide boosted toots. Default: don't hide
hide_reblog: false,

// Hide replies toots. Default: don't hide
hide_replies: false,

// Hide preview for links. Default: don't hide
hide_preview_link: false,

// Hide custom emojis available on the server. Default: don't hide
hide_emojos: false,

// Converts Markdown symbol ">" at the beginning of a paragraph into a blockquote HTML tag. Default: don't apply
markdown_blockquote: false,

// Limit the text content to a maximum number of lines. Default: 0 (unlimited)
text_max_lines: "0",

// Hide replies, boosts and favourites toots counter. Default: don't hide
hide_counter_bar: false,

// Customize the text of the link pointing to the Mastodon page (appears after the last toot)
link_see_more: "See more posts at Mastodon",


If you don't know your user_id, you have two ways to get it:

  • Right click on your avatar image and inspect the element.
    You will see in your html code a line like this one:
    <img src="https://files.xxxxxxxx.xx/accounts/avatars/000/180/745/original/xxxxxxxxxx.png" alt="xxxx">
    Check the src="" url, your user id is between /accounts/avatars/ and /original/. So removing the slashs / you will get your user id, like in the example: 000180745

  • Other option, just copy your profile name and instance uri here:

🚀 Improve me

Feel free to add/improve the styles and add more features.

⚖️ License

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


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