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Mutation test library for Javascript

This library is still under construction. It is designed to expose and improve the core mutation functionality of grunt-mutation-testing


Class diagram


There are still quite a few issues open before this project can be released. If you would like to contribute please feel free to look at the issue list on Trello. This list is not not exhaustive. I'm assuming that more issues will be added. Issues with no members to their name are up for grabs.

If you want to take up an issue and you're not a member of the js-mutation-test team on Trello, send an email to and ask to be added. If you are a member, add yourself to a task (please remember that to avoid duplicate work), fork the project and get creative. :)

When you've completed a task / fixed a bug, create a pull request and we'll look at it and merge the code - or get back to you if we have questions or comments. We'll post some coding guidelines here shortly



Required Type: String or [String]

List of source code files that should be mutation tested.


Required Type: String or Function

This test is executed for every Mutation. If it passes, this mutation is reported as 'survived'.


optional Type: String or RegExp or [String and/or RegExp] Default: /('use strict'|"use strict");/

Code that matches with any of the supplied regular expressions will not be mutated in any way.

Note that, by default, mutations on the strict mode keyword 'use strict' will be ignored. If you really do want to mutate it, this can be done by providing the options.discardDefaultIgnore option (see below).


optional Type: String or RegExp or [String and/or RegExp]

Mutation replacements that match with any of the supplied regular expressions will not be introduced.


optional Type: Object

A set of properties, indicating whether certain mutations should be excluded for all files. See below for a list of available mutations.


optional Type: Boolean Default: false

When true, code is not copied to a temporary directory and mutated there, but instead the original production code is mutated, which can speed up your tests.

Be careful when using this option, as, in case the mutation process does not exit correctly, your code will be left mutated.


optional Type: Boolean Default: false

When true, mutations that are ignored by default (see options.ignore, above) will no longer be ignored.

We do not really see any relevant use case for this, but did not want to make it impossible to perform certain mutations either. Hence the existence of this configuration option.

Reporting options


optional Type: String Default: INFO

The used log level. Available options: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF.


optional Type: Object Default: { console: true }

Configuration of reporters to use. Available options: console, text, html.


optional Type: String Default: "reports/grunt-mutation-testing"

Directory to place the text report in.


optional Type: String Default: grunt-mutation-testing.txt

Filename of the text report.


optional Type: String Default: "reports/grunt-mutation-testing"

Directory to place the HTML report in.


optional Type: Number Default: 80

Percentage of mutations that should be killed in order for a test result to be considered successful.


optional Type: Number Default: 80

The maximum reported length of the mutation that has been done. When set to 0, the full mutation is logged regardless of its length.

Usage Examples

to be added later

Available mutations

Currently, the following mutations are available:

Mutation code Description Example
MATH Replace arithmetic operators by their opposites 1 + 1 to 1 - 1
ARRAY Remove elements from an array [1,2,3] to [1,3]
BLOCK_STATEMENT Remove statements from a block of statements function foo(x) { x = x * 2; return x; } to function foo(x) { return x; }
METHOD_CALL Mutate parameters of a function call foo(x) to x
COMPARISON Replace operators by their boundary and negation counterparts x < 10 to x <= 10
LITERAL Replace strings, increment numbers, and negate booleans var x = 'Hello' to var x = '"MUTATION!"'
LOGICAL_EXPRESSION Replace logical operators by their opposites x && y to `x
OBJECT Remove object properties {a: 10, b: 'B'} to {b: 'B'}
UNARY_EXPRESSION Negate unary expressions var x = -42 to var x = 42
UPDATE_EXPRESSION Negate update expressions x++ to x--

Excluding mutations

Since not all mutations may be relevant for your project, it is possible to configure which mutations should be performed and which should not.

Global exclusions

In order to completely disable a specific mutation, one can provide the excludeMutations configuration option. This takes an object where the keys represent the mutations and the values denote whether the mutation should in fact be excluded. For example:

  mutationTest: {
    options: {
      excludeMutations: {
        'MATH': true,
        'LITERAL': false,
        'OBJECT': true
    // ...

would disable the MATH and OBJECT mutations, while the LITERAL mutations are still active.

Local exclusions

In some cases, more fine-tuning is needed for which mutations should be excluded where. It is possible to disable mutations on block level by prepending the code with a comment containing the @excludeMutations keyword.

When only the @excludeMutations comment is provided, all mutations will be excluded for the block above which that comment is placed. It is also possible to provide an array of specific mutations that should be excluded, e.g.:

function foo() {
  // ...

 * @excludeMutations ['MATH', 'OBJECT']
function bar() {
  // ...

would disable the MATH and OBJECT mutations on the bar method and its contents, but not on foo.

All javascript comment types are supported, i.e. one can use both // @excludeMutations and /* @excludeMutations ["ARRAY"] */. These comments can also be placed in the middle of a line of code, object, or function call, to allow for very specific configuration.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Gulp.


Mutation test library for Javascript







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