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Stale LRU Cache

A promise-based Stale LRU Cache with support for cluster.


  • A promise-based API.
  • Support for cluster.
  • Wrapper for stale-lru-cache module.


npm install --save stale-lru-cache-cluster


const LRUCache = require('stale-lru-cache-cluster');

const options = {
  maxSize: 100,
  maxAge: 600,
  staleWhileRevalidate: 86400,
  revalidate: function (key, callback) {

const cache = LRUCache(options);

cache.set('key', 'value');

cache.get('key').then((value) => {
  // 'value'

Usage with cluster

  1. Require stale-lru-cache-cluster in master process
  1. In worker processes, require stale-lru-cache-cluster and use as follows:
const LRUCache = require('stale-lru-cache-cluster');

const options = {
  maxSize: 100,
  maxAge: 600,
  staleWhileRevalidate: 86400,
  revalidate: function (key, callback) {

const cache = LRUCache(options);

cache.set('key', 'value');

cache.get('key').then((value) => {
  // 'value'



Creates and returns a new Cache instance.

  • options.maxAge - Time in seconds after which items will expire. (default: Infinity)
  • options.staleWhileRevalidate - Time in seconds, after maxAge has expired, when items are marked as stale but still usable. (default: 0)
  • options.revalidate(key, callback(error, value, [options])) - Function that refreshes items in the background after they become stale.
  • options.maxSize - Maximum cache size. (default: Infinity)
  • options.getSize(value, key) - Function used to calculate the length of each stored item. (default: 1)


Removes the specified item from the cache.

Returns true if an item existed and has been removed, or false if the item does not exist.

cache.delete('key').then((removed) => {
  // true or false


Returns the value associated with the specified key, or undefined if the item does not exist.

cache.get('key').then((value) => {
  // 'value' or undefiend


Returns true if an item with the specified key exists (may be fresh or stale), or false otherwise.

cache.has('key').then((exists) => {
  // true or false


Returns true if an item with the specified key exists and is stale, or false otherwise.

cache.isStale('key').then((isStale) => {
  // true or false


Returns an array with all keys stored in the cache.

cache.keys().then((keys) => {
  // Array with all keys

set(key, value, [options])

Inserts a new item with the specified key and value.

Returns true if the item has been inserted, or false otherwise.

cache.set('key', 'value', options).then((inserted) => {
  // true or false
  • key - Required. The key of the item to be inserted. (both objects and primitives may be used)
  • value - Required. The value of the item to be inserted. (both objects and primitives may be used)
  • options - Item specific Cache-Control string or options object.
  • options.maxAge - Time in seconds after which the item will expire.
  • options.staleWhileRevalidate - Time in seconds, after maxAge has expired, when the item is marked as stale but still usable.
  • options.revalidate(key, callback(error, value, [options])) - Function that refreshes the item in the background after it becomes stale.
cache.set('key', 'value'); // true

cache.set('key', 'value', { maxAge: 600, staleWhileRevalidate: 86400 }); // true
cache.set('key', 'value', { maxAge: 0 }); // false

cache.set('key', 'value', 'max-age=600, stale-while-revalidate=86400'); // true
cache.set('key', 'value', 'max-age=0'); // false
cache.set('key', 'value', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'); // false
Cache-Control Behaviour
  • max-age=600, must-revalidate - Will be cached for 10 minutes and removed afterwards
  • max-age=600, stale-while-revalidate=86400 - Will be cached for 10 minutes and then refreshed in the background if the item is accessed again within a time window of 1 day
  • max-age=0 - Will not be cached
  • no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate - Will not be cached
  • private - Will not be cached
  • public - Will be cached using default maxAge and staleWhileRevalidate options


Property indicating the size of all stored items in the cache. This is calculated using getSize options function.

cache.getSize().then((size) => {
  // size of all stored items in the cache


Returns an array with all values stored in the cache.

cache.values().then((values) => {
  // values stored in the cache

With ❤️ by


MIT license. Copyright © 2016.