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Socket Programming Repository Overview

Welcome to my Socket Programming GitHub repository! Here you'll find the following exciting software projects:

  1. FBI : Linux Packet Sniffer
  2. FTP Server and Client
  3. Chat Server and Client
  4. myARPING

FBI - Linux Packet Sniffer

FBI is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed for packet sniffing on Linux systems. It captures network packets, performs detailed analysis on each packet's header layers, and outputs the results into three separate files based on the direction and type of packets.


To use FBI, execute the following command:

sudo ./fbi -i interface_Name [-n number_Of_packets] [-p protocol_name]


-i interface_Name: Specifies the network interface to sniff packets from.
-n number_Of_packets: (Optional) Specifies the number of packets to capture. If not specified, it captures 10 packets.
-p protocol_name: (Optional) Filters packets based on the specified protocol.


FBI generates three output files:

mySend_dd_mm_yyy_hh_min_sec.txt: This file contains packets sent from the user's machine to the network. Each packet is presented in hexadecimal form along with detailed analysis of each layer header.

myRecv_dd_mm_yyy_hh_min_sec.txt: This file contains packets sent to the user's machine from the network. Similar to the previous file, it includes hexadecimal representation and detailed analysis of each layer header.

Promiscuous_dd_mm_yyy_hh_min_sec.txt: This file contains packets captured in promiscuous mode, where the network interface listens to all traffic on the network segment, regardless of the destination address. As with the other files, it provides hexadecimal representation and detailed header analysis.


Using the -p flag, users can filter packets based on the specified protocol. Only packets matching the provided protocol will be included in the output files. Example

eg sudo./fbi -i eth0 -n 1000 -p TCP

This command will capture 1000 TCP packets from the eth0 interface and output the results into the three files as described above. Dependencies

FBI relies on standard Linux networking libraries and utilities for packet capture and analysis. No additional dependencies are required.


[Prithijit Banerjee]
[Raj Shah]

FTP Server and Client


My custom FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server and client facilitate the transfer of any types of files between a server and a client over a network. The server hosts files and allows multiple clients to connect, upload, and download files over TCP socket.This code doesnt use the standard FTP prtocol. This code can only run on Linux (debian based distros).


  • Upload and Download: Allows users to upload files from the client to the server and download files from the server to the client.
  • Peek Allows client to view 1st 1kB of his file on server
  • View & Remove Allows clients to see the names of his files on server and remove them.
  • Security: Implements authentication to ensure the confidentiality of transferred files.
  • Consistency Server Maintains a Log file for every transaction


  • Server: Run the FTP server on a designated machine. It will listen for incoming connections from clients.
  • Client: Connect to the server using the client application. Navigate directories and transfer files as needed.

Chat Server and Client


The one to one chat server and client enable real-time communication between 2 end users over a network. Users can exchange messages over TCP socket


  • Real-time Messaging: Allows users to send and receive messages instantly.


  • Server: Launch the chat server to act as end system.
  • Client: Connect to the server using the client application to act as another end system.

myArping : Ip to Mac Conversion

How to run my custom arping command :

  • Copy all the .c files and the makefile in a folder
  • cd into that folder
  • sudo bash // press enter
  • make // press enter
  • ./app.out // press enter
  • Press ctrl+c to see results

TFTP client : Compatible with any standard TFTP SERVER

How to run my standard TFTP CLIENT :

  • Copy all the .c files and the makefile in a folder

  • cd into that folder

  • make // press enter

  • ./client [Server IP] [69] r // for reading files from server

  • ./client [Server IP] [69] w // for writing files to server

      Feel free to contribute to our repository and enhance the software ecosystem!
      Happy coding!