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Cody Byrnes edited this page Feb 1, 2018 · 1 revision

Check the Example.cs script for examples of basic functionality. Things to note :-

  • Make sure you wait until Display.IsInitialized() returns true before updating any cells.
  • Grab the cell you want to update by calling Display.CellAt(layer, x, y)
  • Update the cell content using Cell.SetContent()
  • Clear the cell using Cell.Clear()
  • Check out the SetContent() and Clear() function overloads. You can have separate foreground and background colors, as well as gradual fade transitions between cell updates.
  • Only cells on the highest layers are drawn, everything below that cell on lower layers is ignored.
  • x,y coordinates start at top left of the screen (0,0)
  • Negative layers are reserved layers, and are actually drawn on top of everything else. An example of this is the mouse cursor, which draws at layer -1. Lower negative layers (such as -2) are prioritized over higher negative ones.
  • You can set a cell to cycle through characters of a string as part of its update transition. Handy for creating cyberpunky/hacking/glitching effects.
  • You can implement one of the action interfaces (IClickAction, IDragAction, IHoverAction, IScrollAction) and set them to a specific cell in order to capture mouse input for that cell. Or just disable the Mouse object entirely if you do not require mouse input.
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