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Few-shot point cloud reconstruction and denoising via learned Guassian splats renderings and fine-tuned diffusion features.

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Few-shot point cloud reconstruction and denoising via learned Guassian splats renderings and fine-tuned diffusion features 👀

Table of Content


  1. On clusters

If running on a computer-node you can skip this, if you are on a server login (i.e. slurm) , follow these step to initialize conda and cuda .

module load generic
module load anaconda3
conda init
module load vesta
module load cuda/10.2

# in your .bashrc
export PATH="/sapps/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu16.04-x86_64/gcc-5.4.0/cuda-10.2.89-ooyc5cf36frbhli3zkdup27oh3d5xdej/bin:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/sapps/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu16.04-x86_64/gcc-5.4.0/cuda-10.2.89-ooyc5cf36frbhli3zkdup27oh3d5xdej/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
  1. Dependencies
# clone repository
git clone --recursive
cd master_thesis_pietro_bonazzi

# create a conda virtual environment
conda create --yes -n master_thesis_pietro_bonazzi python=3.8
conda activate ~/data/.conda/envs/master_thesis_pietro_bonazzi/

## install dependencies
pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu102 torchvision==0.11.1+cu102 -f
pip3 install pytorch3d
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install "git+"

# compile libraries
cd dependencies/prefix_sum
pip install .
cd ../FRNN
pip install .
cd ../torch-batch-svd
pip install .
cd ../../CLIP
pip install -e .
cd ../../
pip install -e .



The only required flag for the Differentiable Rendererer (DR) is the --input flag , which takes the path to a geometry (format obj, ply, txt) or an image folder . You can download example data meshes here :

The SCUT dataset here :


DR do not require pre-training, but the we open sourced a checkpoint of the Stable Diffusion Denoising Model, which can be downloaded from here :


Flags let us control the training parameters , see the full list at the end of the script scripts/ to run experiment with different parameters. The only required flag is the --input flag , which takes the path to a geometry (format obj, ply, txt) or an image folder .

3D Reconstruction

An example of 3D Reconstruction :

 python3 scripts/ --output_name reconstruction/  --overwrite \
--save_views --save_pointcloud --train_images 8 --train_batch_size 8 \
--init_icosphere --init_color grey  --dataset_name mesh --input_path /data/storage/bpietro/datasets/example_data/pointclouds/Kangaroo_V10k.ply --input_format ply \
--learn_points --lr_points 1e-2 --learn_normals --lr_normals 1e-3 --use_light --remove_and_repeat --with_restarts \
--max_epochs 600 --learn_sh --lr_sh 1e-2 --lambda_sem_cons_loss 0.01 --sem_cons_epoch_start 200 

3D Denoising

The denoising example first requires the creation of a denoised folder of images. You can create the folder using the script.

Next you can run the training script with the dataset_name images and the path to the denoised images, for examples:

python3 scripts/ --output_name denosing/ --max_epoch 128 --overwrite \
--train_images 8 --train_batch_size 8 \
--save_views --save_pointcloud --init_from_noisy \
--dataset_name images --input_path path/to/denoising_folder/ \
--learn_points --lr_points 8e-4 --with_restarts --use_light \
--learn_normals --lr_normals 8e-5  --lambda_normal_smoothness_loss 0.01 --lambda_sem_cons_loss 0.01


To results are automatically logged in the train.log file in the output folder. To save the results use the flag --save_images and --save_pointcloud during training.

Citation and Acknowledgement

If our work is relevant to your project, thank you for citing our associated paper :

author = {Bonazzi, Pietro and Rakatosaona, Marie-Julie and Cannici, Marco},
title = {Point Cloud Reconstruction and Denoising via Learned-based Rendering Features},
year = {2023},


Few-shot point cloud reconstruction and denoising via learned Guassian splats renderings and fine-tuned diffusion features.






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