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Deceptizure is an Azure Honeypot Toolkit. It was created to allow defenders to put deceptive objectives in Azure and allow creation of Initial access points and lateral movement opportunities.

How to install?

The following are required for Deceptizure to work:

  • Get an Azure account. Use a dev/test account to test the script. It's currently recommended to be used in DEV/STAGING and not in PROD.
  • Azure CLI with authentication enabled. Please check here for more information on how to do this
  • Install the requirements for Python script using the following language:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Enable PowerShell (if disabled).
  • Install the following modules:
    Install-Module AzureAD
    Install-Module Az
  • Configure Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell using the following commands:
    az login
  • If you're using a Trail account or a new Azure account, you maybe encountering few issues. Register all providers using the guide here:

What types of resources are created.

The solution currently supports the following:

  • Deceptive Users: Users with real names, weak passwords (the user can specify the weak password list that they want to use). Users can also define format of the user name.
  • Deceptive MSIs: Managed Identities with look-alike names are created. The names are picked from a pool of names related to the Industry (that user has selected) and the format that the user has specified.
  • Deceptive Resources
    • Keyvault
    • Logic Apps
    • Storage Account
  • Deceptive permissions from Users and MSIs onto the newly created deceptive users: What good is a deceptive solution which doesn't create fake attack paths? This solution creates complex yet fake attack paths from users and MSIs to the newly created resources.

How does it work?

  1. The user can create deceptive objects using There are several options available for customizing deceptive objects.
Parameter Required? # Description
--subscriptionId YES The subscription ID that is to be targeted for deploying deceptions. Currently, it only supports deploying deception to single subscription at once.
--industry NO, but recommended for highly deceptive objects. The Industry you are in? It determines names for resources, etc. For eg. If you are in healthcare, you can use Healthcare as the value and it generates server names from a pool of predefined healthcare applicable names. This makes deception more believable.
--domain YES The domain associated with your tenant.
--passFile NO The weak passwords file that you want to use for creating weak password users.
--outputFolder NO Folder for storing interim deceptive objects in JSON format.
--mode NO This controls the number of levels of deceptive objects to create. Supported values: simple, balanced, godmode
--userPattern NO, but recommended for highly deceptive objects. It's a regex string to create usernames. Using variables such as firstname, fname, lastname and lname, you can give pattern of username to create. Eg. {first_name}.{lname}@{domain}
--msiPattern NO, but recommended for highly deceptive objects. 2 variables: name and key are available to customize. These keys are randomly drawn and are dependent on Industry. Eg. There are certain names and keys for certain Industries
--resourceNamePattern NO, but recommended for highly deceptive objects. 2 variables: name and purpose are available to customize. These keys are randomly drawn and are dependent on Industry. Eg. There are certain names and keys for certain Industries

Sample Command Line:

python3 --subscriptionId XXX --industry IT --domain

Based on the given inputs, the following JSON deception definition files are created.

Deception Definition # Sample File
User Sample User File: Users.json
User permissions Sample User Permissions File user_perm.json
MSI Sample MSI File msi.json
MSI Permissions Sample MSI Permission files msi_perm.json
MSI attachments Sample MSI attachment files msi_attach.json
Resources Sample resources file resources.json
Storage Account Permissions Sample storage account file storage_perms.json
Keyvault permissions Sample Keyvault permission files kv_perms.json
  1. The actual deceptive objects can be created on Azure using res.ps1 The objects can be pushed into Azure portal by using the PowerShell file: res.ps1 using the command below.
powershell.exe -c res.ps1 -Mode Deploy -OutputFolder Output

The objects can be removed (once, no longer required or when the identity is burnt) using the same file.

powershell.exe -c res.ps1 -Mode Remove -OutputFolder 
  1. Create Logging: Logging for the created deceptive users can be created by running the Create-Logging.ps1 file. This solution leverages Azure Log monitor for enabling logging. Please refer to the pricing before proceeding.

The following command can be used to push the logs to a new log monitoring workspace. An existing workspace can also be leveraged alternatively.

powershell.exe -c Create-Logging.ps1 -Mode Start -OutputFolder Output -SubscriptionId XXX -LAResourceGroup monitordecoy -LALocation westus2 -WorkSpaceName decoyworkspace
  1. Deploy alerts for any decoy activity: There are 5 detection templates available. here. The file can be used to deploy these alert rules. Sample command:
python3 --workspaceId=XXX -OutputFolder Output


This solution can be used for the following usecases:

  • Create and deploy deception on Azure to deceive attackers.
  • Create labs for testing Azure exploitation skills (or) for students.


Azure Deception toolkit







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