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test: add CI test for tail calls hooks for custom programs
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Add a new CI test to check that custom programs loaded and run via the
datapath tail call hooks work as expected. In particular, we use the
byte counter example provided in a previous commit.

The test is the following: We deploy Cilium and some pods, we load the
byte counter program and attach it to a hook (ingress or egress) for a
given endpoint, we send some traffic (ping requests and replies), and
then check the values in the eBPF map where the count is stored. Try
again with per-endpoint routes, to check the remaining ingress hook.

A new manifest is added, to make sure that we have two simple
application endpoints, located on different nodes. This is to check that
the egress hook is working (there is no egress hook for socket-based
load-balancing yet).

This manifest also pulls an image which is used to compile the byte
counter program before we can load it. This image should be updated in
the future to embed the sample byte counter and all related headers, so
we wouldn't have to mount a volume against the source repository on the
node. This would permit to remove the byte counter from Cilium's
repository, and to keep it in that dedicated image instead.

Skip the test on 4.9 kernels because bpftool map updates do not work on
such kernels. Skip on GKE because we do not have Cilium's source to
compile the custom program from. Both issues should be addressed in the
future, by moving the program sources to a dedicated image which should
also embed its own loader. But actually, just run on net-next, since the
coverage for other kernel versions would be the same.

Signed-off-by: Quentin Monnet <>
  • Loading branch information
qmonnet authored and joestringer committed Mar 25, 2021
1 parent 61c6737 commit 37f6192
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Showing 2 changed files with 491 additions and 0 deletions.
355 changes: 355 additions & 0 deletions test/k8sT/CustomCalls.go
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// Copyright 2021 Authors of Cilium
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package k8sTest

import (

. ""
. ""
v1 ""

var _ = Describe("K8sCustomCalls", func() {

var (
kubectl *helpers.Kubectl

type customCallDirection uint32

const (
// Constants for tail call hooks
// See CUSTOM_CALLS_IDX_* defines in bpf/lib/maps.h
IngressIPv4 customCallDirection = 0
EgressIPv4 customCallDirection = 1
IngressIPv6 customCallDirection = 2
EgressIPv6 customCallDirection = 3
// eBPF virtual file system
bpffsDir string = defaults.DefaultMapRoot + "/" + defaults.DefaultMapPrefix + "/"

BeforeAll(func() {
kubectl = helpers.CreateKubectl(helpers.K8s1VMName(), logger)

AfterEach(func() {

AfterFailed(func() {
kubectl.CiliumReport("cilium status", "cilium endpoint list")

AfterAll(func() {

JustAfterEach(func() {
duration := CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Duration

SkipContextIf(func() bool {
// Believe it or not, bpftool internally attempts to retrieve
// map info before updating a map, but BPF_OBJ_GET_INFO_BY_FD
// is not supported on kernel 4.9 (it was introduced in Linux
// 4.13). Skip on 4.9 kernels.
// This leaves us with 4.19 and net-next. Coverage should be
// identical on the two versions, so just run on net-next.
// Also skip on GKE because we do not have the source of the
// custom program available on a node, for the compiler pod to
// pick up (although technically, skipping 4.19 kernels already
// skips GKE).
return helpers.DoesNotRunOnNetNextKernel() ||
}, "Basic test with byte-counter", func() {

var (
yaml string

// Object file for custom program
objFileName string
localObjFile string
remoteObjFile string

// Pinned paths in bpffs
progPinPath string
mapsPinDir string
mapPinPath string

// Pods from the manifest
podList v1.PodList
podApp1 v1.Pod
podApp2 v1.Pod

const (
compilerPodName string = "bytecounter-compiler"
pingBytes uint = 98 * helpers.PingCount

BeforeAll(func() {
// Initialize all paths. This cannot be done at
// variable declaration because kubectl is not set when
// the Context is initialized.
objFileName = "bpf_custom.o"
localObjFile = filepath.Join(kubectl.BasePath(), "../bpf/custom", objFileName)
remoteObjFile = filepath.Join("/run/cilium/state", objFileName)

progPinPath = filepath.Join(bpffsDir, "cilium_bytecounter")
mapsPinDir = filepath.Join(bpffsDir, "cilium_bytecounter_maps")
mapPinPath = filepath.Join(mapsPinDir, "bytecount_map")

yaml = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "demo-customcalls.yaml")
kubectl.ApplyDefault(yaml).ExpectSuccess("Unable to apply %s", yaml)

By("Compiling custom byte-counter program")

err := kubectl.WaitForSinglePod(helpers.DefaultNamespace, compilerPodName, helpers.HelperTimeout)
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), fmt.Sprintf("%s pod not ready after timeout", compilerPodName))

const bpfCustomDir string = "bpf/custom"

cmd := fmt.Sprintf("make -C %s clean V=0", bpfCustomDir)
res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.DefaultNamespace, compilerPodName, cmd)
res.ExpectSuccess(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to clean up %s directory", bpfCustomDir))

cmd = fmt.Sprintf("make -C %s V=0", bpfCustomDir)
res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.DefaultNamespace, compilerPodName, cmd)
res.ExpectSuccess("Failed to build custom byte-counter program")

AfterAll(func() {
_ = kubectl.Delete(yaml)

getPodsInfo := func() {
By("Retrieving pods information")
// Get pods app1 (HTTP/FTP server) on node 1, and app2
// (client) on node 2
err := kubectl.GetPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "-l id=app1").Unmarshal(&podList)
podApp1 = podList.Items[0]

err = kubectl.GetPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "-l id=app2").Unmarshal(&podList)
podApp2 = podList.Items[0]

copyAndLoadObjectFile := func(ciliumPod string) {
By("Copying custom byte-counter program to Cilium pod")

cmd := fmt.Sprintf("kubectl -n kube-system cp %s %s:%s", localObjFile, ciliumPod, remoteObjFile)
res := kubectl.Exec(cmd)
res.ExpectSuccess(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to copy custom program from %s to %s:%s: %s",
localObjFile, ciliumPod, remoteObjFile, res.Stderr()))

By("Loading custom byte-counter program")

cmd = fmt.Sprintf("bpftool prog load %s %s type classifier pinmaps %s", remoteObjFile, progPinPath, mapsPinDir)
res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
res.ExpectSuccess(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to load custom program ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr()))

getIdentityKey := func(label string, ciliumPod string) string {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("cilium endpoint list -o json | jq '.[].status.identity|select(.labels[]|contains(\"%s\")).id'", label)
res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
res.ExpectSuccess(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to retrieve pod identity ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr()))
identity, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout()))
ExpectWithOffset(2, err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), fmt.Sprintf("Failed to convert pod identity to an integer (%s)", err))
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %d %d",

extractCounterValue := func(output string) uint {
var count uint64 = 0
byteString := strings.TrimSpace(output)
bytes := strings.Split(byteString, "\n")
for i, b := range bytes {
dec, err := strconv.ParseUint(b, 0, 8)
ExpectWithOffset(3, err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(),
fmt.Sprintf("Failed to convert byte-counter value to an integer (%s from %q): %s", b, bytes, err))
count += dec << (i * 8)
return uint(count)

checkOneDirection := func(endpointId int64, ciliumPod string,
clientName string, serverIP string, serverIdentity string,
direction customCallDirection, expectedCount uint) {

By("Updating call map with reference to custom program")

cmd := fmt.Sprintf("bpftool map update pinned %scilium_calls_custom_%05d key %d 0 0 0 value pinned %s",
bpffsDir, endpointId, direction, progPinPath)
res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
res.ExpectSuccess(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to update call map with reference to custom program ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr()))

By("Sending traffic between the pods")

cmd = helpers.Ping(serverIP)
res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.DefaultNamespace, clientName, cmd)
res.ExpectSuccess(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to ping from %s to %s", clientName, serverIP))

By("Retrieving counter value")

cmd = fmt.Sprintf("bpftool -j map lookup pinned %s key %s | jq -r '.value[]'", mapPinPath, serverIdentity)
res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
res.ExpectSuccess(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to lookup byte-counter value ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr()))

// Output from bpftool is on the form
// "0x11\n0x22\n0x33\n...0x88\n", convert it.
// Too bad bpftool returns hex that jq doesn't know how
// to convert yet.
count := extractCounterValue(res.Stdout())

By("Checking counter value")

ExpectWithOffset(2, count).To(Equal(expectedCount),
fmt.Sprintf("Byte count (%d) differs from expected value (%d)", count, expectedCount))

cleanupByteCounter := func(endpointId int64, ciliumPod string,
serverIdentity string, direction customCallDirection) {

// Clean up tail call map entry
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("bpftool map delete pinned %scilium_calls_custom_%05d key %d 0 0 0", bpffsDir, endpointId, direction)
res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
if res.GetExitCode() != 0 {
log.Warningf("Failed to remove reference to byte-counter program from tail call map ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr())

// Reset byte-counter entry
cmd = fmt.Sprintf("bpftool map delete pinned %s key %s", mapPinPath, serverIdentity)
res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
if res.GetExitCode() != 0 {
log.Warningf("Failed to delete entry from byte-counter map ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr())

cleanupLoadedObjects := func(ciliumPod string) {
By("Cleaning up pinned artefacts")

// Clean up custom program
cmd := "rm -- " + progPinPath
res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
if res.GetExitCode() != 0 {
log.Warningf("Failed to unpin byte-counter program ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr())

// Clean up map for custom program
cmd = "rm -- " + mapPinPath
res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
if res.GetExitCode() != 0 {
log.Warningf("Failed to unpin byte-counter map ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr())
cmd = "rmdir -- " + mapsPinDir
res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.KubeSystemNamespace, ciliumPod, cmd)
if res.GetExitCode() != 0 {
log.Warningf("Failed to remove directory for byte-counter pinned map ('%s'): %s", cmd, res.Stderr())

checkByteCounter := func(ciliumOptions map[string]string,
expectedCountIngress, expectedCountEgress uint,
runEgress bool) {

// Deploy Cilium, enable tail calls to custom programs
deploymentManager.DeployCilium(ciliumOptions, DeployCiliumOptionsAndDNS)

ciliumPodK8s1, err := kubectl.GetCiliumPodOnNode(helpers.K8s1)
ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred(), "Cannot get cilium pod on k8s1")
ciliumPodK8s2, err := kubectl.GetCiliumPodOnNode(helpers.K8s2)
ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred(), "Cannot get cilium pod on k8s2")

defer cleanupLoadedObjects(ciliumPodK8s2)


// Get ID for the endpoint for which we count the bytes
endpoint, err := kubectl.GetCiliumEndpoint(helpers.DefaultNamespace, podApp2.Name)
ExpectWithOffset(1, err).Should(BeNil(), fmt.Sprintf("Failed to retrieve endpoint for pod %s: %s", podApp2.Name, err))
ExpectWithOffset(1, endpoint).ShouldNot(BeNil(), fmt.Sprintf("Retrieved empty endpoint id for pod %s", podApp2.Name))
endpointId := endpoint.ID

// Get the identity of the pod with which the monitored
// pod communicates. This identity is used as a key in
// the byte-counter hash map.
identityKey := getIdentityKey("k8s:id=app1", ciliumPodK8s1)

err = kubectl.WaitforPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "-l zgroup=testapp", helpers.HelperTimeout)
ExpectWithOffset(1, err).Should(BeNil())

By("Attaching a program on ingress side (IPv4)")

checkOneDirection(endpointId, ciliumPodK8s2, podApp2.Name,
podApp1.Status.PodIP, identityKey, IngressIPv4,
cleanupByteCounter(endpointId, ciliumPodK8s2, identityKey, IngressIPv4)

if !runEgress {

By("Attaching a program on egress side (IPv4)")

checkOneDirection(endpointId, ciliumPodK8s2, podApp2.Name,
podApp1.Status.PodIP, identityKey, EgressIPv4,
cleanupByteCounter(endpointId, ciliumPodK8s2, identityKey, EgressIPv4)

It("Loads byte-counter and gets consistent values", func() {
options := map[string]string{
"customCalls.enabled": "true",
checkByteCounter(options, pingBytes, pingBytes, true)

// Check the ingress hook in tail_ipv4_to_endpoint()
// Similar to the above, with endpointRoutes enabled
It("Loads byte-counter and gets consistent values, with per-endpoint routes", func() {

options := map[string]string{
"customCalls.enabled": "true",
"endpointRoutes.enabled": "true",

// Packets to pods are processed twice with
// per-endpoint routes + VXLAN, account for it
// (see GH-14657)
expectedByteCount := 2 * pingBytes

checkByteCounter(options, expectedByteCount, 0, false)

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