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Un jeu multi-agents avec des fourmis



Pacman install

pacman -S qt5
pacman -S qt5-3d

make # dans engine

qmake # dans planet
make # dans planet

./planet # in planet

# Then
./marabunta_engine -s ./scena5   "python3 ../../Marabunta-24h-du-code/" -h localhost -d 0

Python wrappers simple documentation:


  • newAnt(type)

    • Create a new ant
    • @param type : ant's type
  • antOut(type, food, m0, m1)

    • Ant go out!!! We give her food, m0, m1 and her type
    • @param type : ant's type
    • @param food : food amount
    • @param m0 : 1 byte
    • @param m1 : 1 byte
  • setMemory(memory)

    • Modify nest memory (needs to be commited with commitMemory)
    • @param memory : array length must be equal to 20
  • setMemoryLocation(index, value)

    • Change value in the memory at index (needs to be commited with commitMemory)
    • @params index : index of memory to edit (between 0 and 19)
    • @param value : value (int) to put at index
  • commitMemory()

    • Update local memory changes to the ant
  • getAntCount (antType)

    • Return the number of ants in the nest that are of type antType
    • @param antType : type of the ant to select


  • explore()

    • Ant go explore!!!
  • turn(angle)

    • Turn the ant around
    • @param angle : angle
  • moveTo(id)

    • Move the ant towards the id
    • @param id : Objective's id
  • putPheromone(type)

    • Place down pheromone
    • @param type : type of the pheromone
  • changePheromone(id, type)

    • Change the type of the pheromone
    • @param id : Changing Pheromone's id
    • @param type : new pheromone type
  • rechargePheromone(id)

    • Reload the pheromone
    • @param id : pheromone's id
  • collect(id, quantity)

    • Harvest food
    • @param id : Food Pile's id
    • @param quantity : Amount of food to harvest
  • doTropha(id, quantity)

    • Throphallaxy between two ants
    • @param id : Receiving ant's id
    • @param quantity : Amount of food to give
  • eat(quantity)

    • Convert food to stamina
    • @param quantity : Quantity to convert
  • nest(id)

    • Enter in a nest
    • @param id : nest's id
  • attack(id, strength)

    • Attack another ant
    • @param id : victim's id
    • @param strength : Strength of the attack
  • suicide()

    • Kill the ant
  • setMemory(m1, m2)

    • Change the ant's memory (needs to be commited with commitMemory)
    • @param m1 : 1st byte
    • @param m2 : 2nd byte
  • commitMemory()

    • Update local memory changes to the ant


  • compareKey(key,array,operator, value)

    • compare key in an array of dict. value operator .....
    • @param key : key to compare
    • @param array : array to use
    • @param operator : operator (see python doc)
    • @param value : value to compare
  • minMaxKey(key,array,func)

    • Apply function on key of an array of dict. Only tested for min & max
    • @param key : key to filter on
    • @param array : array to use
    • @param func : function to apply


🐜 🌐 A multi-agent game with ants






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