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Frequently Asked Questions

Ray Chen edited this page Jun 1, 2019 · 3 revisions

How to add an infospot

Move cursor on a specific point in a panorama and press Ctrl with clicking or hovering, which will generate position (x, y, z) in the console or on the overlay element based on parameter output='console' or 'overlay'. See Panorama Infospot example for creating and attaching infospots.

Panorama Finding Infospot Position

PANOLENS.SpriteText (Tile/TileGroup) is not a constructor

SpriteText, Tile, and TileGroup are deprecated after r10. Fundamentally they are compatible with existing THREE methods. If you need text rendering, please checkout Creating text from three.js

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'TextureLoader' of undefined

PANOLENS.Utils is deprecated after r10. PANOLENS.Utils.TextureLoader is now PANOLENS.TextureLoader.

Device orientation not working on my phone

Apple introduced a new Motion & Orientation Access toggle (off by default) after iOS 12.2 under Settings > Safari > Privacy & Security. This requires users to turn on maunally to enable DeviceMotionEvent and DeviceOrientationEvent.

How (and why) to use Motion & Orientation Settings in iOS

Infospot is not visible

Check again if position or scale property is being set correctly. It's default to and the border of the panorama with scale value as 300.

No sound for VideoPanorama

By default the muted attribute for video is set to false to prevent DOMException. Autoplay Policy Changes Video play() without a user gesture will reject the promise with a DOMException. And the autoplay attribute will also be ignored. Change the default behavior by passing additional options to VideoPanorama

new PANOLENS.VideoPanorama( 'asset/textures/video/ClashofClans.mp4', { autoplay: true, muted: true });