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Example Models for SaaS Pegasus

Use the New Version Instead!

An improved and expanded version is now available at Please see that version instead.

Older version follows here

Here are example apps for SaaS Pegasus. You can use these to get your own apps, models, and views up and running easily.

  • Frogs uses Function-Based Views, and the objects are cross-team
  • Toads uses Function-Based Views, and the objects are team-specific
  • Polliwogs are like Toads, but also implement Django-object permissions
  • Cheetahs uses Class-Based Views, and the objects are cross-team
  • Tigers uses Class-Based Views, and the objects are team-specific
  • Pumas are like Tigers, but also implement Django-object permissions
  • Herons are like Cheetahs, but use htmx to cleanly update the list when moving through pages of objects

Each app:

  • Implements a model with several sample fields (Name, Number, and Notes)
  • Implements views (either Function-Based or Class-Based) for:
    • Create
    • List (summarize all objects, showing their Name and Number, including pagination)
    • Details (details on one object, showing all their fields)
    • Update
    • Delete
  • Implements a basic CRUD API using django-rest-framework

I chose names that don't appear anywhere in the Pegasus codebase, to make it easy to search/replace if you use these to build your own apps. I use mnemonics:

  • Frogs is mnemonic for Function-Based Views
  • Cheetahs is mnemonic for Class-Based Views
  • Toads and Tigers are mnemonic for Team-specific, and are of course cousins to Frogs and Cheetahs.
  • Polliwogs and Pumas are mnemonic for Permissions-based.
  • Herons are mnemonic for "htmx"


In the following instructions, replace project_slug with your project's name.

Clone this repository

Clone this pegasus-example-apps repository into a folder next to your Pegasus project.

git clone

Copy teams mixin into your Pegasus project

Copy example_apps/teams/ into Pegasus project folder at apps/teams/

Note: Pegasus includes a that is derived from this project, but for now you need to use the version included with this project.

Copy Paginator into your Pegasus project

Copy templates/web/components/paginator.html into Pegasus project folder at templates/web/components/paginator.html Copy templates/web/components/htmx_paginator.html into Pegasus project folder at templates/web/components/htmx_paginator.html

Update your Python path

So that your Pegasus project can find the pegasus-example-apps, add the following your Pegasus project's

# Add this after import sys
from pathlib import Path
# Add this after the os.environ.setdefault(...) statement
# You can map this wherever you cloned the repository.
base_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
sys.path.append(str(base_dir / 'pegasus-example-apps'))

If you're using Celery you'll also need to do a similar thing in project_slug/

# add these lines after os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'project_slug.settings')
base_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
sys.path.append(str(base_dir / 'pegasus-example-apps'))

Integrate the new apps into your project

  • In project_slug/, to PROJECT_APPS, add:
  • Also in project_slug/, to TEMPLATES 'DIRS' key add:
  BASE_DIR / 'pegasus-example-apps' / 'templates',
  • In project_slug/, to urlpatterns, add:
    path('frogs/', include('example_apps.frogs.urls')),
    path('cheetahs/', include('example_apps.cheetahs.urls')),
    path('herons/', include('example_apps.herons.urls')),
  • Also in project_slug/, to team_urlpatterns, add:
    path('toads/', include('example_apps.toads.urls')),
    path('polliwogs/', include('example_apps.polliwogs.urls')),
    path('tigers/', include('example_apps.tigers.urls')),
    path('pumas/', include('example_apps.pumas.urls')),

Update your database

./ makemigrations frogs toads polliwogs cheetahs tigers pumas herons
./ migrate

Notes and Todos

Any and all comments and suggestions welcome.

  • I have a decent mixin for team-specific apps using Class Based Views (see apps/teams/mixins, but not everything is transparently solved
  • The API entry points for Team-specific apps (Toads, Tigers, Pumas) handles team-filtering and related logic, but I'd like to build a clean Mixin to handle that
  • Only standard (Bulma) templates are currently supplied
  • There is an UnorderedObjectListWarning I haven't yet looked into, for team-specific CBVs
  • For Herons, the ?page=n query-parameter in the URL drives the initial page, but is not updated when you move through the pages


Example apps for Saas Pegagus (






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