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Repository files navigation

Info III website


First install node version manager (nvm), then install and use the stable version,

nvm install stable
nvm use stable

then install gatsby,

npm install -g gatsby

then clone the repo, within the repo folder,

yarn install

then to see a development version of the website,

# from the repo
gatsby develop


Make sure you clone the repo, and then, make sure you're in the master branch and have the latest version,

git branch # to see which branch you're in
git checkout source
git pull

then before you start commiting changes,

git chechout -b name-your-branch

now make your changes (add new pages etc) and then

git add . # or
git add path/to/your/

make sure all looks good and commit

git status
git commit -m "Describe your changes"

then push your changes and make a pull request from the web interface,

git push

Deploy your changes

Make sure you want to make your changes public, and then

# from the repo
npm run deploy

and then everything should be available shortly.


The pages folder contains the main pages, the pages/classes folder should contain class related content, and the pages/blog folder, should contain blog entries about teaching and technology.