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File metadata and controls

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Index / Reference

The MySql driver provides three basic commands for executing sql:

  • eval() for running simple sql requiring no input/output.
  • onecolumn() like eval, but returns a single value (first column of first row).
  • query() for complex, parameterized queries.

A simple session might look like:

var db = new MySql({user:'root', password:'', database:'jsitest'});
db.eval('CREATE TABLE players(name VARCHAR(50),age INTEGER);');
db.query('INSERT INTO players VALUES(?,?);', {values:["Barry",44]});
var age = db.onecolumn('SELECT age FROM players WHERE name = "Barry";');

A more complete example is mysql.jsi.

Options passed in the object argument to new MySql(), may specify any of the following:

Option Type Description Default
bindWarn BOOL Treat failed variable binds as a warning. false
database STRKEY Database to use.
debug CUSTOM Enable debug trace for various operations.
enableMulti BOOL Enable muilti-statements for eval().
queryOpts CUSTOM Default options for exec.
forceInt BOOL Bind float as int if possible. true
host STRING IP address or host name for mysqld (default is
maxStmts INT Max cache size for compiled statements.
name DSTRING Name for this db handle.
password STRKEY Database password..
port INT IP port for mysqld.
reconnect BOOL Reconnect.
sslKey STRING SSL key.
sslCert STRING SSL Cert.
sslCAPath STRING SSL CA path.
sslCipher STRING SSL Cipher.
user STRKEY Database user name. Default is current user-name..

Some of these options can later be changed using the conf() method, eg.


Refer to the Reference for details.


The eval() method is used to execute simple Sql. It takes no options, and returns no values.

It can also be used to execute multiple semicolon-separated statements:

db.exec('CREATE TABLE foo(a,b);'+

This makes it useful for bulk loading.


onecolumn() provides no inputs or outputs. It simply returns the first column of the first row. The mode and other options are ignored.

var maxid = db.oncolumn('SELECT max(id) FROM foo');


The workhorse method is query() which:

  • compiles SQL into a compiled code, and caches it.
  • binds parameters.
  • executes the query.
  • returns the results.

Here is an example:

db.query('INSERT INTO players VALUES(?,?);', {values:["Barry",44]});

Query Options

Query options can be controlled either of two ways. Per query, as in:

db.query('SELECT * FROM test1', {mode:'json'});

or we can change the defaults (for the connection) like so:

db.query('SELECT * FROM test1');
db.query('SELECT * FROM test2');

Here is a list of the available query() options:

Option Type Description Default
callback FUNC Function to call with each row result.
headers BOOL First row returned contains column labels.
limit INT Maximum number of returned values.
mapundef BOOL In variable binds, map an 'undefined' var to null.
maxString INT If not using prefetch, the maximum string value size (0=8K).
mode CUSTOM Set output mode of returned data.
nocache BOOL Query is not to be cached.
noNamedParams BOOL Disable translating sql to support named params.
nullvalue STRKEY Null string output (for non-json mode).
paramVar ARRAY Array var to use for parameters.
prefetch BOOL Let client library cache entire results.
separator STRKEY Separator string (for csv and text mode).
table STRKEY Table name for mode=insert.
typeCheck CUSTOM Type check mode. error
values ARRAY Values for ? bind parameters.
varName STRBUF String name of array var for ? bind parameters.
width CUSTOM In column mode, set column widths.


The returned value from a query is determined by the chosen output mode.

The default mode (rows) just returns an array of objects, which looks like this:

[ { a:1, b:2 }, { a:"X", b:"Y" } ]

The choices for mode are a superset of those available in the sqlite3 command-line tool, namely:

Mode Description Purpose
array1d Flat array of values script
arrays An array of row-arrays script
column Column aligned text text
csv Comma (or separator) separated values export
html Html table rows browser
insert Sql insert statements export
json JSON string as an array of objects browser
json2 JSON string with names/values in separate arrays browser
line One value per line in name=value form export
list The default sqlite3 output text
none No output
rows An array of row-objects (the default) script
tabs Tab separator delineated values script

We can change the output mode for a query() using:

db.query('SELECT * FROM foo', {mode:'list'});

Note: Output for some modes is affected by the headers and separator options.


The json modes are useful when data is destined to be sent to a web browser, eg. via websockets.

db.exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo; CREATE TABLE foo(a,b);');
var n = 0, x = 99;
while (n++ < 3) {
    db.query('INSERT INTO foo VALUES(@x,@n)');
    x -= 4;
x=db.query('SELECT * FROM foo',{mode:'json'});
[ {"a":99, "b":1}, {"a":95, "b":2}, {"a":91, "b":3} ]

// Where large amounts of data are involved, the headers option can be used to reduce size:

db.query('SELECT * FROM foo',{mode:'json', headers:true});
[ ["a", "b"], [99, 1], [95, 2], [91, 3] ]

// The "json2" mode is used to split headers and values out into separate members:

db.query('SELECT * FROM foo',{mode:'json2'});
{ "names": [ "a", "b" ], "values": [ [99, 1 ], [95, 2 ], [91, 3 ] ] }

Callback Function

Normally, query() will execute an entire query before returning the result. There are two ways to change this:

  • set the callback option, or
  • give a function as the second argument.

Either way invokes the callback with each row result:

function myfunc(n) { puts("a=" + n.a + ", b=" + n.b); }
db.query('SELECT * FROM foo',myfunc);

// If the callback function returns false, evaluation terminates immediately.
db.query('SELECT * FROM foo', function (n) {
    puts("a=" + n.a + ", b=" + n.b);
    if (a>1) return false;


Sql inputs can be easily formatted using strings:

var a=1, b='big';
db.query('INSERT INTO foo VALUES('+a+*','*+b+')');

However this raises issues of security and predictability. Fortunately variable binding is easy.


MySql variable binding uses "?" placeholders to refer to array elements., eg:

db.query('INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?,?)', {values:[11,12]});

var vals = [9,10];
db.query('INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?,?)', {values:vals});

This approach, for a small number of parameters, is more than adequate.


Jsi enhances MySql's standard variable binding with named binding. This is modelled after Sqlite named binding, and works by extracting named variables from the query, translating them internally into standard "?" form.

A named-bind begin with one of the characters: :, @, and $. For example:

var x1=24.5, x2="Barry", x3="Box";
db.query('INSERT INTO test2 VALUES( :x1, @x2, $x3 );');

// As in Sqlite, the $ bind may append round-brackets () to refer to compound variables.
// This example binds to objects members:

var y = {a:4, b:"Perry", c:"Pack"};
db.query('INSERT INTO test2 VALUES( $y(a), $y(b), $y(c) );');

// And this one to arrays:

var Z = 2;
var y = [9, 'Figgy', 'Fall'];
db.query('INSERT INTO test2 VALUES( $y(0), $y(1), $y([Z]) );');

// Or more usefully:

var y = [
    {a:4, b:"Perry", c:"Pack"},
    {a:9, b:'Figgy', c:'Fall'}
for (var i=0; i < y.length; i++)
    db.query('INSERT INTO test2 VALUES($y([i].a), $y([i].b), $y([i].c);');

The contents of the round-brackets can contain multiple levels of dereference (but not expressions).

Here are a few sample bindings, and their associated variables:

Binding Variable Comment
:X X
@X X
$X X
$X(a) X.a Implicit object member
$X(9) X[9] Implicit array (leading digits)
$X([a]) X[a] Explicit array
$X(a.b) X.a.b Compound object
$X([a].b) X[a].b Compound array + object, etc


A type specifier may also be included in a $X(Y) binding, as in:

var y = {a:4, b:"Purry", c:"Pax"};
db.query('INSERT INTO test2 VALUES( $y(a:integer), $y(b:string), $y(c:string) );');

The type is the part after the colon ":", and just before the close round-brace.

By default, a type is used to convert data sent to MySql to the correct type.

Type specifiers are supported for all variants of $X(Y) binding, such as:

var Z = 0;
var x = ['Figgy'];
var y = {c:'Fall'};
db.query('INSERT INTO test3 VALUES( $x(0:string), $y(c:string), $x([Z]:string) );');

The supported type names are:

Type Description
bool A tiny/bit value
double A double value
integer A 64 bit wide integer
string A string
blob A blob
date A date value
datetime A date+time value
time A time value
timestamp A unix timestamp

We can also change the type-checking behaviour via the typeCheck query option:

For example, we can instead cause an error to be kicked an error with:

var x = [ 'bad' ];
db.query('UPDATE test SET n = $x(0:number) );', {typeCheck:'error'});

The valid typeCheck modes are:

Value Description
convert Coerce value to the requested type (the default)
warn Generate a warning
error Generate an error
disable Ignore type specifiers


User Functions

SQL functions can be defined in javascript using func():

db.func('bar',function(n) { return n+'.000'; });
puts(db.onecolumn('SELECT bar(a) FROM foo WHERE b == 2;'));


Javascript time functions use the unix epoch to store the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC.

MySql stores dates/time in an internal format with one of the following types:

Value Description
TIMESTAMP A unix date/timestamp
DATETIME A date and time
DATE A date
TIME a time


In the interest of efficiency, compiled queries are cached on a per connection basis. The size of the cache is controlled by the maxStmts option.

You can also disable caching for individual querys with nocache.

Differences From Sqlite

Differences include a greater dependance on types, and requiring a user, password and database.


The MySql driver does not (by default) come builtin to Jsi.

However, once you download the source you can build it in with:

make mysql

Alternatively, the shared library can be built (for unix) with:

make libmysql