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This is a custom component for Home Assistant for GCE Ecodevices RT2. This work is based on the work of Aohzan ipx800. It uses python package pyecodevices_rt2 to call the GCE Ecodevices RT2 API.


Full Example

 - name: EcoRT2
   host: ""
   port: 80 # Optional, default: 80
   api_key: #!secret rt2_api_key
   update_after_switch: 0.1   # Optional, default: 0 (seconds)
   scan_interval: 5

     #### API Example
     - name: Elec Index HC (from API)
       type: "api"
       component: "sensor"
       api_get: "Index"
       api_get_value: "All"
       api_get_entry: "Index_TI1"
       device_class: "energy"
       unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
       state_class: "total_increasing"
       icon: "mdi:flash"
     - name: EnOcean Switch 1 (from API)
       type: "api"
       component: "switch"
       api_get: "Get"
       api_get_value: "XENO"
       api_get_entry: "ENO ACTIONNEUR1"
       api_on_get: "SetEnoPC"
       api_on_get_value: "1"
       api_off_get: "ClearEnoPC"
       api_off_get_value: "1"

     #### Counter Example
     - name: Counter 1
       type: "counter"
       id: 1

     #### DigitalInput Example
     - name: DigitalInput 1
       type: "digitalinput"
       id: 1

     #### EnOcean Switch or Sensor Example
     - name: Bedroom temperature
       type: "enocean"           # Using default component `sensor`
       id: 1
       unit_of_measurement: "°C"
       device_class: "temperature"
       icon: mdi:thermometer
     - name: EnOcean Switch 1
       type: "enocean"
       component: "switch"
       id: 1
     - name: EnOcean Switch 2 as Light
       type: "enocean"
       component: "light"
       id: 2

     #### Post and Sub-Post Example
     - name: Post 1
       type: "post"
       id: 1
     - name: Subpost 2 of Post 1
       type: "post"
       id: 1
       subpost: 2

     #### Relay Example
     - name: Relay 1
       type: "relay"             # Using default component `sensor`
       id: 1
     - name: Relay 2 as Light
       type: "relay"
       component: "light"
       id: 2

     #### SupplierIndex Example
     - name: Supplier Index 1 (EDF Info)
       type: "supplierindex"
       id: 1

     #### Toroid Example
     - name: Toroid 1  # 4 sensors: 2 Consumption + 2 Production
       type: "toroid"
       id: 1
     - name: Toroid 5  # 2 sensors
       type: "toroid"
       id: 5

     #### VirtualOutput Example
     - name: Virtual Output 1
       type: "virtualoutput"      # Using default component `sensor`
       id: 1
     - name: Virtual Output 2 as Light
       type: "virtualoutput"
       component: "light"
       id: 2

     #### X4FP (Heaters) Example
     - name: Heater Module 1 Zone 1
       type: "x4fp"
       component: "climate"       # Can be omitted since default value
       module: 1
       zone: 1
     - name: Heater Module 1 Zone 2 as Switch
       type: "x4fp"
       component: "switch"
       module: 1
       zone: 2

     #### XTHL Example
     - name: XHTL 1
       type: "xthl"
       id: 1


This work is inspired by the work of Aohzan ipx800.
This repo structure was inspired by oncleben31/cookiecutter-homeassistant-custom-component project template created with Cookiecutter.