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Blueprints documentation

Peter Crew edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 4 revisions

This page covers the BlueprintRegistry class. Due to the large number of blueprint components, there will be separate documentation pages for different types of component.


This purely static class is used to add new entity blueprints into the game.


Name Arguments Return type Description
registerBlueprint {} void Registers the given blueprint with the game.

Settings object for registerBlueprint

The registerTask method takes a JavaScript object which can have the following properties:

Name Type Required? Description
id int Yes A unique ID for the blueprint that is used to reference it in Equilinox.
name String Yes The name of the entity that is created by the blueprint.
description String Yes A description of the entity created by the blueprint.
classification String Yes The classification that the entity belongs to.
cost int Yes How many Diversity Points it costs to purchase one of the entity.
dpRate int No How many Diversity Points the entity generates per minute in-game.
roamingRange int No How far the entity can roam in-game (if it can move around).
placementSound Sound No The sound played when the entity is placed in the world.
water {} No The properties object describing the entity's properties with regards to water.
model {} Yes The object describing the model used to represent the entity.
components Component[] Yes The components that the entity has.
Settings object for water

The water property can have the following properties (all optional):

Name Type Description
underwater boolean True if the entity can survive under water.
overWater boolean True if the entity can survive above water.
offset float The acceptable height above/below water that an entity can be placed if it cannot survive above/below.
Settings object for model

The water property can have the following properties:

Name Type Required? Description
files String[] Yes The names of the object files for the models (located in assets/model/). These should be in the order of growth of the entity.
size float Yes The relative size of the in-game model compared to the model file (e.g. 2.0 for double the size).
wobbleFactor float No How much the model of the entity should wobble (this only works for entities that do not move).
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