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EAFE implementation for linear PDEs, based on Dolfin software package for finite elements


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This package is an implementation of the edge-averaged finite element (EAFE) approximation to linear convection-diffusion-reaction equations, which stabilize continuous linear finite element discretizations for convection-domintated problems. An example of such a problem is:

∇ ⋅ ( α(x) ∇u + β(x) u) + γ(x) = f(x),

where α(x) is the diffusion term, β(x) is the convection term, γ(x) is the reaction term, and f is the source term.

To learn more about EAFE, refer to the EAFE section below or the original article that introduces the method.

PyEAFE is designed to be easy to use, consisting of a single function, eafe_assemble, that returns a stiffness matrix constructed using the EAFE approximation. In order for this package to work, the python implementation of dolfin is required.

The function signature for eafe_assemble (following syntax for the typing module) is:

def eafe_assemble(
    mesh: Mesh,
    diffusion: pyeafe.Coefficient,
    convection: Optional[pyeafe.Coefficient] = None,
    reaction: Optional[pyeafe.Coefficient] = None,
) -> dolfin.Matrix:

where pyeafe.Coefficient is compatible with any of the following dolfin classes:

  • Constant
  • Expression
  • Function

Note: that these classes are assumed to be imported from the dolfin module directly, and pyeafe is not compatible with the dolfin.cpp.function.

Example Usage

Example usage of pyeafe and dolfin can be found in some Jupyter notebooks found on PDE Labs, which provides a convergence analysis and examples in its pyeafe module.

For completeness, an example is provided below:

from pyeafe import eafe_assemble
from dolfin import (

diffusion = Constant(0.5)
convection = Constant([1.0, 0.0])
source_term = Expression(
    "DOLFIN_PI * DOLFIN_PI * sin(DOLFIN_PI * x[0]) * sin(DOLFIN_PI * x[1]) \
    - DOLFIN_PI * cos(DOLFIN_PI * x[0]) * sin(DOLFIN_PI * x[1])",
exact_solution = Expression(
    "sin(DOLFIN_PI * x[0]) * sin(DOLFIN_PI * x[1])", degree=4,

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16, 16)
pw_linears = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
test_function = TestFunction(pw_linears)

eafe_matrix = eafe_assemble(mesh, diffusion, convection)
rhs_vector = assemble(source_term * test_function * dx)

bc = DirichletBC(pw_linears, exact_solution, lambda _, on_bndry: on_bndry)
bc.apply(eafe_matrix, rhs_vector)

solution = Function(pw_linears)
solver = LUSolver(eafe_matrix, "default")
solver.parameters["symmetric"] = False
solver.solve(solution.vector(), rhs_vector)

l2_err: float = errornorm(exact_solution, solution, "l2", 3)
assert l2_err <= 6e-3, "L2 error too large"

h1_err: float = errornorm(exact_solution, solution, "H1", 3)
assert h1_err <= 2.2e-1, "H1 error too large"


Edge-Averaged Finite Elements (EAFE) are stable approximations to finite element formulations for linear convection-reaction differential equations. For any Delaunay mesh, differential equations with a bounded and positive diffusivity coefficient, finite convection coefficient, and non-negative and bounded reaction term, the EAFE discretization yields a monotone stiffness matrix (see the original article for supporting discussions).

Due to the general nature of the EAFE approximation, it can be applied to stabilize a broad variety of convection-dominated PDEs to compute continuous piecewise linear finite element solutions.


To install pyeafe, run pip install pyeafe. PyEAFE requires the python dolfin package from the FEniCS project to be installed. If you do not want to install dolfin, use the docker image found on PDE Labs.


EAFE implementation for linear PDEs, based on Dolfin software package for finite elements







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