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NarraFirma v1.2.1

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@cfkurtz cfkurtz released this 16 Jan 02:04
· 587 commits to master since this release

This was a "thought of it the next day" release, with something I forgot to add until the day after I posted the previous version. This release adds the option to graph multi-choice questions against themselves, so you can explore patterns of coincidence. For example, if you asked people to choose from a list of emotions a story evoked in them, you can look at differences between times when somebody checked BOTH "happy" and "inspired," and when they just checked one of those things.

While I was testing this, I noticed that some graphs had titles and some didn't. So I made every graph have a title (and then I messed around with the title styling for a while). While testing this, I noticed that the "observations only" catalysis report did not include observations that had no strength value set. So I fixed that. Now if you choose "observations (all)" it includes observations that have no strength value set.

To use the WordPress version of NarraFirma, first download the zip file ( from the link you see above. Then upload the zip file into the plugins section of a running WordPress installation. Caution! Don't mix up the WordPress zip file ( with the source code file (

For more installation instructions, go to