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This is the DecentIOT-RabbitMQ Nuget Package repository. The source code includes Unit Testing that can run after the RabbitMQ Server being installed.

This is a RabbitMQ.Client Nuget Package wrapper. It eases the usage and creates a nice abstraction. The Request/Response patterns is also implemented.

This package belongs to a bigger project named DecentIOT.

To support the usage of this package, be sure to have the all the knowledge needed, consulting the official RabbitMQ Documentation.



Firstly the client to the RabbitMQ server needs to be created.

The zero arguments constructor has as optional all the parameters needed to start on a newly RabbitMQ instalation.

using RabbitMQ.Client;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ;

var client = new RabbitClient();

Below it can be found the way to use the other parameters.

using RabbitMQ.Client;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ;

var client = RabbitClient("localhost","/",5672,"guest","guest");

Exchanges, Queues, Producers and Consumers

Exchanges are AMQP 0-9-1 entities where messages are sent to. Exchanges take a message and route it into zero or more queues. The routing algorithm used depends on the exchange type and rules called bindings.

The term "publisher" means different things in different contexts. In general in messaging a publisher (also called "producer") is an application (or application instance) that publishes (produces) messages.

The term "consumer" means different things in different contexts. In general in messaging a consumer is an application (or application instance) that consumes messages.

The all point of this package is to simplify the usage of the client, so each RabbitConsumer Object is binded with only one Queue.

Direct Exchange

A direct exchange delivers messages to queues based on the message routing key. A direct exchange is ideal for the unicast routing of messages (although they can be used for multicast routing as well).

using RabbitMQ.Client;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Exchange;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Queue;

var client = new RabbitClient();

var directExchange = Client.CreateDirectExchange("");

var directQueue = DirectExchange.CreateQueue("direct.animal.queue", "");


In this example the producer sends a batch of messages to the routing key binded to the Queue.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Producer;

var producer = Client.CreateProducer(directExchange);

var messages = new List<RabbitMessage>
    new RabbitMessage("", "quack!"),
    new RabbitMessage("", "oh shit!"),
    new RabbitMessage("", "a wolf!")

Synchronous Consumer (Pull)

Here the messages are pulled (dequeued) from the created direct.animal.queue.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Consumer;

var consumer = Client.CreateConsumer(directQueue);

var duck1Message = consumer.PullMessage(); //"quack!"
var duck2Message = consumer.PullMessage(); //"oh shit!"
var duck3Message = consumer.PullMessage(); //"a wolf!"

Asynchronous Consumer

Here the consumer waits for a new message pushed to the Exchange and routed to\ direct.animal.queue.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Consumer;

var consumer = Client.CreateConsumer(directQueue);

consumer.NewMessage += (consumer, queue, message) =>
	//"oh shit!"
	//"a wolf!"

Fanout Exchange

A fanout exchange routes messages to all of the queues that are bound to it and the routing key is ignored. If N queues are bound to a fanout exchange, when a new message is published to that exchange a copy of the message is delivered to all N queues. Fanout exchanges are ideal for the broadcast routing of messages

using RabbitMQ.Client;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Exchange;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Queue;

var client = new RabbitClient();

var fanoutExchange = Client.CreateFanoutExchange("ex.fanout");

var queue1 = fanoutExchange .CreateQueue("fanout.animal.queue1"));
var queue2 = fanoutExchange .CreateQueue("fanout.animal.queue2"));


In this example the producer sends one messages to the Exchange.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Producer;

var producer = Client.CreateProducer(fanoutExchange);

producer.PublishSingle(new RabbitMessage("", "quack!"));

Synchronous Consumer (Pull)

In this example the messages are pulled (dequeued) from the created fanout.animal.queue1 and fanout.animal.queue2 with only one message was pushed .

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Consumer;

var consumer1 = Client.CreateConsumer(queue1);
var consumer2 = Client.CreateConsumer(queue2);

var duck1Message = consumer.PullMessage(); //"quack!"
var duck2Message = consumer.PullMessage(); //"quack!"

Asynchronous Consumer

In this example the consumers waits for a new message pushed to the Exchange then routed to fanout.animal.queue1 and fanout.animal.queue2.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Consumer;

var consumer1 = Client.CreateConsumer(queue1);
var consumer2 = Client.CreateConsumer(queue2);

consumer1.NewMessage += (consumer, queue, message) =>
consumer2.NewMessage += (consumer, queue, message) =>

Headers Exchange

A headers exchange is designed for routing on multiple attributes that are more easily expressed as message headers than a routing key. Headers exchanges ignore the routing key attribute. Instead, the attributes used for routing are taken from the headers attribute.

using RabbitMQ.Client;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Exchange;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Queue;

var client = new RabbitClient();

var headersExchange = Client.CreateHeadersExchange("ex.headers");

var queue1 = headersExchange.CreateQueue("headers.animal.queue1",x_match.any,new List<RabitMessageHeader> { new RabitMessageHeader("animal","duck"),new RabitMessageHeader("color","white")}));
var queue2 = headersExchange.CreateQueue("headers.animal.queue2",x_match.all,new List<RabitMessageHeader> { new RabitMessageHeader("animal", "dog"), new RabitMessageHeader("color", "white") }));


In this example the producer sends a messages to the Exchange with the specified headers.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Producer;

var producer = Client.CreateProducer(headersExchange);

var message = new RabbitMessage("", "quack!");


Synchronous Consumer (Pull)

In this example the messages are pulled (dequeued) from the created headers.animal.queue1, but not from headers.animal.queue2 since this queue needs to match all headers attributes .

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Consumer;

var consumer1 = Client.CreateConsumer(queue1);
var consumer2 = Client.CreateConsumer(queue2);

var queue1Message = consumer.PullMessage(); //"quack!"
var queue2Message = consumer.PullMessage(); //no message on queue, must match all arguments

Asynchronous Consumer

In this example the consumers waits for a new message pushed to the Exchange then routed to headers.animal.queue1 and headers.animal.queue2.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Consumer;

var consumer1 = Client.CreateConsumer(queue1);
var consumer2 = Client.CreateConsumer(queue1);

consumer1.NewMessage += (consumer, queue, message) =>
consumer2.NewMessage += (consumer, queue, message) =>
	//no message on queue


Topic exchanges route messages to one or many queues based on matching between a message routing key and the pattern that was used to bind a queue to an exchange. The topic exchange type is often used to implement various publish/subscribe pattern variations.

using RabbitMQ.Client;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Exchange;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Queue;

var client = new RabbitClient();

var topicExchange = Client.CreateTopicExchange("ex.topic");
var topicQueue = TopicExchange.CreateQueue("topic.animal.queue", "*.wild.*");


In this example the producer sends a batch of messages to the Exchange and each contains a routing key .

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Producer;

var producer = Client.CreateProducer(topicExchange);
 var messages = new List<RabbitMessage>
	new RabbitMessage("", "quack!"),
	new RabbitMessage("dog.wild.dream", "woof!"),
	new RabbitMessage("cat.wild.attitude", "miau!")

Synchronous Consumer (Pull)

In this example all the messages are pulled (dequeued) from the created topic.animal.queue since all the routing keys contain the word wild as binded to the wildcard.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Consumer;

var consumer = Client.CreateConsumer(topicQueue);

var duckMessage = consumer.PullMessage(); //"quack!"
var dogMessage = consumer.PullMessage(); //"woof!"
var catMessage = consumer.PullMessage(); //"miau!"

Asynchronous Consumer

In this example the consumers waits for a new message pushed to the Exchange then routed to topic.animal.queue.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Consumer;

var consumer = Client.CreateConsumer(topicQueue);

consumer.NewMessage += (consumer, queue, message) =>

Bind Queues to multiple Exchanges

In this example a queue previously binded to a topic exchange is also binded to a direct exchange.

using RabbitMQ.Client;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Exchange;
using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Queue;

var client = new RabbitClient();

var topicExchange = Client.CreateTopicExchange("ex.topic");

var queue = topicExchange?.CreateQueue("topic.animal.queue", "*.image.*");

var directExchange = Client?.CreateDirectExchange("");

directExchange.AddQueue(queue, "duck.image.png");


The request/response pattern between two parties is described as: the requester sends a request to the responder, the responder starts the work and sends the response to the requester once the work is done.

Synchronous Requester

In this example the requester sends a request, that can be of any type and waits some time then pulls the response.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Requester;

var requester = Client.CreateRequester("ex.reqresp", "animals");

//Wait some time

var response = requester.GetResponse();

Synchronous Responder

In this example the responder pulls a request, processes it and then send the response.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Responder;

var responder = Client.CreateResponser("ex.reqresp", "animals");

var request = Responder.GetRequest();
if(request.Content == "dogs")
	responder.SendResponse(request, new List<string> { "Poodle", "German Shepard", "Border Colie" });

Asynchronous Requester

In this example the requester sends a request, that can be of any type and when the responder sends the response the event NewResponse will be fired.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Requester;

var requester = Client.CreateRequester("ex.reqresp", "animals");

requester.NewResponse += (requester, response) =>


Asynchronous Responder

In this example the responder is listening for a request, when it arrives, it will be processed and then response sent.

using DecentIOT.RabbitMQ.Responder;

var responder = Client.CreateResponser("ex.reqresp", "animals");

responder.NewRequest += (request) =>
    if (request.Content == "dogs")
        Responder.SendResponse(request, new List<string> { "Poodle", "German Shepard", "Border Colie" });


DecentIOT-RabbitMQ Nuget Package repository







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