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Program Equilibrium Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Tournament

The tournament is now closed; see this post for the results!

Welcome to the 2014 program equilibrium iterated PD tournament!

Anyone can submit a Haskell bot to the tournament and compete against other user-submitted bots. Unlike the standard iterated PD, bots are not only allowed to remember the outcomes of previous rounds but also have the ability to run the bot they are playing against, so that each bot can perfectly simulate its opponent before making a move. This completely changes the nature of the game and enables all sorts of new and interesting strategies.

See the tutorial below and the Tournament.hs and Bots.hs files for more instructions on how to create and submit a bot. After the tournament is over, I will announce the winner and make all of the code and data publically available.

Submitting a bot

Email all submissions and/or questions to Submissions must be sent in by September 15, 2014 13:59 UTC.

Submission rules:

  • One submission per person.
  • Your submission must be a Haskell (.hs) file that imports Tournament.hs and Bot.hs and contains a function of type Bot, as defined in Tournament.hs. See the tutorial section below for more details.
  • On each turn, the bot must output either Cooperate or Defect within 5 seconds, otherwise Defect will be automatically chosen. Throwing an Exception (for any reason) will also be treated as a Defect.
  • The tournament will be round-robin elimination: Each bot will play one match against all other bots, where a match consists of 100 rounds of the prisoner's dilemma. At the end of the round-robin round, the lower-scoring half of the tournament pool will be eliminated. This process will be repeated until only one bot remains, or there is a tie. The whole tournament will be run 1000 times, and the bot that places first most frequently will be declated the overall winner. The payoff matrix is shown below.
  • You can import and use anything from the Haskell 2010 standard libraries (i.e. base) with the exception of the unsafe modules and the FFI. You are also encouraged to use the functions and example bots in Tournaments.hs and Bots.hs as building blocks.
  • Your submission file may include separate helper functions or any other style of code organization you desire (including helper functions representing other kinds of bots), as long as I can find the bot you want to enter in the tournament.
  • User-submitted code will be made public after the tournament unless you request that your code remain private. Names and emails always will be kept private, so give your bot an interesting name!

You are not allowed to use:

  • Third-party Haskell libraries, with the exception of this repo
  • Unsafe Haskell, e.g. System.IO.Unsafe, Unsafe.Coerce, or anything similar
  • The C/C++ FFI
  • GHC pragma, with the sole exception of RankNTypes
  • Anything else that violates the spirit of the rules -- I reserve the right to reject submissions; feel free to ask me about anything that feels questionable.

Happy hacking!


The prisoner's dilemma is a two-player game in which players can choose to either "Cooperate" or "Defect" against their opponent. The payoff matrix for the prisoner's dilemma looks like this:

                               Player 2
                           C              D

                    |              |               |
                C   |    (3, 3)    |    (0, 5)     |
                    |              |               |
    Player 1        |------------------------------|
                    |              |               |
                D   |    (5, 0)    |    (1, 1)     |
                    |              |               |

In the iterated prisoner's dilemma, multiple rounds are played in succession, and players can use their knowledge of the previous rounds when making a decision.

In the program equilibrium iterated prisoner's dilemma, bots are also allowed to run their opponent and examine the output before making a move. This allows for significantly more complex strategies in which bots can simulate their opponents to determine if it is safe to cooperate with them, as well as attempt to exploit less sophisticated players.

Haskell representation

We can represent this game in Haskell using algebraic data types. The decision to Cooperate or Defect forms the Choice type:

data Choice = Cooperate | Defect

The outcome of a round is a pair of decisions, one for each player:

type Moves = (Choice, Choice)

The outcome of multiple rounds is simply a list of these outcome pairs, i.e. a value of type [Moves].

Defining a bot in the program equilibrium PD is slightly more complicated. In general, a value of type Bot is a function of type Bot -> [Moves] -> Choice. In other words, a bot is a function that takes its opponent (which is also a value of type Bot) and the outcomes of the rounds that have already been played as input, and it must output either Cooperate or Defect.

However, because Haskell is a pure language, this type only allows us to create determinstic bots with fixed strategies. If we want to create bots that make decisions non-deterministically, we need to define an environment that allows bots to safely simulate other bots and perform some simple I/O actions. Within this environment, bots can perform certain I/O actions such as generating random numbers and safely simulating opponents, but all other side effects are prohibited. This environment is represented by the typeclass (Monad m) => BotEnvironment m, which defines the actions that can be performed in the environment, as well as by its instance BotEnvironment IO, which contains the actual implementations of the functions that bots can use to perform these actions. (See the Tournament.hs file if you are interested in the implementation details).

With this in mind, we can define a Bot using the following type:

newtype Bot = Bot { runBot :: (BotEnvironment m) => Bot -> [Moves] -> m Choice }

That is, a bot is a function of type (BotEnvironment m) => Bot -> [Moves] -> m Choice inside a Bot data constructor. To run the bot against an opponent, we simply call the runBot function and pass in the bot, the opponent, and the history of previous rounds. Note that the only way to run a bot is via the runBot function, meaning that a bot cannot distinguish between when it is being simulated by another bot and when it is being run by the tournament code. For more details, see the Tournament.hs file.

Writing a bot

To create a bot, we just need to write a function that fits our type constraint (BotEnvironment m) => Bot -> [Moves] -> m Choice and then wrap it in the Bot data constructor. For example, we can easily write a bot that ignores both its opponent and the history of previous rounds and always cooperates:

cooperateBot :: Bot
cooperateBot = Bot (\_ _ -> return Cooperate)

Of course, this bot probably isn't going to fare very well against smarter and more aggressive opponents.

The tit-for-tat strategy chooses Cooperate on the first round, and on all subsequent rounds it mimics the opponent's previous move. We can implement this strategy as follows:

titForTatBot :: Bot
titForTatBot = Bot (\_ history -> case history of
            [] -> return Cooperate
            xs -> return . snd $ last xs)

The tit-for-tat is very effective in the classical iterated prisoner's dilemma, but it is easily exploitable in the program equilibrium verion of the game. This is because the bot's decision is based entirely on the history of previous moves, so an opponent can always predict when the tit-for-tat bot will cooperate and then defect against it. Instead of acting blindly, we need to simulate our opponent on each round before making a move, in order to determine whether they are trustworthy enough for us to choose Cooperate.

This bot uses the runBot function to simulate its opponent playing the current round, and then mimics whatever the opponent does in the simulation. Or more succintly: "Do whatever my opponent is going to do."

mirrorBot :: Bot
mirrorBot = Bot (\op hist -> runBot op mirrorBot $ invert hist)

We apply the invert function before passing the history of previous rounds to our simulated opponent. invert is a helper function that simply swaps the positions of each player's moves in a list of (Choice, Choice) pairs.

However, there is one major problem with this strategy: When mirrorBot plays against a bot that also directly simulates its opponent, it will defect, since the call to runBot will create an infinite chain of recursive function calls that won't terminate until it is stopped by the five-second time limit. This mutual defection could cost mirrorBot a significant number of points in a tournament. mirrorBot would fare much better if it could simulate other bots in a more controlled environment, so that we can run our simulations and then make a decision based on the result. We might also want to add some randomness to mirrorBot, to make its strategy harder to exploit.

To incorporate randomness and simulate other bots more safely, we need to make use of the IO monad constrained by ourBotEnvironment typeclass. The BotEnvironment typeclass provides two functions:

class (Monad m, Applicative m, Functor m) => BotEnvironment m where
    rand :: (BotEnvironment m) => m Double
    time :: (BotEnvironment m) => Int -> m a -> m (Maybe a)

Intuitively, rand generates a random Double between 0 and 1, which allows us to create bots that make use of entropy. For example, the following bot simply outputs Cooperate or Defect with 50% probability. This bot isn't going to win any prizes for intelligence, but it is harder to simulate and exploit compared to cooperateBot.

randomBot :: Bot
randomBot = Bot (\_ _ -> do
    choice <- rand
    return (if choice < 0.5 then Cooperate else Defect))

The second function that the BotEnvironment typeclass provides is time, which is similar to Haskell's built-inSystem.Timeout.timeout function. time tries to strictly evaluate and then execute an I/O action, such as running a simulation. time returns result wrapped in a Just if the action was executed in the allotted number of microseconds and Nothing otherwise. time also returns Nothing if evaluating or executing the action raises an Exception. We can use the time function to beef up mirrorBot a bit:

smarterMirrorBot :: Bot
smarterMirrorBot = Bot (\op hist -> do
    simulation <- time 10000 . runBot op mirrorBot $ invert hist
    return (case simulation of
                Nothing   -> Cooperate
                Just move -> move))

This version behaves just like the original mirrorBot, except that it only waits 1/100th of a second before terminating the simulation, and outputs Cooperate in the event that the simulation times out or errors out. This is not necessarily a wise strategy, as it will always cooperate with a bot that raises an Exception, but it at least ensures that smarterMirrorBot will cooperate with bots like mirrorBot.

Again, note that we apply the invert function, so that the opponent sees the history of moves in the correct order. It is also possible to modify the history before passing it to the opponent, simply by adding, modifying, or truncating the list of [(Choice, Choice)] pairs; this lets us observe what the opposing bot would do under certain conditions.

We can build more complex bots that run multiple simulations using replicateM and time:

justiceBot :: Bot
justiceBot = Bot (\op hist -> do
    sims <- replicateM 50 . time 10000 . runBot op cooperateBot $ invert hist
    return (if Just Defect `elem` sims || Nothing `elem` sims
                then Defect
                else Cooperate))

This bot simulates its opponent playing the current round against cooperateBot 50 times, with a timeout of 1/100th of a second per simulation. If the opponent fails to return Cooperate or Defect, raises an exception, or returns Defect in any of the simulated rounds, then justiceBot will defect.

The 1/100th of a second time limit used in this example is more than enough time for a bot that does not loop infinitely to terminate on any modern processor; simple bots like cooperateBot or titForTat will terminate in less than 1/1000th of a second. For the purposes of this tournament, you can consider 1/100th of a second a safe upper bound on simulation time when writing your own bots. In addition, the time function itself costs slightly less than 1/100th of a second in overhead, so you should assume you have enough time for approximately 250 simulations at 1/100th of a second each before you get close to the time limit (250 simulations * 2/100ths of a second = 5 seconds), or 200 to be extra safe. These limits are deliberately vague to discourage strategies based on precise timing and simulation-chicken, but they should give you a sense of how many simulations you can perform.

To see these bots in action, call the runExample function in Bots.hs.


Iterated prisoner's dilemma tournament with bots that can perfectly simulate each other.







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