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My solutions to the projects assigned for the Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree

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My solutions to the projects assigned for the Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree

Project Concepts Tools
P1_Bike_Rental NN basics, forward pass, backpropagation, activation functions, loss functions, optimizers, training and testing and prediction, data preprocessing, hyperparameters pandas, numpy
P2_Dog_Classification CNNs, Image Classification, Face Detection, Transfer Learning Keras
P3_TV_Script_Generation NLP, RNNs, LSTMs, word embeddings Tensorflow
P4_Face_Generation Generative Adversarial Networks, Generator/Discriminator Tensorflow
P5_Quadcopter Reinforcement Learning, Markov Decision Processes, Value Functions, Policy-based methods, Actor-Critic methods, Deep Q-learning, Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients, physics simulation Keras, Tensorflow