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Jaydon Reap edited this page May 12, 2023 · 5 revisions

Getting Started

If you haven't already, read the README for system requirements and libraries needed to start.

Creating a Starting Admin User

The main database will start with no users by default. You will need to manually create a starting user. Send a POST request to /api/auth/register with a JSON body like below:

    "username": "username",
    "password": "pa33w0rd",
    "firstName": "Liv",
    "lastName": "Bot"

This will create an admin user with those credentials. You can test if this worked by logging in at the /login page.

Logging into the Scheduler

If you made a user above, you can navigate to <your_site_url>/login to login with the username and password entered above. This will send you to the scheduling page where you can create sessions and assign papers.

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