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tree is a dynamic test environment for crystal functions


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tree is a dynamic testing environment for crystal functions

It offers a CLI based REPL for interactive use. It is fast(see performance) and scriptable. Debugging on function level offers single stepping.
For debugging of single crystal expressions icr or crystal play should be used.
Vars and functions are stored in hashes with public access
via the CLI and your scripts.

install via crystal shards:
add it to your shards.yml:
github: pebauer68/tree
branch: master

cd to ./lib/tree
make build
make run

or clone from Github:


./tree # run tree interactive
./tree filename # run a script file with plain text

Concept and syntax
The syntax is borrowed from crystal and ruby.
Words in a line of code and operators are seperated(splitted)
by blank when you load the file into the scripter.
Comments are also removed, and some expressions like "==" are replaced by "eq" and reparsed into lines with tokens. The program itself stays readable with crystal/ruby like syntax in spite of this parsing.

Operators can be added by writing additional wrappers
around the crystal standard lib. Only one statement is allowed per line.
Semicolon is not supported.

Supported types for scripting
arrays of type int32,float64,string

var-* types are a sort of pointer to a public var in a hash

Basic operators and their function name(in,

+   plus()
-   minus()
*   mul()
\   div()
=   let() assign int or string to var or one var to another var
==   eq() equal for numbers, TODO: equal for strings
<   lower()
>   higher()

List vars, functions:
ls # list all
ls vars
ls functions

builtin vars: {"started" => false, "debug" => false, "filename" => "", "lines" => 0}
user vars: 
vars_int32: {"num" => 5}
vars_string: {"day" => "thursday"} 
functions: run,split_run,list,print,load,eval,ceval,after,+,-,inc,dec  

if you enter a var name and press return the var value will be shown.
if you enter a function name it will be called.

Interpreted functions:
While the above functions are implemented via crystal procs it is possible to write functions in the scripter which have their own namespace for vars. This namespaces can be inspected with <ls vars>

puts "hello functions"

def hello(greeting)
  p greeting

while c < 3
  hello "good morning"
  p c

>ls vars
{"hello" => {"line" => 1, "sign" => "greeting",
"args" => "good morning", "p.result" => "good morning"}}

Set,clear,delete vars:
counter = 5 # type Int32 is used
name = "foo" # type String is used
counter+ = 2
dynamic typing:
counter = "7" # set counter var to String "7" is possible

The type of a var it infered from the last assignment

counter = "some_string"
counter+ = 1 # example for a type mismatch Int32 vs String
Error in: counter+=1
Missing hash key: "counter" # add function searches for int var named counter

clear #clear all user vars
delete var name #delete a user var

True and false vs 0,1
Functions return 0 on false, and 1 on true !
There is no boolean type in the scripting environment.
However the word "true" can be used for "while true"

In the scripting environment:
0 #false
1 #true
"" #empty strings are false
"a" #any string with a value is true
var #any var with a value > 0 or a string with size >0 is true

The if operator can be used for true/false checks.
I you want to see the result turn on debug.

Here a=1
>if a
eval: if a
Line in: 
if a
Line splitted: 
["if", "a"]
Word: if
Rol: a
x # => "a"
y # => 1
result of if: 1

Print Strings, vars:
print,puts,p "hello" a b c # no comma needed for now, but a blank

While is supported by the scripter, have a look at after and every
for scheduling functions

while counter < 100000  
while true

Performance: crystal build --release # compile with --release !

time ../tree counter2.txt
Loaded: counter2.txt Number of lines: 13
code cleanup done in split_run()
reached end of file

real	0m2,401s 
user	0m2,496s
sys	0m0,103s

Call functions:
now # display current time via the now function
after 5 exit # call exit in 5 seconds
every 5 now # Set timers to run function every 5 seconds
# here we just print the time
every 5 p a # print value of var a to stdout every 5 seconds
stop = 1 # stop all started timers

functions can set a public var with the last result on exit:
some_function.result = result

foo = "" init a var
res = typeof <foo> #get type of a var

Add your own functions:
-Edit and add your favorite functions
There is a hash with procs(function pointers) loaded at startup from tree.

You need to follow the calling convention used in this
proc hash, otherwise you get compile errors.

If you need a different calling convention you can create
your own proc hash table, but this might create some overhead.

Current calling convention:
function (String,Int32) String,Int32

every function must return values on exit

Current functions:

Load,run,list,debug,singlestep a script:

load filename   any comments and not needed blanks are removed from scripting code  
run             run the loaded file  
run s           single step by pressing return    
singlestep      toggle single stepping of functions on/off  
debug           Toggle debug output on/off    
list            list the loaded script   

Any function can be called during single stepping and vars can be checked by just entering their name.

Run a script from cli:
./tree filename

Example for debug output:  

Current line: 4 has 17 chars
"while counter < 5"
eval: while counter < 5
Word: while
Rol: counter < 5
x # => "counter < 5"
y # => 3

Execute shell commands by ! prefix:
!icr #use icr(interactive crystal), exit with ^D

Execute functions like they were typed in:
eval <statement>

Eval via the crystal binary:
Expression is compiled and then executed.
This will take about a second per evaluation.
ceval 1+2
ceval puts "aha"
# the var ceval.result is set for later use


TODO: Write development instructions here


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request



tree is a dynamic test environment for crystal functions







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