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🐳 Docker wrapper for the open-source analytics platform, piwik


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The open-source analytics platform, using docker and ansible.


  • bin - has the ansible deploy file
  • certs - has our own apache certificates
  • config - has the piwik configuration files (config.ini.php is not there on purpose, it is automatically generated after the first deploy!)
  • provisioning
    • group_vars
      • vars.yml - an encrypted file with the important passwords
    • templates
      • docker-compose.production.yml.j2 - the docker-compose file for production.
    • deploy.yml - the ansible mighty deploy file!
    • hosts - the dashboard url
  • 000-default.conf - apache configuration
  • Dockerfile - well, the Dockerfile - installs dependencies, installs piwik and sets up apache files, including ssl.
  • apache2.conf - apache default configuration file
  • default-ssl.conf - related to 000-default.conf
  • docker-compose.yml - the almighty docker-compose file


Before installing, read the Explanation topic!

Get a server running (I used a Digital Ocean Ubuntu Docker 1.11.2 on 14.04 image), since it already has Docker installed! You can use other image, as long as you install Docker in it.

Clone this repository

List of files you need to change:

  • $ provisioning/hosts - YOURDASHBOARDHOST - replace this with the URL/IP of your dashboard (where you are gonna have all the logs(
  • $ provisioning/deploy.yml - git: - In case you fork this repository, you should change the pedrocaseiro/piwik-docker to yourgithubusername/repositoryname
  • $ provisioning/group_vars/vars.yml - YOUR USERNAME, YOUR PASSWORD, YOUR DATABASE NAME - Replace these 3 fields with according to the username, password and database name you are gonna choose when doing the dashboard setup (this setup is explained a few lines below this one!)
  • 000-default.confand default-ssl.conf - YOUREMAIL, URLOFTHEDASHBOARD, YOURCERTIFICATE, YOURCERTIFICATEKEY - Replace these 4 fields with your own email, the url of your dashboard, your website ssl certificate file name and your website ssl certificate key file name. These last 2 can be generated here. Don't forget to copy them to the certs folder!

Make sure you have Ansible installed. You can find the instructions here. Run the command bin/deploy, inside the repository. (you will be prompted to enter the vault password)

Tcharam, the analytics dashboard will be running at your desired url. (If it is the first installation, you will be prompted to make the initial dashboard configuration. Make sure the database name, username and password match the ones you wrote at the provisioning/group_vars/vars.yml file!)

If you make any changes, just run the command $ bin/deploy and everything should work properly.

To change usernames, passwords or even the database name, you need to delete the provisioning/group_vars/vars.yml file, create a new one, write your changes following the yml format:

username: yourusername
password: yourpassword
database: databasename

After that encrypt your provisioning/group_vars/vars.yml file by running the following command:

$ ansible-vault encrypt vars.yml

You'll be prompted to enter a password for the vault. Make sure you remember it because you'll need it every time you deploy, for security reasons!


🐳 Docker wrapper for the open-source analytics platform, piwik







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