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Challenge - Movie App

A movie app challenge. The data comes from The Movie Database.

Notes before running

  1. This project uses code generation, it may be necessary to run flutter pub run build_runner build first.


  1. All the requirements are met.

  2. Added a custom page transition when navigation from movie search page to movie details page.

  3. It is possible to remove items from favorites by swiping from right-to-left in the favorites tab.

  4. It is possible to open the action menu in movie details page by scrolling the content. Note: Animation is not perfect yet.

  5. I've done so many things to demonstrate the DDD architecture since the time is limited, I was not able to meet all the requirements.

  6. There is a known bug: when you navigate to detail page from movies list, and go to favorites list then go to the details page again with the same movie, Flutter will complain that there is two Hero widgets using the same tag.

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

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