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Summary: This document is a System Administration related exercise. Create a VM using debia.

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This project aims to introduce you to the wonderful world of virtualization.

Skills: Network & system administration;

Check my article about this project:





Definir linguagem, idioma e localização, configurações de teclado;

Definir hostname;

Let domain name blank;

Set root password (Write it!);

Set up user account with your login and password;

Set partition method to manual;

Create a partition from hardisk for boot;

Encrypt partition with default configuration and set password;

Configure LVM and create volume group named LVM-Group using encrypted partition;

Create logical volume name as pdf;

Configure logical volume following specification;

Set location for updating packages and left blank;

No popularity contest;

Unselect all and install only the basic;

Install grub boot loader;


  1. There are some mistakes in partition process. My tip for you is look into boot partitioning.

  2. Try it by yourself. It is a nice project.

After correct istallation

  • Install and configure Sudo
  1. Login as root: $su

  2. $ apt install sudo

  3. $ sudo usermod -a -G groupname username

  4. $ login username

  • Install SSH and configure

$ sudo apt install openssh-server

$ cd etc/ssh

$ sudo nano sshd_config

  1. Remove port comment and insert 4242 port as available
  2. Remove sudo login comment and change it to “no”

$ sudo service ssh status

$ ip addr | grep inet

  • Install UFW Firewall and configure

$ sudo apt install ufw

$ sudo ufw enable

$ sudo ufw allow 4242

$ sudo service ufw status

  • Create user and groups

Show user groups: $ groups user

New user: $ sudo useradd user

Set password: $ sudo passwd user

Create group: $ sudo groupadd group

Show groups :

  1. $ cd ./etc

  2. $ cat group

Insert user into a group: $ sudo usermod -a -G groupname username

  • User managment
  1. Create a directory where sudo log commands will be saved

    $ sudo mkdir /var/log/sudo

  2. Open sudo config file

    $sudo visudo

    Insert into file:

    Password tries for 3:

    Defaults passwd_tries = 3

    Return message error when password is wrong:

    Defaults badpass_message = "Wrong Password, bro! Don´t you forgot it, right?"

    Save all log sudo acess:

    Defaults logfile="/var/log/sudo/sudo.log"

    Defaults log_input, log_output

    Defaults iolog_dir="/var/log/sudo"

    Set TTY (Print the terminal filename conected to the standard input)

    Defaults requiretty

    Set sudo local for only root and sudo users:

    Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin"

  • Password policy
  1. Password policy

Acess file configuration

nano /etc/login.defs

Change 160 line: time to expire password


Change 161 line: time before user cannot login


Change 162 line: Password expiration alert


  1. Strong password policy

Installing lib-pwquality

apt install libpam-pwquality

Verify instalation:

dpkg -l | grep libpam-pwquality

Acess file configuration

nano /etc/pam.d/common-password

Append rules to line 25

password requisite retry=3 minlen=10 ucredit=-1 dcredit=-1 maxrepeat=3 reject_username difok=7 enforce_for_root

Polytics Description
retry=3 max attemps
minlen=10 min lenght password
ucredit=-1 at least 1 char uppercase
dcredit=-1 at least 1 number
maxrepeat=3 less than 3 equal chars consec
reject_username reject username
difok=7 cant repeat 7 chars from old password
enforce_for_root include rule for root
  • Cron/Script

Create the rule named at usr/local/bin directory showing the specific information:

GNU nano 7.2 /usr/local/bin/


ARCH=$(uname -a)
CPU=$(lscpu | grep Soquete | awk '{print $2}')
RAM1=$(free -m | grep Mem.: | awk '{print $3}')
RAM2=$(free -m | grep Mem.: | awk '{print $2}')
RAMUSAGE=$(free -m | grep Mem.: | awk '{printf "%.2f%", $3/$2*100}')
DISKUSAGE=$(df | grep root | awk '{printf "%.0f", $3/1000}')
DISKTOTAL=$(df -h | grep root | awk '{printf "%0.fGB", $2}')
DISKPERCENTAGE=$(df -h | grep root | awk '{printf "%d%", $5}')
CPUSAGE=$(mpstat | grep all | awk '{print $12}')
CPULOAD=$(awk -v cpusage="$CPUSAGE" 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f%", 100-cpusage}')
LASTBOOT=$(who -b | cut -d "a" -f 4)
LVMUSE=$(if lsblk | grep -q "lvm"; then echo "yes"; else echo "no"; fi)
CONNECTIONS=$(netstat -an | grep ESTABELECIDA | wc -l)
USERLOG=$(who | wc -l)
IPADDRS=$(ip addr | grep dynamic | cut -d "/" -f 1 | awk '{print $2}')
MACADDRS=$(ip addr | grep ether | awk {'print $2'})
SUDO=$(grep -c "COMMAND" /var/log/sudo/sudo.log)

wall "
#Architecture: $ARCH
#CPU physical: $CPU
#Memory Usage: $RAM1/${RAM2}MB ($RAMUSAGE)
#CPU load : $CPULOAD
#Last boot:$LASTBOOT
#User log: $USERLOG
#Sudo: $SUDO cmd

Open crontab and add the rule:

$ sudo crontab -u root -e

Add at end as follows: (*/10 means every 10 mins the script will show. It will only run the script in specific times. Ex: 10:00 am; 10:10 am, 10:20 am. It will ignore the server startup time. Thats why we need to create a function to sleep based on server startup. Try it! ).

*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/

Insert script for deal with server startup time.


tmp=$(uptime -s | cut -d ":" -f 2)
seconds=$(uptime -s | cut -d ":" -f 3)

sleep ${minutes}m ${seconds}s

  • Install lightpdd and configure
$ apt install lighttpd
$ sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
$ sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php
$ sudo service lighttpd force-reload
$ sudo systemctl status lighttpdroot
  • Install and set wordpress
$ apt install wget
  • Install PHP
$ apt install php
$ sudo apt install php-cgi php-mysql
$ curl -s
Change wordpress key in correct place
  • Install and set MariaDB
$ apt install mariadb-server
$ sudo mariadb
$ mysql -u root
$ CREATE DATABASE <database-name>;
$ CREATE USER 'user1'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';
$ SELECT User FROM mysql.user;
  • Install extra feature
Install GitHub CLI:
1 - Install git;
2 - Configure ssh key with github key.


Summary: This document is a System Administration related exercise. Create a VM using debia.






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