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A modern, powerful and minimal boilerplate for fastify. Includes auto-schema generation from Typescript types and auto-documentation using Swagger.

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Boilerplate for starting node.js and typescript servers already with yarn.

Current Node version targeted, v14+.


I really hate boilerplates that throw a lot of stuff that you need to learn in, I like boilerplates that just stay out of the way and organize only what's really a pain in the ass. I hope this to be it.

What's in the package!

  • fastify 🚀
  • fastify-swagger 📚
  • (NEW!) Auto-documentation generated from typescript types! generateSchemasFromTS.ts 🤯
    • yarn gen:schema


npx degit pedropalhari/node-ts-fastify-boilerplate project_name


  • yarn start: runs the distributed copy on dist/index.js
  • yarn dev: starts the typescript compiler on watch mode (tsc -w)
    • in tsconfig.json you can set the properties on outDir and rootDir
  • yarn build: builds the code, incrementally
  • yarn gen:schema: generates JSON schema to be used for validation.

How to use it!

To use this boilerplate fully, there's only a few rules to abide by:

Creating a new route!

  • Create a new file in routes/.
// routes/Example.ts
import { FastifyApp } from "../types/common";

export function initExampleRoutes(app: FastifyApp, service: {}) {"/route", async (req, res) => {
    return res.send({
      echo: "not yet",
  • Add it to index.ts to the Router with the prefix you want.
// index.ts
 * Route array with prefixes
const Routes: Route[] = [
    init: initExampleRoutes,
    prefix: "/example",

Creating validation for this route!

  • Create a type in the types/ folder. The type must end in IRoute!
// types/ExampleTypes.d.ts
export interface Example {
  exampleParam: string;

export interface ExampleBodyIRoute {
  example: Example;

  arr: string[];
  • Run yarn gen:schema

    • For each IRoute type it will create a .json file on schemas/
    • It also compiles all schemas into schemas/definitions.json so we can use any types from the project, not any from the types/ folder.
    • And for the last part it adds a nice import map so you can do {type}Schema and autocomplete.
  • Add the type and generated schema to the route:

// routes/Example.ts
import { FastifyApp } from "../types/common";
import { ExampleBodyIRoute } from "../types/ExampleTypes"; // <-- Here!
import { ExampleBodySchema } from "../schemas/GeneratedSchemas";

export function initExampleRoutes(app: FastifyApp, {}: Services) {<{
    Body: ExampleBodyIRoute; // <-- Here!
      schema: {
        body: ExampleBodySchema, // <-- Here!
    async (req, res) => {
      let { example, arr } = req.body;

      return res.send({
        echo: { example, arr },

Tã dã!

Useful services


// services/Mongo.ts
import { Collection, MongoClient } from "mongodb";

// Connection URL
const URL = "mongodb://localhost:27017";

// Database Name
const dbName = "myproject";

interface User {
  username: string;
  password: string;

interface Email {
  recipient: string;
  delay: number;

export interface DBCollections {
  user: Collection<User>;
  emails: Collection<Email>;

export async function initMongoDB(): Promise<DBCollections> {
  // Create a new MongoClient
  const client = new MongoClient(URL);
  await client.connect();
  const db = client.db(dbName);

  return {
    user: db.collection("user"),
    emails: db.collection("email"),

Then on types/common.d.ts, index.ts and the routes/*.ts

export interface Services {
  db: DBCollections;

async function main() {
  initDocumentation(app, API_VERSION);
  let db = await initMongoDB(); // <-- Here!

  // Initialize all the routes in the array, passing the db for
  // operations and the app for creating handlers
  Routes.forEach((route) => {
    app.register((app, opts, done) => {
      route.init(app, { db }); // <-- Here!

// routes/*.ts
export function initExampleRoutes(app: FastifyApp, { db }: Services) {
  let queryResult = await db.user.findOne({});


Made by me, for me, so I can build services faster. Feel free to use, expand and contact me!


A modern, powerful and minimal boilerplate for fastify. Includes auto-schema generation from Typescript types and auto-documentation using Swagger.






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