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raaswol edited this page Dec 7, 2014 · 10 revisions

List of regular tasks. Feel free to volunteer for them. For specific tasks we use tickets.

Open Science Communities follower


  • Follow some of open science communities on their mailing lists, Facebook, or elsewhere.
  • If it is something interesting to the team, forward it to the mailing list.
  • If you find something interesting to share for general public, share on PeerLibrary Facebook or Twitter account. (Just ask for admin access to them.)
  • If you find some event we should go to, add it to the wiki page and open a ticket.
  • If there are multiple deadlines (for session, for travel scholarship, for registration) open ticket for each of them.
  • If you find some funding opportunity, add it to the wiki page and open a ticket.
  • If you see a discussion where you can join the conversation, join it. If you think rsomebody else from the team should join it, forward to the mailing list and invite the person to join the conversation.
  • If you see the opportunity to mention or promote PeerLibrary, do it.
  • If you learn about any related project, add a link to it to the list of related projects. If you have time, check it out and write a report similar to others (what they are, how we could work together, what good ideas they have). If there some really good idea, open a ticket for it.

Volunteers: @seehafer (add yourself and help so that work can be split)

Send weekly summaries


  • Every Monday after noon send a weekly summary to dev and outreach mailing lists.
  • Weekly summary is a report of highlights of what we all did in the previous week.
  • What interesting development tickets activity has happened. Did we get an interesting bug report or feature request all of us should know about?
  • Was there any new pull request or some new nice activity? Something people should give feedback to, or opinion on?
  • Was something new merged into development branch and we should test it?
  • Did we release a new version?
  • Is there some new event? Funding opportunity?
  • Did anything interesting happen at an event we attended and was reported in the ticket report? And highlights from events?
  • Did we obtain any new funding?
  • Were we mentioned in any media?
  • Any interesting edits on our wikis: outreach, development?
  • Did we pass any interesting number in our counters? 10000th user?
  • It is good that summaries are interesting and somewhat funny. They are meant that if you did not have time to do anything else for PeerLibrary this week, you could at least read this report.
  • If report is short because not much happened, it is OK. No need to repeat stuff from the last week.
  • While preparing the summary, if you discover anything important we should discuss, add it to the agenda of the next meeting.
  • The best is that you follow all ticket notifications and other notifications from GitHub regularly over the week and write highlights from there into your notes which you then use to create a summary on Monday. So follow things regularly because it is easier.
  • The idea is that at least one person read through (almost) everything which happened in a week so that others do not have to and can rely on that person.
  • If you notice anything which would be of importance for a particular team member, CC them in the ticket (mention them with @username) or elsewhere direct their attention towards that.
  • See example from another project.

Volunteers: @ciaobrian (add yourself and help so that work can be split)

Progress feedback


  • To help each other make a better use of little time we have to volunteer for the project it is good that we know how well are we able to plan time we spend on each ticket and how well we all individually make the time worth. This is why we are writing in comments in tickets (especially the closing comment) how much time we spend on each ticket.
  • Follow those reports and collect them in the Google Docs spreadsheet for each team member.
  • Spreadsheet is organized so that for each team member we have cumulative hours done per week, for each week.
  • In this way everyone can see how much they are contributing and better plan for future tasks.

Volunteers: @raaswol (add yourself and help so that work can be split)

LinkedIn page updates


  • Keeping updates on our LinkedIn page updated with the posts on the blog.
  • (If you find a way to do this automatically, even better.)

Volunteers: @ciaobrian (add yourself and help so that work can be split)

Blog writer – content highlight


  • Regularly (every ~2 weeks) publish a blog post about an interesting content on PeerLibrary (interesting discussion, interesting collection, interesting publication). So something like "staff pick" on Vimeo.
  • Research background and other interesting things about the content.
  • Maybe do an interview of the person who did it or imported it.

Volunteers: @michaelkonrad (add yourself and help so that work can be split)