Secure messaging between a client and a server using a shared secret key. This uses a 32 bit key and a random 20 bit nonce for encryping and signing the payload.
Uses the tweetnacl library.
npm install
var messaging = require('secure-client-server-messaging')
For reference see the Browserify Handbook.
var messaging = require('secure-client-server-messaging')
// Sign and encrypt the request payload with the given 32 bit key
var request = messaging.encrypt(payload, key);
// "request" is now an object {message: encryptedMessage, nonce: randomNonce}
// Get the decrypted and signature verified payload of a request object
var payload = messaging.decrypt(request, key);
// "payload" is now the original payload
npm test
- Generate the message to the server
- Encrypt the message using secretbox with a random nonce and the private key and generate an object
{message: encrypted-object-a, nonce: xxx}
- Send this object to the server
- The server decrypts object with the given nonce and the saved private key (this automatically verifies the signature)
- If the decryption and the signature check are valid, the request is continued as normal
- The server answers the same way a user would generate it's object and the user decrypts and verifies the signature before running like the server would before continuing as normal