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Terraform templates for database and app hosts


Terraform installation on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y gnupg software-properties-common curl

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main"

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install terraform

Checking the installation

terraform -help

IDE for Terraform on Ubuntu (optional).

Installing Visual Studio Code:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https

sudo apt update

sudo apt install code 

Open it with the command:


Ansible installation on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install ansible

Environment requirements

The Terraform templates use environment variables to retrieve provider keys. They can be defined as follows if root sudo su root (example):

echo 'TF_VAR_my_secret_key="e11414AIb12mvVDasdf5adsW27pasdfPYoasI0dPFgOdFGa2JCJ7"' >> /etc/environment
echo 'TF_VAR_my_public_key="AKNOFASD37RASD43L4N"' >> /etc/environment

It also uses the following UNIX environment variables that should be defined in the .profile of the user deploying the infrastructure:

$cat ~/.profile_PEGASO
# added manually for chromedriver

export PATH=$PATH:/home/pietari/chromedriver/chromedriver

# pegaso project environment variables
export hostIP=`hostname -I`
export URL='<<url>>'
export PEGASO_COLLT_DIR='<<local path to this repository>>'
export PEGASO_INFRA_DIR='<<local path to this repository>>'
export PEGASO_WEBST_DIR='<<local path to this repository>>'
export PEGASO_TRAIN_DIR='<<local path to this repository>>'
export CHROMEDRIVER_DIR=${HOME}'/chromedriver/chromedriver'
export SSH_KEYS_DIR=${HOME}'/ssh-keys'
export SSH_KEY_APPLCTN='key-pair-Linux-AMI-root.pem'
export SSH_KEY_DATABAS='key-pair-Linux-AMI-root.pem'
export DBHOST=
export DBUSER='ec2-dbuser'
export DBPASS=
export RF_API_PORT=8081
export RF_API_ENDPOINT=${hostIP/ /}:$RF_API_PORT
export RF_JENKINS_PORT=8080

shopt -s expand_aliases

# pegaso project aliases
alias discover_instances=" aws ec2 --profile ec2Manager  describe-instances --query \"Reservations[].Instances[].{insId: InstanceId, pubIp: PublicIpAddress, insSt: State.Name, name: Tags[?Key == 'Name'].Value | [0]} | []\""

alias get_db_ip="discover_instances | grep -B2 \"dev-0-database_ec2\" | grep \"pubIp\" | sed 's/,//' | awk -F \": \" '{print \$2}' | sed 's/\"//g'"
alias get_ap_ip="discover_instances | grep -B2 \"dev-0-vanilla_ec2\" | grep \"pubIp\" | sed 's/,//' | awk -F \": \" '{print \$2}' | sed 's/\"//g'"

alias get_db_id="discover_instances | grep -B3 \"dev-0-database_ec2\" | grep \"insId\" | sed 's/,//' | awk -F \": \" '{print \$2}' | sed 's/\"//g'"
alias get_ap_id="discover_instances | grep -B3 \"dev-0-vanilla_ec2\" | grep \"insId\" | sed 's/,//' | awk -F \": \" '{print \$2}' | sed 's/\"//g'"

alias start_db="aws ec2 --profile ec2Manager  start-instances --instance-ids \`get_db_id\`"
alias stop_db="aws ec2 --profile ec2Manager  stop-instances --instance-ids \`get_db_id\`"

alias start_ap="aws ec2 --profile ec2Manager  start-instances --instance-ids \`get_ap_id\`"
alias stop_ap="aws ec2 --profile ec2Manager  stop-instances --instance-ids \`get_ap_id\`"

alias refresh_environment="source ~/.profile_PEGASO"
alias deploy_infrastructure="$PEGASO_INFRA_DIR/Utilities/bash-scripts/"
alias ssh_app="ssh -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_APPLCTN} -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user@\`get_ap_ip\`"
alias ssh_database="ssh -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_APPLCTN} -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user@\`get_db_ip\`"
alias launch_website="cd $PEGASO_WEBST_DIR ; source bin/activate ; cd src; python runserver; "
alias connect_to_database="mysql -u${DBUSER} -h\`get_db_ip\` -p$DBPASS"
alias run_database_procedure="mysql -N -B -u${DBUSER} -h\`get_db_ip\` -p$DBPASS"

echo -e "\nProfile loaded from $0 - `date +'%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S'`\n"


Infrastructure deployment can be achieved with:

$ deploy_infrastructure

Once in the repository folder, Terraform is started with:

terraform init

The configuration can be checked for code consistency:

terraform validate

The set of ressources to be deployed can be checked with:

terraform plan

Deployment with terraform is performed as follows:

terraform apply -auto-approve

The outputs can be retrieved after deployment also with:

terraform refresh


terraform destroy -auto-approve


There are bash utilities to

Connect to EC2 instances through ssh

The following scripts retrieve the public IPs from Terraform outputs and build the ssh call to access the EC2 instances

/Utilities/bash-scripts/ /Utilities/bash-scripts/

Note that the instances are deployed using ssh key pairs. These keys are passed to the scripts as environment variables.

Define these variables in the .profile as follows

export SSH_KEYS_DIR='<<path to ssh keys folder>>'
export SSH_KEY_APPLCTN='key-pair-Linux-AMI-root'
export SSH_KEY_DATABAS='key-pair-Linux-AMI-root'

Note that in order to ssh access to the EC2 instances you need to allow your public IP in Modules/SecurityGroups/ by setting the default value of adminIP variable.

Update Ansible inventory with App and database hosts IPs

TODO doc


Terraform templates for database and app hosts in AWS








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