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English Document

pekonchan edited this page Jul 3, 2023 · 2 revisions


Use the package to help you do internationalization in an automated manner, automatically collecting entries for specified languages, replacing code with specified internationalization conversion functions, automatic translation, and more.

Note that the tool converts code during compilation, rather than permanently replacing it, which is not destructive

The package is divided into two main parts

  • loader. This is a custom webpack loader that needs to be specified to be imported to complete the main function of automatically collecting and replacing code.
  • plugin. This is a custom webpack plugin that is needed to complete the function of generating term profiles.

The method used is that 'webpack' uses loader and plugin.

Note that the tool does not include internationalized conversion functions. Each project uses a different language framework and uses a different method of calling the conversion function. The tool is to be used with the internationalization conversion function. If your project is vue, you can use vue-i18n, react uses react-intl and react-i18next, angular uses ngx-translate, or implement your own conversion function, etc. 'i18n-auto-webpack' only provides the ability to include entries, replace code with a specified internationalized conversion function, and translate entries (unless you want to use these capabilities separately).

Here said conversion function, such as vue-i18n's $tmethod



npm i i18n-auto-webpack

Create a global configuration file i18nauto.config.js in the project root directory

const {resolve} = require('path')
const rootPath = process.cwd()

module.exports = {
    entry: {
        filename: 'zh.json', // File name (excluding directory path)
        path: resolve(rootPath, './lang') // Absolute directory where the file is located (without file name)
    translate: {
        on: true, // Whether to enable translation
        lang: ['en'], // Which languages to translate into
        path: resolve(rootPath, './lang'), // The directory where the generated translation file resides
        secretId: 'your secretId', // Required. Translate api required by your user information secretId 
        secretKey: 'your secretKey' // Required. Translate api information required by your user secretKey

entry specifies that the collected entries are updated based on the existing Chinese entry configuration table, or created directly if there is none.

For example, if you already have a Chinese term profile in your project, or you have already generated a profile using this tool, the next development needs to update the new or deleted terms based on the existing file.

By default, the collection is also updated to the file in the path specified by entry. This file is used both as the basis for collecting terms and as the resulting configuration file. If the specified path file does not exist, it is automatically created.

In special cases, if you need to generate a configuration file somewhere other than entry, you can specify the output field, which defaults to entry or you can specify it yourself. However, it is worth noting that when you specify a value different from entry, if the files of entry and output do not remain the same, each collection of entries will treat any more entries in output than entry as new entries, triggering the configuration file to be regenerated. So when you do choose to specify output, keep manually synchronizing updates to the entry file (unless of course you have other purposes that need to be distinguished). So my advice is to use just one entry field, if there are any special cases

i18nauto.config.js See more configuration rules i18nauto.config.js

translate Please refer to the translation Settings section for more instructions Transalte Setting

Loader Setting

Do the following in the webpack configuration

exports.export = {
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.js$/,
                loader: 'i18n-auto-webpack/loader',
                options: {
                    watch: true,
                    name: 'i18n.t',
                    dependency: {
                        name: 'i18n',
                        value: 'src/common/i18n.js'

To include the language in any file, use the loader of the tool for these files, the loader path referenced is i18n-auto-webpack/loader.

Common configuration based on the options option in the example:


Whether to listen for updates. If true is set, the developer will collect the new term replacement code in the code every time the hot update is triggered. If it is set to false, only the file that starts the project construction for the first time will collect the entry replacement code, and the newly added entries in subsequent development will not be replaced by the code. Default value is false。 Multiple loaders can be used for different watches.


The call path of the internationalization language switch function. For example, if you want to replace the term entry in the code as the international language switch function, how to call this function will pass what, such as i18n.t('001'), although the final execution is t function, but you call this t need to pass i18n this object, then the complete call path is i18n.t, So name passes i18n.t.


The dependencies required to internationalize the language switching function. For example, the contents of the i18n object are encapsulated in the src/common/i18n.js file. To switch, you need to use the t function in the i18n object. There are two ways to write dependency:

// usage 1
options: {
    name: 'i18n.t',
    dependency: {
        name: 'i18n',
        value: 'src/common/i18n.js'

// This will eventually generate code: import i18n from 'src/common/i18n.js'
// The code will then switch languages using `i18n.t()`

// usage 2
options: {
    name: 't'
    dependency: {
        name: 't',
        objectPattern: true, // deconstructive
        value: 'src/common/i18n.js'

// This will eventually generate code: import { t } from 'src/common/i18n.js'
// The code will then switch languages using `t()`

For details about loader configuration, see Loader Feature


i18n-auto-webpack/loader expects to receive Javascript content, it works by parsing the code that is passed in Javascript into AST, Then analyze the AST to find and extract term and other series of operations, and then return to the Javascript code.

So when you want to use i18n-auto-webpack/loader for a file that is not Javascript content, please use it after another loader converts it to Javascript, please make sure that loader executes in the order.

For example, if you want to include the language entries of template and script in the .vue file, use i18n-auto-webpack/loader for the .vue file.

// webpack config file

const i18nAutoLoaderOptions = {
    watch: true,
    name: 'i18n.t',
    dependency: {
        name: 'i18n',
        value: 'src/common/i18n.js'

// fpr vue-loader v15
module.exports = {
    module: {
        rules: [
            // This is the original rule for using vue-loader on vue files
                test: /\.vue$/,
                loader: 'vue-loader'
            // For the template section of the vue file. This should be a new rule, can not be used in the original use of 'vue-loader' rule
                test: /\.vue$/,
                resourceQuery: /type=template/,
                enforce: 'post',
                loader: 'i18n-auto-webpack/loader',
                options: i18nAutoLoaderOptions
            // The same rules used for js files will also apply to the js code in the script part of the vue file.
                test: /\.js$/,
                use: [
                        loader: 'i18n-auto-webpack/loader',
                        options: i18nAutoLoaderOptions
                        loader: 'babel-loader'

In theory, i18n-auto-webpack/loader can be used with any front-end framework or language, as long as the appropriate loader converts it to Javascript.

Plugin Setting

Do the following in the webpack configuration

import i18nAutoPlugin from 'i18n-auto-webpack/plugin'

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new i18nAutoPlugin({
            watch: true

Whether to monitor updates. If 'true' is set, the developer will collect the newly added Chinese terms in the code and update them into the configuration file every time the hot update is triggered by the code. If the value is set to 'false', only the file that starts the project construction for the first time is used to create a configuration file for entries. The newly added files in subsequent development will not be updated to the configuration file. Default value is false.

Please refer to more configuration of plugin Plugin Feature

Translate Setting

To enable automatic translation function, need to make the appropriate Settings in i18nauto-.config.js.

const {resolve} = require('path')
const rootPath = process.cwd()

module.exports = {
    translate: {
        on: true, // Whether to enable translation
        lang: ['en'], // Which languages to translate into
        path: resolve(rootPath, './lang'), // The directory where the generated translation file resides
        secretId: 'your secretId' // Required. Translate api required by your user information secretId
        secretKey: 'your secretKey' // Required. Translate api information required by your user secretKey

The translation api used by this tool is Tencent Translation. As for why I choose Tencent Translation, of course, I have done a variety of translation api research, and finally found that the api of Tencent Translation is relatively more advantageous to use (apart from the translation results, who is more accurate in my English business level is difficult to judge).

When you have a large number of entries that need to be translated, you don't really care if the translation is accurate or not. If you think the individual translation is not correct, you can manually modify the translation in the generated configuration file. No matter which api you use, there will eventually need to be a human calibration.

Due to the adoption of third-party translation apis, all translation apis now require registered users to obtain authorization to invoke, and free users are limited to use. So to use this tool's translation capabilities, users first need to register Tencent Cloud machine translation, obtain 'secretId' and 'secretKey' in the configuration file.

For security reasons, when your project code is public, do not write your or your company's account 'secretId' and 'secretKey' directly into 'i18Nauto-config.js'. Instead, use environment variables to read the environment variables on your local machine. Or set the 'i18Nauto-config. js' file in '.gitignore' for git version control ignore. This way there is no risk of someone stealing your account.

GET secretId and secretKey

First access Tencent cloud console,Register and log in.

Enter the user-User list and find the corresponding user (if no, create a new user).


Click to enter user details and select Enter API key navigation


Limitations of the translation api

Tencent machine translation api has two limitations that we need to pay attention to:

  • Text translation is free for 5 million characters a month.
  • Request the api no more than five times in one second.

To make it easier for users to use the tool, I have provided two configuration items to stop calling the translation api when the translation exceeds the character limit you specify. see startTotal and endTotal

Note that this number is based on the number of languages translated. For example, if you want to translate "hello" into English and German, then 3 * 2 = 5, which uses up the limit of 5 characters. 3 is the number of characters in Chinese, and 2 is translated into two languages.

The second restriction, 'i18n-auto-webpack', is implemented internally by the tool to satisfy this condition. But because of this, let's say your coded IDE is set to autosave, and when you type the code while autosave triggers recompilation, it will trigger the inclusion of Chinese entries, included in the new Chinese entries will trigger translation, if you save a lot of times quickly, it will frequently trigger the translation interface, And 'i18n-auto-webpack' because of the throttling process, it may lead to less real-time translation, which is inevitable. And we can type the code incorrectly or change it back and forth, the more translations triggered, the more characters translated, and the free limit is only 5 million characters.

Therefore, for these two constraints, to enable automatic translation function, my recommendation is

  1. Either your coded IDE is set to manually save to reduce frequent triggering of hot updates; (Best practice)
  2. Or the loader and plugin part of the 'watch' configuration set to 'false', do not monitor changes and update;
  3. Or turn Auto translation off and select the 'i18n-auto-webpack' method, which provides a separate translation capability, 'i18n-auto-webpack/translate', and write a command that manually triggers the translation whenever you want it. (Best bet)

For details on using separate translation capabilities, see belowTranslate Function

Translate Function

Using the ability provided by 'i18n-auto-webpack/translate', you can write a script to achieve the translation capability.

This allows you to rely on it to write a 'nodejs' script and then write a command in' npm script 'specifically to run the command for final unified translation after the developer has basically written the code. This allows automatic translation to be turned off, circumventing some of the problems caused by the conditional translation api(See the previous section "Limitations of the translation api")

Or if you have already done the internationalization plan, you have already implemented the code replacement and inclusion of Chinese, the only thing left is the translation work, not yet generated the translation language configuration file, then you can use 'i18n-auto-webpack/translate' to help you complete this step.

If you want to use this translation capability alone, you still need to use it with the 'i18Nauto-config. js' file, you need to set the translation interface required by your' secretId 'and' secretKey '


const { createTranslate } = require('i18n-auto-webpack/translate')

const path = require('path')

const target = {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname), // The directory in which the translation results are placed
    lang: ['en'] // The language to be translated

const source = {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'zh.json') // Which Chinese configuration file is used to generate the corresponding internationalization language configuration file

// After this method is executed, the translation result is automatically created/modified to the specified directory
createTranslate(target, source)


There are three params, in the following order target, source, needFile


Param name Type Desc Default Required
path String The directory absolute path to the translation file, excluding the file name Run the method's path + lang directory, which is automatically created if it is not No
lang Array Translation language list ['en'] No
nameRule Function Format the name of the translation file lang + '.json' No


Param name Type Desc Default Required
path String The directory absolute path to the translation source file, containing the file name - Yes


Booealn. Default is true

Represents whether the translation result needs to be generated into the specified directory

  • If a file with the same name exists, the system determines which Chinese characters need to be translated based on the contents of the existing file, and then merges the translation results into the file.
  • If there is no file with the same name, all Chinese translations will be created directly.


Promise. The result of the callback returned is an object with the translated language as' key 'and the translated result as' value', as in

en: {
    1: 'hello',
    2: 'Who am i'

Special case

Individual does not need to be international

When certain terms in the code do not need to be internationalized, then you can add a block comment in the form of a line before the term, indicating that the term does not need to be internationalized, such as:

const word = /*no-i18n-auto*/ '你好';

new Error(/*no-i18n-auto*/ '报错了');

When the conversion function still needs to be written in the code

When you have to use internationalized conversion functions directly in your code, you can still use them with confidence. Such as

// is an internationalized transition function
const word ='1')

The corresponding entry is

// zh.json
    "1": "你好"

i18n-auto-webpack will automatically determine whether the method you call is an internationalization conversion function according to the 'name' value of the internationalization conversion dependency set by you in 'loader', if yes, the term table will reserve the corresponding term for you, and will not say that because the code does not have this Chinese, The corresponding term is deleted from the term table. Of course, at this time you need to manually set the corresponding term in the term table.

module.exports = {
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.js$/,
                use: [
                        loader: 'i18n-auto-webpack/loader',
                        options: {
                            watch: true,
                            name: '', // That's the name to judge
                            dependency: {
                                name: 'i18n',
                                value: 'src/common/i18n.js'

This scenario is more yes, you need to use the internationalization conversion function to pass richer parameters to complete richer capabilities, or the string with 'html' tag needs to be directly rendered (like 'vue' 'v-html'), if you do not handle it yourself to write the internationalization conversion function form, Then the 'html' tag will also be extracted and translated as part of the entry, which may break your logic.

If you use an internationalized conversion function that is called not only by name but also by other means, and you want to keep the entry for the corresponding key, then you can use the alias configuration to specify other ways to call it. For example, if you use 'vue-i18n ', you can use' this.$t() 'directly in the component to call the conversion, you can set' alias: ['$t', '_vm.$t'] 'to preserve the key that calls it:

    loader: 'i18n-auto-webpack/loader',
    options: {
        watch: true,
        name: '',
        alias: ['$t', '_vm.$t'],
        dependency: {
            name: 'i18n',
            value: 'src/common/i18n.js'

At this point, the code uses' 'and' $t 'methods in the key corresponding terms are retained.

In addition,

The use of 'i18n-auto-webpack' is a tool to improve work efficiency, and can be relatively successful in finding Chinese entries in the code to replace, but a variety of code written by various developers, there will be various possibilities, I can only say that most of the general scenes are included, if you encounter special writing or scenes, Unable to successfully extract Chinese using this tool, please let me know and I will supplement, or you may need to adjust the writing of the internationalized conversion function directly in the code. It is inevitable that there is a scenario in the project code that directly uses the internationalization conversion function + Chinese (' i18n-auto-webpack 'helps to include internationalization)。

Detail feature


Feature Desc Type Required Default
entry Entry file configuration for the entry configuration table. When compiling translation code, you need to know the key values of the entries in the existing configuration table, so you need to specify a configuration table file first. Note that this file is a configuration table for the language you want to collect, not a translated configuration table for another language,Has the following properties: Object Yes
path:Path of the configuration table file (excluding the file name) String No Project root directory/lang
filename:The name of the configuration table file (excluding the path) String No zh.json
output Generate the entry configuration table file information included in the code, Has the following properties: Object No When 'entry' is set and 'output' is not set, then follow the 'entry' setting
path:Path of the configuration table file (excluding the file name) String No Project root directory/lang
filename:The name of the configuration table file (excluding the path) String No zh.json
localePattern Included language regular expression, the default is to include Chinese. So if you want to include other languages, you can pass in regular expressions that actually represent other languages RegExp No /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/
translate Set up automatic translation related, Has the following properties: Object No false,Do not enable automatic translation
on:Whether to enable translation Boolean No false
lang:Which languages to translate into Array No ['en']。The language identification can be referred toapi
path: directory where the generated translation file resides String No Project root directory/lang
nameRule:The generated translation file name Function No nameRule (lang) {return lang + '.json' }
startTotal:Indicates how many character limit you have used. The number of translated characters triggered by this startup service will be calculated based on this limit Number No 0
endTotal:When the specified endTotal limit is reached, no more translation requests are triggered. The default value is Tencent translation api free quota, do not want to limit transmission Infinity Number No 5000000
secretId:Translate api user identity secretId, please go to Tencent cloud console to check String Yes
secretKey:Translate api user identity secretKey, please go to Tencent cloud console to check String Yes
region:The language of which region is translated String No ap-beijing
endpoint:Interface request address String No
source:The language to be translated String No zh
projectId:You can enter the project ID according to the configuration in Console, Account Center, and Project Management. If there is no configuration, enter the default project ID:0 Number No 0

About startTotal and endTotal

Because the Tencent Translation api has a free translation limit of 5 million characters per month, if you exceed that, you have to pay. So the 'startTotal' and 'endTotal' Settings will make you feel more comfortable using them. Note that 'startTotal' only accumulates on it from the start of the service (if dev-server is started). We don't know how much credit you used for the previous service, so you may need to change this' startTotal 'every time you start the service

Unfortunately, Tencent machine translation api has no api to query the user's usage limit

As for the sub-attributes under 'translate', starting from 'secretId', they are all configured according to the requirements of Tencent Cloud translation api. For more information, please visit 腾讯云翻译api文档


Feature Desc Type Required Default
includes For files (folders) that support internationalization, the element value is the absolute path of the file (folder). If it is the folder address, end with '/'. Then all files in the folder will be internationalized. Can be used with excludes, excludes has higher priority. Array No []
excludes The element value is the absolute path to the file (folder). If it is the folder address, end with '/', then all files in the folder are excluded. Can be used with includes, excludes has higher priority. Array No []
dependency This configuration can be used if you need to introduce certain dependencies into the file when translating code needed for internationalization. Has the following properties: Object No
name:The name of the variable assigned by the imported dependency, like import name from 'xxx' String Mandatory if dependency is set
value:The path of the dependency introduced, which can be in any format, is actually a string, just like the path of the 'import' or 'require' methods that you want to write in your code. Note that this value is used to determine whether the dependency has been imported into the document. The judgment is based on the exact match of the path string, rather than the actual import file. The import path of a file is not the same, which will cause incorrect judgment String Mandatory if dependency is set
objectPattern:Introduced forms of dependency. If it is in deconstructed format, it needs to be set to true. Boolean No
name Replace the full pathname of the function call that internationalizes the entry in the code String Yes
alias An alias for the full pathname of the function call that internationalizes the entry in the replacement code Array No
watch Whether to monitor file changes in real time and update keys in the configuration table in real time Boolean No false
transform Whether the code needs to be converted. Set this to false if you only want to include entries in your project without converting the code Boolean No true


Configuration item Description Type Required Default
output The priority of the generated configuration table file is higher than that of the global configuration file i18nauto-config.js,Has the following properties: Object No
path:Path of the configuration table file (excluding the file name) String No
filename:The name of the configuration table file (excluding the path) String No
watch Whether to monitor file changes in real time and update configuration files in real time. This is mainly after the development environment is started. When 'watch' is' Object ', it has the following properties: Object | Boolean No false
on:Whether to enable listening Boolean No false
sourceMap Whether to generate a mapping table. When 'sourceMap' is' Object ', it has the following properties: Object | Boolean No false
on:Whether to generate an entry mapping table, recording which entries are in which file Boolean No false
path:Path for storing the generated mapping file (excluding the file name) String No Project root directory/lang
filename:Generated mapping file name (without path) String No zh.sourcemap.json

However, starting a project for the first time, such as in a development environment or a packaged production environment, will necessarily require an update to the entry configuration table depending on the situation.


If you are interested and have any questions when using it, please feel free to ask questions and I will try my best to answer them for you.

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