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RebeccaKahn edited this page Mar 7, 2017 · 47 revisions

Pelagios (Greek for 'of the Sea') is a community network that facilitates linking of online resources that document the past, based on the places they refer to. From the large numismatic database to the personal Flickr photostream, each of our partner datasets represents one piece of the puzzle. Pelagios combines these pieces into a coherent whole that enables connection, exchange and discovery - just as the Mediterranean Sea did for the Ancient World.


Pelagios is co-ordinated by: Elton Barker (The Open University), Leif Isaksen (The University of Lancaster), Rainer Simon (The Austrian Institute of Technology), Rebecca Kahn (Alexander von Humbold Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin) and Valeria Vitale (School of Advanced Study, London). For more information, please:

Pelagios has been funded by JISC (the Joint Information Systems Committee) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.