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Failure to read model in Tensorflow r1.0 #6

kivo360 opened this issue Feb 27, 2017 · 11 comments

Failure to read model in Tensorflow r1.0 #6

kivo360 opened this issue Feb 27, 2017 · 11 comments


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kivo360 commented Feb 27, 2017

Hey I'm getting this error in Tensorflow 1.0 after modifying the code to get working

NotFoundError (see above for traceback): Tensor name "rnnlm/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/gru_cell/candidate/biases" not found in checkpoint files models/reddit/model.ckpt-4682964
	 [[Node: save/RestoreV2_4 = RestoreV2[dtypes=[DT_FLOAT], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](_recv_save/Const_0, save/RestoreV2_4/tensor_names, save/RestoreV2_4/shape_and_slices)]]
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kivo360 commented Feb 27, 2017

Here's the updated code by the way

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.rnn import core_rnn_cell as rnn_cell
from tensorflow.contrib import legacy_seq2seq as seq2seq

import numpy as np

class Model():
    def __init__(self, args, infer=False): # infer is set to true during sampling.
        self.args = args
        if infer:
            # Worry about one character at a time during sampling; no batching or BPTT.
            args.batch_size = 1
            args.seq_length = 1

        # Set cell_fn to the type of network cell we're creating -- RNN, GRU or LSTM.
        if args.model == 'rnn':
            cell_fn = rnn_cell.BasicRNNCell
        elif args.model == 'gru':
            cell_fn = rnn_cell.GRUCell
        elif args.model == 'lstm':
            cell_fn = rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell
            raise Exception("model type not supported: {}".format(args.model))

        # Call tensorflow library tensorflow-master/tensorflow/python/ops/rnn_cell
        # to create a layer of rnn_size cells of the specified basic type (RNN/GRU/LSTM).
        # cell = cell_fn(args.rnn_size, state_is_tuple=True)
        cell = cell_fn(args.rnn_size)

        # Use the same rnn_cell library to create a stack of these cells
        # of num_layers layers. Pass in a python list of these cells.
        # (The [cell] * arg.num_layers syntax literally duplicates cell multiple times in
        # a list. The syntax is such that [5, 6] * 3 would return [5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6].)
        self.cell = cell = rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([cell] * args.num_layers, state_is_tuple=True)

        # Create two TF placeholder nodes of 32-bit ints (NOT floats!),
        # each of shape batch_size x seq_length. This shape matches the batches
        # (listed in x_batches and y_batches) constructed in create_batches in
        # input_data will receive input batches, and targets will be what it compares against
        # to calculate loss.
        self.input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [args.batch_size, args.seq_length])
        self.targets = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [args.batch_size, args.seq_length])

        # Using the zero_state function in the RNNCell master class in rnn_cell library,
        # create a tensor of zeros such that we can swap it in for the network state at any time
        # to zero out the network's state.
        # State dimensions are: cell_fn state size (2 for LSTM) x rnn_size x num_layers.
        # So an LSTM network with 100 cells per layer and 3 layers would have a state size of 600,
        # and initial_state would have a dimension of none x 600.
        self.initial_state = self.cell.zero_state(args.batch_size, tf.float32)

        # Scope our new variables to the scope identifier string "rnnlm".
        with tf.variable_scope('rnnlm'):
            # Create new variable softmax_w and softmax_b for output.
            # softmax_w is a weights matrix from the top layer of the model (of size rnn_size)
            # to the vocabulary output (of size vocab_size).
            softmax_w = tf.get_variable("softmax_w", [args.rnn_size, args.vocab_size])
            # softmax_b is a bias vector of the ouput characters (of size vocab_size).
            softmax_b = tf.get_variable("softmax_b", [args.vocab_size])
            # [TODO: Why specify CPU? Same as the TF translation tutorial, but don't know why.]
            with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
                # Create new variable named 'embedding' to connect the character input to the base layer
                # of the RNN. Its role is the conceptual inverse of softmax_w.
                # It contains the trainable weights from the one-hot input vector to the lowest layer of RNN.
                embedding = tf.get_variable("embedding", [args.vocab_size, args.rnn_size])
                # Create an embedding tensor with tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, self.input_data).
                # This tensor has dimensions batch_size x seq_length x rnn_size.
                # tf.split splits that embedding lookup tensor into seq_length tensors (along dimension 1).
                # Thus inputs is a list of seq_length different tensors,
                # each of dimension batch_size x 1 x rnn_size.
                inputs = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=args.seq_length, value=tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, self.input_data))
                # Iterate through these resulting tensors and eliminate that degenerate second dimension of 1,
                # i.e. squeeze each from batch_size x 1 x rnn_size down to batch_size x rnn_size.
                # Thus we now have a list of seq_length tensors, each with dimension batch_size x rnn_size.
                inputs = [tf.squeeze(input_, [1]) for input_ in inputs]

        # This looping function is used as part of seq2seq.rnn_decoder only during sampling -- not training.
        # prev is a 2D Tensor of shape [batch_size x cell.output_size].
        # returns a 2D Tensor of shape [batch_size x cell.input_size].
        def loop(prev, _):
            # prev is initially the top cell state.
            # Convert the top cell state into character logits.
            prev = tf.matmul(prev, softmax_w) + softmax_b
            # Pull the character with the greatest logit (no sampling, just argmaxing).
            prev_symbol = tf.stop_gradient(tf.argmax(prev, 1))
            # Re-embed that symbol as the next step's input, and return that.
            return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, prev_symbol)

        # Set up a seq2seq decoder from the library.
        # This constructs the outputs and states nodes of the network.
        # Outputs is a list (of len seq_length, same as inputs) of tensors of shape [batch_size x rnn_size].
        # These are the raw output values of the top layer of the network at each time step.
        # They have NOT been fed through the decoder projection; they are still in network space,
        # not character space.
        # State is a tensor of shape [batch_size x cell.state_size].
        # This is also the step where all of the trainable parameters for the LSTM (weights and biases) are defined.
        outputs, self.final_state = seq2seq.rnn_decoder(inputs,
                self.initial_state, cell, loop_function=loop if infer else None, scope='rnnlm')
        # tf.concat concatenates the output tensors along the rnn_size dimension,
        # to make a single tensor of shape [batch_size x (seq_length * rnn_size)].
        # This gives the following 2D outputs matrix:
        #   [(rnn output: batch 0, seq 0) (rnn output: batch 0, seq 1) ... (rnn output: batch 0, seq seq_len-1)]
        #   [(rnn output: batch 1, seq 0) (rnn output: batch 1, seq 1) ... (rnn output: batch 1, seq seq_len-1)]
        #   ...
        #   [(rnn output: batch batch_size-1, seq 0) (rnn output: batch batch_size-1, seq 1) ... (rnn output: batch batch_size-1, seq seq_len-1)]
        # tf.reshape then reshapes it to a tensor of shape [(batch_size * seq_length) x rnn_size].
        # Output will now be the following matrix:
        #   [rnn output: batch 0, seq 0]
        #   [rnn output: batch 0, seq 1]
        #   ...
        #   [rnn output: batch 0, seq seq_len-1]
        #   [rnn output: batch 1, seq 0]
        #   [rnn output: batch 1, seq 1]
        #   ...
        #   [rnn output: batch 1, seq seq_len-1]
        #   ...
        #   ...
        #   [rnn output: batch batch_size-1, seq seq_len-1]
        # Note the following comment in
        #   Note: in many cases it may be more efficient to not use this wrapper,
        #   but instead concatenate the whole sequence of your outputs in time,
        #   do the projection on this batch-concatenated sequence, then split it
        #   if needed or directly feed into a softmax.
        output = tf.reshape(tf.concat(axis=1, values=outputs), [-1, args.rnn_size])
        # Obtain logits node by applying output weights and biases to the output tensor.
        # Logits is a tensor of shape [(batch_size * seq_length) x vocab_size].
        # Recall that outputs is a 2D tensor of shape [(batch_size * seq_length) x rnn_size],
        # and softmax_w is a 2D tensor of shape [rnn_size x vocab_size].
        # The matrix product is therefore a new 2D tensor of [(batch_size * seq_length) x vocab_size].
        # In other words, that multiplication converts a loooong list of rnn_size vectors
        # to a loooong list of vocab_size vectors.
        # Then add softmax_b (a single vocab-sized vector) to every row of that list.
        # That gives you the logits!
        self.logits = tf.matmul(output, softmax_w) + softmax_b
        # Convert logits to probabilities. Probs isn't used during training! That node is never calculated.
        # Like logits, probs is a tensor of shape [(batch_size * seq_length) x vocab_size].
        # During sampling, this means it is of shape [1 x vocab_size].
        self.probs = tf.nn.softmax(self.logits)
        # seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example returns 1D float Tensor containing the log-perplexity
        # for each sequence. (Size is batch_size * seq_length.)
        # Targets are reshaped from a [batch_size x seq_length] tensor to a 1D tensor, of the following layout:
        #   target character (batch 0, seq 0)
        #   target character (batch 0, seq 1)
        #   ...
        #   target character (batch 0, seq seq_len-1)
        #   target character (batch 1, seq 0)
        #   ...
        # These targets are compared to the logits to generate loss.
        # Logits: instead of a list of character indices, it's a list of character index probability vectors.
        # seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example will do the work of generating losses by comparing the one-hot vectors
        # implicitly represented by the target characters against the probability distrutions in logits.
        # It returns a 1D float tensor (a vector) where item i is the log-perplexity of
        # the comparison of the ith logit distribution to the ith one-hot target vector.
        loss = seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example([self.logits], # logits: 1-item list of 2D Tensors of shape [batch_size x vocab_size]
                [tf.reshape(self.targets, [-1])], # targets: 1-item list of 1D batch-sized int32 Tensors of the same length as logits
                [tf.ones([args.batch_size * args.seq_length])], # weights: 1-item list of 1D batch-sized float-Tensors of the same length as logits
                args.vocab_size) # num_decoder_symbols: integer, number of decoder symbols (output classes)
        # Cost is the arithmetic mean of the values of the loss tensor
        # (the sum divided by the total number of elements).
        # It is a single-element floating point tensor. This is what the optimizer seeks to minimize.
        self.cost = tf.reduce_sum(loss) / args.batch_size / args.seq_length
        # Create a summary for our cost.
        tf.summary.scalar("cost", self.cost)
        # Create a node to track the learning rate as it decays through the epochs. = tf.Variable(args.learning_rate, trainable=False)
        self.global_epoch_fraction = tf.Variable(0.0, trainable=False)
        self.global_seconds_elapsed = tf.Variable(0.0, trainable=False)
        tvars = tf.trainable_variables() # tvars is a python list of all trainable TF Variable objects.

        # tf.gradients returns a list of tensors of length len(tvars) where each tensor is sum(dy/dx).
        grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(self.cost, tvars),
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( # Use ADAM optimizer with the current learning rate.
        # Zip creates a list of tuples, where each tuple is (variable tensor, gradient tensor).
        # Training op nudges the variables along the gradient, with the given learning rate, using the ADAM optimizer.
        # This is the op that a training session should be instructed to perform.
        self.train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tvars))
        self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()

    def save_variables_list(self):
        # Return a list of the trainable variables created within the rnnlm model.
        # This consists of the two projection softmax variables (softmax_w and softmax_b),
        # embedding, and all of the weights and biases in the MultiRNNCell model.
        # Save only the trainable variables and the placeholders needed to resume training;
        # discard the rest, including optimizer state.
        save_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='rnnlm')
        return save_vars

    def forward_model(self, sess, state, input_sample):
        '''Run a forward pass. Return the updated hidden state and the output probabilities.'''
        shaped_input = np.array([[input_sample]], np.float32)
        inputs = {self.input_data: shaped_input,
                    self.initial_state: state}
        [probs, state] =[self.probs, self.final_state], feed_dict=inputs)
        return probs[0], state

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I guess you have to retrain model with tensorflow 1.0?

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pender commented Feb 28, 2017

Yeah it looks like the variable names changed with Tensorflow 1.0 (this repo was created under v0.11). I haven't looked into this in depth yet but I expect the right dictionary used in connection with a saver will make it possible to fix this without retraining the model from scratch.

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I got the same problem.I retrained the model with tensorflow1.0.It worked.That`s all.

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FaisalAbid commented Mar 2, 2017 via email

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Anyone who success to convert pre-trained model working on TF >1.0 without retraining?

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brvins commented Aug 26, 2017

I am getting the same error with tesorflow 1.3 . Can anyone help on how to resolve this issue

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ghost commented Aug 31, 2017


Yeah it looks like the variable names changed with Tensorflow 1.0 (this repo was created under v0.11). I haven't looked into this in depth yet but I expect the right dictionary used in connection with a saver will make it possible to fix this without retraining the model from scratch.

I tried this and it works. Thank you. But can you please confirm if what i have done is correct?

I used the below list


Then in sample_main(args) function I assigned this list to variable tensors to form a dict to be passed to tf.train.Saver.

saver = tf.train.Saver(builtins.dict(zip(names_list,tf.trainable_variables())))

Placed the whole code here . Not sure how to contribute to this repo(still new to git hub)

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@aguang1201 It would be of great help to me if you can upload your trained model here.

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@NarahariKaushik This solved the problem for me. Thank you.

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pender commented Jan 6, 2018

Nice job @NarahariKaushik ! I hoped that would work.

I've now updated the whole repo to TF 1.4 and Python3, and I retrained a new (and much larger) model from scratch for several months. I also simplified the vocabulary so that every net trained with this version of the code will use the same ASCII output to make it possible to initially train on one data set and then fine-tune the same model on another one. All that is to say that the old model is probably no longer usable. But, a new one is available! :)

@pender pender closed this as completed Jan 6, 2018
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